Chapter 206 Huanhuan, punish me
Qin Huanhuan felt that maybe it was over, and he was tossing him into falling asleep.

"No...I want to say now..."

"Ah..." Before she finished speaking, her voice turned into a groan.

"Be obedient." The man adjusted the atmosphere to the highest point.

The whole room was full of charming atmosphere, Qin Huan finally forgot what he was going to say.

When I woke up the next day, it was only six o'clock.

The man was still sleeping, his eyes closed like a noble prince.

Qin Huanxi couldn't help pecking lightly on his lips.

After a few pecks, she rolled over and got out of bed.

Last night's luggage hadn't been packed yet, and now she had hidden the presents in the suitcase and tidied the suitcase again.

With all the things that should be brought, Qin Huanxi pulled up the zipper of the suitcase in satisfaction.

Suddenly, a shadow enveloped her head.

As soon as Qin Huan raised his head, he saw a man with a chill all over his body.

Xiao Moqian's face was gloomy, his eyes were filled with ice as he looked at her.

"Where do you want to go?" The man's voice was full of anger.


Before Qin Huanxi finished speaking, Xiao Moqian kicked over the suitcase.

The man's strength was immeasurable, the shell was broken immediately, and everything was kicked out.

Xiao Moqian's whole body was trembling, and he was so angry that he wanted to destroy everything.

But he tried his best to control himself, afraid of hurting the little woman who was looking at him in horror.

How can she do this?
After making out with him, you plan to leave?
Is she leaving him again?
Xiao Moqian was a little flustered when he found that Qin Huanle's eyes had changed.

He was too impulsive just now and scared her.

But who knows how much pain and fear he felt when he saw her secretly packing her luggage?

He was afraid of losing her!

"Xiao Moqian, I'm just going on a trip with my classmates..." Qin Huan felt his scalp tingling as he looked at his terrifying eyes.

Traveling with classmates?Not to leave him?
This change came too fast, Xiao Moqian regretted that he had accused Qin Huanxiu Xingshi indiscriminately just now.

He knelt down and slowly helped Qin Huanhuan pack up his things, feeling regretful in his heart.

"I don't need you." Qin Huan was also annoyed by his attitude, and immediately grabbed what was in his hand.

With a cold face, she didn't even look at him.

Seeing the little girl's angry appearance, Xiao Moqian became in a very good mood.

He likes her to lose her temper with him as she pleases and make all kinds of demands.

Looking at the little woman with a cold face, he walked behind Qin Huanxi and hugged her into his arms.

With her chin resting on her hair, she spoke in a low voice, "Huanhuan, I'm sorry, I just thought you were leaving me, I couldn't control it, I'm sorry."

Qin Huanhuan was very surprised, she did not expect that Xiao Moqian, who was always cold, selfish and arrogant, would apologize to her.

Qin Huanxi was still in shock and didn't reply for a long time.

Xiao Moqian thought she was angry with him, so he hugged her helplessly, "Huanhuan, punish me!"

His tone was pitiful, like a pissed-off little bun.

"Puff." Qin Huanxi couldn't help laughing, and accidentally burst out laughing.

She originally wanted to pretend to scare this man, but she didn't expect him to have a coaxing function, and she made herself laugh with a few words.

Seeing Qin Huanle smile, Xiao Moqian's heart was relieved.

"Why don't you tell me in advance how to travel, so I can help you arrange it."

"I wanted to say last night, did you give me a chance?"

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(End of this chapter)

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