Chapter 272 Thinking So Evil
Qin Huanhuan wanted to remind Wang Ningning out of good intentions, but she didn't expect that she would think herself so evil.

After listening to Lu Di's words, Wang Ningning raised her face proudly. She looked at Bai Liusu and Xiao Xiao, "Susu, Xiao Xiao, you can pick whatever you like, and I'll see you off."

She didn't really want to give it away, she just wanted to find a sense of presence in front of them.

As for Qin Huanhuan's wedding dress, she gave it to her, and she may not have the chance to wear it. Wait a minute, the news of Qin Huanhuan's betrayal of Xiao Moqian eight years ago will be overwhelming.

Bai Liusu didn't reply to Xiao Xiao, but the waiter who just swiped her card came over.

Wang Ningning still raised her chin high, looking like she was defying all beings with her nostrils.

She was thinking about how Qin Huanxi would thank her later, but the waiter's words gave her a cold head, "Miss, I'm sorry, your card balance is insufficient, and there is no way to pay."

"How is it possible? There are 5000 million in my card." Wang Ningning looked unbelievable.

"The price of our wedding dress is 8000 million. Do you want to change the card?" The waiter said politely.

Wang Ningning's face froze instantly.

Ordinary bridal shops, at most a few hundred pieces, those custom-made by big brands, are only 2000 to [-] million.

In this store, it costs 8000 million?
Now all her net worth add up, not so much!
Many different expressions flashed across her face in an instant.

Just now I boasted so much that no one of them would pick one, but when she turned around, she became unable to pay?

No, she finally had a chance to slap Qin Huanhuan in the face, how could she let them know that she didn't have enough money and then laugh at herself.

Wang Ningning was thinking, and faced the waiter with a straight face, "Your store is a black shop, right? Such a broken wedding dress costs 8000 million yuan? It's a scam, right?"

After hearing what she said, Lu Di rolled his eyes at the sky, and then said to Wang Ningning calmly, "My Linda's design is still worth 8000 million yuan. If it weren't for this dress, it would be worn by Huanhuan , I’m going to charge [-] million, if you don’t have taste, don’t come here to insult your IQ, okay?”

She figured it out, she was here to find fault, so what she said was not polite.

Qin Huan glanced at Wang Ningning, whose face turned blue and white, with complicated eyes.

If it was the former Ningning, it would definitely not be like this.

She had hinted so many times just now, but she turned a blind eye to it, which made Qin Huanhuan feel a little colder when he wanted to believe her.

When Wang Ningning met Qin Huanhuan's eyes, she felt a burst of sarcasm on her. Her face was hot, and she bit her lip before trying to force out a word.

"Huanhuan, you pick it first, I still have something to do, so I'll be here first."

After the words fell, she left quickly without looking back.

It's just that the fundus of her eyes is full of unwillingness.

Why is it that every time she wants to see Qin Huanxi being unlucky, she is safe and sound?

Wang Ningning clenched her hands tightly, her nails were about to dig into her flesh, Qin Huanxi, just wait, when the news comes out, see how you become Xiao Moqian's bride.

So what if you are registered, can you still get a divorce?
Thinking of this, she seemed to feel better in her heart, and her pace was not so hurried.

Qin Huanxi, Bai Liusu, and Xiao Xiao looked at her back with a little regret in their eyes.

Wang Ningning has really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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