Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 219 Wang Ningning is in a hurry again

Chapter 219 Wang Ningning is in a hurry again
Wang Ningning's eyes were full of hope, and all he wanted in his heart was that Qin Huanhuan agreed quickly, agreed quickly.

Qin Huanxi was a little terrified just now because of the electric light, but became peaceful because of Xiao Moqian's arrival.

But she felt that although Wang Ningning was looking at herself, it seemed to be looking at Xiao Moqian.

Qin Huanxi's heart skipped a beat, Wang Ningning's eyes were very different from before...

Seeing that Qin Huanhuan didn't respond for a long time, Wang Ningning looked at Xiao Xiao again, "Xiao Xiao, Huanhuan is accompanied, how about we go down together?"

She knew Xiao Xiao'ai's lively character, so if she invited her, she would definitely call Qin Huanxi.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Xiao's voice rang out, "Huanhuan, why don't you come with your boyfriend? Let's compete, the loser..."

Xiao Xiao thought for a while, his eyes rolled, as if he was thinking of some bad idea.

Sure enough, the next moment Qin Huanxi heard her say, "Who loses like a dog?"

It sounds good, and Qin Huanxi has never seen Xiao Moqian's demeanor in swimming, not to mention, she is looking forward to learning how to bark when she loses.

She asked Xiao Moqian with some uncertainty.

Unexpectedly, the man nodded in agreement.

Now Wang Ningning is in a hurry again.

She doesn't care whether Qin Huanhuan or Xiao Xiao go down.

It would be better for the two of them to die in the swimming pool together!
But now that Qin Huanxi is going to take Xiao Moqian into the water, then Xiao Moqian will also have an accident together.

Feng Xi'an told her before that there would be an accident like an electric leakage.

Just had a power outage, so it must have all been fixed.

Now the swimming pool must be full of electricity, plus so much water, people will definitely be electrocuted to death immediately...

Anyone can die, but Xiao Moqian can't.

Since she was ten years old, she was lucky enough to attend the Tang family banquet and met Xiao Moqian and fell in love with him.

She fell in love earlier than anyone else, and she was the most qualified to stay by his side.

She just wanted to trick Qin Huanhuan into the water first, and Qin Huanhuan would definitely die once he got in.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Xiao goes in together, as long as he lives.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Moqian would also go down.

How to do how to do?
Wang Ningning was thinking anxiously, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the little girl standing beside her.

Because her mother was looking at Xiao Moqian, she was thrown by the swimming pool when she came up.

By the way, as long as someone is pushed down, they will naturally find that there is a problem with the water.

In this way, Xiao Moqian doesn't have to go down.

As for Qin Huanxi, she had to figure out a way to deal with it, anyway, there were still several days to go!

Wang Ningning's eyes flashed a vicious and vicious look, and he quietly looked at the people around him, and saw that their eyes were not on him, and they were standing right now, which happened to be out of the reach of the camera...

She moved quietly, and when she reached the side of the child, she stretched out her hand and pushed her into the swimming pool.

After pushing, she hurriedly took a step away from where the little girl fell into the water.

The little girl only came in time to let out a scream, but there was no movement at all.

The people present heard the sound and all looked into the swimming pool.

The little girl didn't even struggle anymore, only one or two faint flashes of lightning.

Seeing the sudden accident, Qin Huanxi's bright eyes narrowed sharply.

How did it happen?

The little girl's mother just reacted and ran into the swimming pool like crazy.

With a "plop", she also jumped into the water.

 Ahhhh, I seem to be a little Cavan......

  How to do how to do?
  I don't know if the recommendation ticket is useful to me...


(End of this chapter)

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