Chapter 276

Qin Huanxi had a deep prejudice against this man who kissed at the slightest disagreement.

But being shackled by him at this time, she could only bear it silently.

Slowly, Qin Huanxi's whole body became weak after being kissed by him. Fortunately, Xiao Moqian hugged her tightly, otherwise, she would definitely not even be able to stand upright now.

Breathing more and more quickly, Xiao Moqian ended the kiss, picked up Qin Huanxie, and walked towards the bed.

"Wait." Qin Huan seemed to think of something, and jumped out of Xiao Moqian's arms.

"Huanhuan." Xiao Moqian was a little helpless, his voice was low and hoarse, with some expectation.

Qin Huan ran to the place where she put the suitcase just now, and pulled the suitcase in front of him, "Xiao Moqian, I have something to show you."

Xiao Moqian glanced at the small tent that he had already set up, with undisguised resentment in his eyes.

Qin Huanhuan naturally saw it, but she was afraid that if she was abducted to the bed by him later, she would be tossed about for how long.

If you forget about this matter, isn't that a delay?
She coughed a few times pretending to be calm, laid the suitcase flat, and unzipped it.

What caught my eye was a treasure chest that looked a little old. Qin Huanxi opened the treasure chest, and Xiao Moqian couldn't help but tremble when he saw what was inside.

Those things were all gifts from him to her.

He always thought that Qin Huanxi threw all these things away when they broke up eight years ago.

Unexpectedly, she treasured it like a treasure and carried it with her.

Xiao Moqian squatted down, and took out a crystal bottle from it, which contained the -missyou.
And the lovesickness crane he folded and gave to her casually, the letter between him and her...

Xiao Moqian's heart beat so violently that his fingertips trembled slightly.

Qin Huanxi treasures these things, does it mean...

For eight years, she has never forgotten about herself...

"Xiao Moqian." Qin Huanxi opened his mouth softly, with firmness in his voice, "You guessed it right. In the past eight years, my feelings for you have never changed, and even deepened!"

"Huanhuan." The sudden confession filled Xiao Moqian with happiness, and his black eyes were full of tenderness.

"I know you don't mind what happened eight years ago, and you don't mind my past in these eight years, but I do.

I want us to trust each other, without suspicion, without secrets. "

Qin Huanxie said seriously, she took out her diary and handed it to Xiao Moqian, "This is my mental journey in the past eight years, are you interested in looking through it?"

Xiao Moqian didn't expect that the love he longed for had always been there and never left.

He didn't expect that Qin Huanxi would show him the diary directly. In this way, there would be no more secrets in her heart.

Qin Huan smiled, and looked at him with crooked eyebrows, "We are going to get married, we should be honest with each other."

"En!" Xiao Moqian replied, although it was an extremely simple tone, Qin Huan knew that it contained a thousand words that he hadn't said.

Xiao Moqian took the diary, showing a meaningful smile, "I think Mrs. Xiao should read it in bed with me."

Qin Huanxi, "..."

This man, is what she told him serious?
Why is his mind full of these things! ! ! !
Qin Huan felt that she was going to go berserk. She took a few deep breaths before resisting the urge to scold him, "Xiao Moqian, can you read the diary first? Grandpa and grandma don't know what's going on between us, I'm afraid They misunderstood..."

 Remind the little cuties, don't skip booking!
  If you skip the order, some foreshadowing may be missed!

  Da Qiao's daily guaranteed update is four chapters.

  If there are monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, rewards, etc., they will be updated from time to time!
(End of this chapter)

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