Chapter 212 It Looks Scary

Seeing that he didn't speak, Bai Liusu went on to say, "Or you are just on a whim, but do you know how much inconvenience this will cause my life?

Because you deliberately approached me, I was often excluded by others in the crew, or I was photographed by a reporter one day, and then I was thrown rotten eggs by your fans.

When you are playful, can you consider other people's positions?It is not someone who is born, like you, doing what you want carefree with a golden spoon in your mouth.

Have you ever thought about how shameless it would be for you to trample on that girl if she really gave her heart to you? "

Bai Liusu is really going to be driven crazy by Lu Yihan recently, and her tone is a bit heavy.

After yelling, she ran away in a flash.

"Asshole, I thought he was different from others, but I didn't expect that he is also the kind of rich second generation who is obsessed with paper and gold."

Seeing that Lu Yihan didn't follow, Bai Liusu found a resting place and sat down.

It's just that Lu Yihan made such a fuss, and his mood was somewhat affected.

Forget it, she just hopes to complete the task assigned by the BOSS properly.

Anyway, Lu Yihan will only be a passer-by in her life.

Bai Liusu was not as sad and sentimental as ordinary girls.

When I adjusted my mood and was about to go back, I happened to see Wang Ningning making a phone call not far away.

Bai Liusu intended to scare her, so he walked over quietly.

Wang Ningning didn't seem to notice the situation around her. She didn't notice until Bai Liusu walked behind her.

Just as she hung up the phone, Bai Liusu reached out and patted her on the shoulder.


When Wang Ningning turned around and saw that it was Bai Liusu, he screamed loudly on purpose, as if he had been frightened by something.

"Are you all right, Ningning?"

Bai Liusu saw that Wang Ningning's frightened face was as pale as paper, and there was guilt in his eyes.

Looking at Bai Liusu's reaction, Wang Ningning knew that she hadn't heard what he said on the phone just now.

Fortunately, she didn't hear it. It seems that she should be more careful next time.

Wang Ningning pretended to be shocked and sighed, "Susu, you scared me to death."

Bai Liusu touched her head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry! I'm just too boring, seeing how serious you are on the phone..."

"It's okay!" Wang Ningning waved to Bai Liusu, indicating that he didn't mind.

Then the two of them walked slowly back to the guest room.

She had already talked with Feng Xi'an on the phone just now.

This time, she refused to help Feng Xi'an again.

If Feng Xi'an can get rid of Qin Huanxi, she will tell Xiao Moqian that Feng Xi'an did it.

At that time, the two rivals will disappear, and it will be her who will benefit.

Just now she also tricked Feng Xi'an into saying that Feng Xi'an would cause accidents in the swimming pool.

Then, as long as she gets Qin Huanxi to the swimming pool...

When Bai Liusu and Wang Ningning walked to the lobby, they saw Lu Yihan again.

He was wearing a handsome black super and sat there reading a newspaper.

In fact, as long as he doesn't speak, he can really be regarded as the number one fresh meat in the entertainment industry.

The face is full of collagen, with sharp edges and corners, which is a very distinctive appearance.

The point is that 26 looks like 18.

Like Bao Sihao, he has a baby face.

But Bao Sihao looked evil, while Lu Yihan was sunny.

Seeing him, Bai Liusu really wanted to take a detour.

But Lu Yihan had already seen her, put down the newspaper in his hand, and walked towards her with graceful steps.

It's not the usual funny style.

There was no expression on his face, which looked a little scary.

(End of this chapter)

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