Chapter 209 Straight to the hotel

Maybe Xiao Moqian's character is too boring.

And she has always been a little afraid of him.

Wait, now she is his girlfriend, why are you afraid of him?
Thinking of this, Qin Huanxi felt as if he had a chicken blood, and said to the phone, "These days when I'm not here, you can't randomly discharge girls, you can't strike up a conversation with girls, you can't..."

Qin Huanxi said several times in a row that she couldn't do it, but Xiao Moqian didn't respond.

"Hey, Xiao Moqian, did you hear what I said?"

"Understood, my honorable mistress."

"It's almost there."

Qin Huanhuan hung up the phone with satisfaction, took a taxi and went straight to the hotel.


Xiao Moqian looked at the phone and smiled like a fool.

The tone of Qin Huanhuan's words to him just now was like a girlfriend controlling her boyfriend.

Although Qin Huanhuan's exhortation just now is completely superfluous.

He despises all the girls, except Qin Huanxi.

But her words put him in a very good mood.

Finally, their relationship took another step.

When Lu Yihan opened the door and came in, he saw Xiao Moqian's stupid look.

Shaking his hand in front of Xiao Moqian's eyes, "Oh, brother, come back to your soul."

When Xiao Moqian was called out like this, his soul came back, but what he came back was also accompanied by his cold and stern gaze.

Lu Yihan was frightened by his gaze and took several steps back.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Moqian still maintained his cold and stern manner.

Lu Yihan patted his chest in shock, "I said boss, I was scared to death by you just now, I called your soul back, but mine was lost."

Xiao Moqian has long been used to Lu Yihan's nagging character.

He is quiet and he is lively, otherwise the two would not have been good friends for so many years.

After Lu Yihan finished speaking, Xiao Moqian didn't reply, but looked up at him, and then buried himself in the document again.

Lu Yihan knew that with his character, it was fine to not speak for a day.

So without waiting for Xiao Moqian to answer, he continued, "That boy Qi Fei formed a game at KINGPARK tonight. I happened to pass by, so I came up to inform you."

"No." Xiao Moqian didn't lift his head.

"Isn't it?" Lu Yihan looked disappointed, "Boss, didn't you forget about your brother when you got a woman? Tell me, how long has it been since you came out to have fun with us?"

Xiao Moqian put down the documents in his hand, and said patiently, "I'm going to fly to Zhucheng later, Huanhuan is going on a trip with her roommate, I'm worried."

"What? Went on a trip with her roommate? Bai Liusu is going too?" Lu Yihan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly.


After receiving Xiao Moqian's answer, his heart beat wildly.

His little Susu!

He finally had the chance to travel with her.

Lu Yihan ran over without a trace and hugged Xiao Moqian's thigh, "Boss, for my little brother's happiness for the rest of my life, please be sure to take it with you."

"Get lost, I already have a wife." Xiao Moqian took Lu Yihan's hand away in disgust.

Only Huanhuan can touch his body.

Lu Yihan took his hand away resentfully, "Boss, you can't treat me like this!"

He turned out to be disgusted.

Lu Yihan was so excited that he ignored Xiao Moqian's words about having a wife.

He took a step back, but looking at Xiao Moqian, his eyes were still full of hope...

In the end, Xiao Ran helped Lu Yihan book another plane ticket.

When Xiao Moqian arrived in Zhucheng, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

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(End of this chapter)

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