Chapter 256

But I didn't expect that after just a few steps, I was stopped by a group of reporters carrying long guns and short cannons.

The big guy who said he was going to interview the Qin family just now also appeared.

Qin Huanxi sneered in her heart, she came so fast!
All of them surrounded Qin Huanxi, densely packed, surrounding the three of them.

The big guy turned on the live broadcast, and the reporter's camera was waiting seriously.

"Miss Qin, the news about you being adopted and abandoning your family has been on the headlines for many days. May I ask, what do you think?"

"Miss Qin, can you talk about it?"

"Miss Qin, someone just broke the news that you threw feces at fans, can you explain?"

And the big guy over there has already made a conclusion for the melon-eaters in front of the screen, "Everyone see that our camera is now facing Qin Huanxi, she is silent under the reporter's question, and she doesn't dare to meet our eyes , proves that she has a ghost in her heart."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the camera to Qin Huanhuan.

At this time, Qin Huanhuan was being pressed by reporters every step of the way. Dozens of reporters were all passing the microphones in front of her. Bai Liusu and Mo Feng were protecting her, but she was still accidentally poked by the microphone.

"Miss Qin, how about I beat them to the ground?" Mo Feng asked in a low voice standing beside her.

Qin Huan shook his head, "No, this way they have more topics to write about."

Mo Feng scratched his head, he was going crazy.

These people are like flies, buzzing in the ear, annoying to death.

Bai Liusu was also forced to stand beside Qin Huanhuan. She scanned the surroundings, but her gaze stopped on the opposite side. There was a person wearing a sun hat, secretly watching them from behind the street lamp.

Her face sank, she reached into her pocket, and pressed a few times on the phone.

Qin Huanhuan noticed Bai Liusu's gaze and followed her gaze.

is her?The person who followed her that day!

Qin Huanxi quietly pulled Bai Liusu's sleeve and told her in a low voice.

Seeing that Qin Huanhuan did not answer, those reporters hurriedly asked, "Miss Qin, do you have some ulterior secret for keeping silent like this?"

"Yes, or did we all agree?"

The big guy said to the screen emphatically, "Baby, we have been waiting for 5 minutes, and Qin Huanxi still refuses to make a sound. Is this matter really as it is said on the Internet? Really?"

"Of course it's true." As soon as she finished speaking, a female voice sounded from behind the reporter.

The reporters looked back, Qin Qingqing and Chen Chunhua walked directly towards Qin Huanxi, and they automatically gave way.

"Oh my God! Today is really exciting. Qin Huanxi's aunts and sisters have all appeared. Let's interview them now to see what they think of Qin Huanxi."

When the big guy saw Qin Qingqing, he pointed the screen at her and asked, "Hello, Miss Qin Qingqing, is it true that Qin Huanle abandoned you when you broke the news?"

Qin Qingqing took the microphone and glanced at Qin Huanxi with complacency from the corner of her eyes.

But she actually saw a sneer in Qin Huanhuan's eyes?

The corners of Qin Qingqing's lips curled up in a cold arc, and he was about to lose his reputation, so he was so proud?
She really wanted to see how Qin Huanle was cast aside.

She took over the microphone pretending to be elegant, facing the screen, her eyes were filled with tears, "What I said is true, she not only abandoned us, but also beat us, you see..."

Qin Qingqing pulled Chen Chunhua and raised her bandaged hand, "My mother's injury was caused by her beating."

 Well, I have suspected many times that I am on a single machine.

  But looking at those recommendation votes, I'm glad that there are so many little cuties who silently support me.

  By the way, aren't you going to show your face for me to see?

  Leave a book review, leave a chapter review or something.

  Don't be shy, let's get to know each other well. .

  Treacherous face...


(End of this chapter)

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