Chapter 230 Being Helped Over
Xiao Moqian and the others slowly climbed down the stairs from the rooftop.

During the period, they encountered several groups of people who came up to look for them, but they all killed them with silenced pistols.

On the first floor, they secretly hid behind the fire door.

Those people were pointing guns at the hotel staff.

All the people in the hotel held their heads in their hands and squatted together.

There are about 30 people.

At this moment, a waitress happened to look up at the killers.


The person she saw shot her in the head with a single shot.

The gun shot straight between the eyebrows, and the man fell down immediately.

It's too cruel, just a look, and people are killed.

Even though Xiao Moqian was always cold, he couldn't help but frowned.

Who is it?

After winking at the people behind, he picked up his phone and sent a text message.

A few minutes later, he received a reply.

Then he gestured to Xiao Zhiqian and the others, and rushed out.

As they rushed out, gunfire rang out outside.

With just a few sounds, several of those killers fell down.

Xiao Moqian and the others attacked from behind.

Attacking back and forth, those people were quickly subdued, and even most of them were killed.

He wants to keep these people and see whose power it is.

"Thank you, thank you for saving us."

Those who were rescued would be grateful to Xiao Moqian.

With a calm expression, Xiao Moqian pointed to the outside of the gate, "The person you want to thank is him."

Following his words, a man in a black suit walked outside
He was tall and strong, but he had a beard on his young and handsome face, which made his handsome face look a bit rough.

The leader of country F's largest underworld force - Mo Feng.

"Boss, can't you let him keep a low profile for a while?"

Mo Feng looked rough, but his voice was soft.

It looks inconsistent with the shape.

But Lu Yihan was frightened by his boss.

The biggest brother in the underworld is called the boss Xiao Moqian, so Xiao Moqian is...?
Xiao Moqian seemed to be quite familiar with Mo Feng, and asked familiarly, "I think you really want to make a high profile."

"The one who knows me is the boss!" Mo Feng flattered, walked up to the person who had just thanked him, and said with some embarrassment, "I am the one who saved you, come and thank me!"

Everyone, "..."

Xiao Moqian ignored Mo Feng, who was playing tricks, and walked towards the door with long legs.

He had to find Qin Huanhuan quickly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huanxi appeared in front of him just after walking a few steps.

The two were separated by two or three meters, and looked at each other from a distance.

Qin Huanxi's eyes were full of worry.

In the next second, she ran over like flying and hugged Xiao Moqian tightly.

God knows how worried she was just now...

The two hugged for a long time before separating.

Xiao Moqian brought Qin Huanxi into the hotel lobby.

The lobby was in a mess.

There were countless bullet holes at the scene, and all the high-end decorations were shot through.

Many people were contained, and they all had some injuries, but none of them were life-threatening.

Qin Huanxi carefully looked at the detainees, all of them were armed and covered themselves tightly with bulletproof vests.

Some just appeared on the rooftop, while others didn't.

These are Xiao Moqian's own forces?
The ability is really great, and they were all captured alive.

After being captured by Shude last time, Qin Huanxi knew that Xiao Moqian's strength was much higher than what others knew.

She slowly scanned the surroundings, only to see Wang Ningning being supported by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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