Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 280 Getting deeper and deeper

Chapter 280 Getting deeper and deeper
seven o'clock.

Qin Huanxi appeared in the central square of the capital on time.

She invited Wang Ningning to a box in the restaurant.

When entering the door, Wang Ningning glanced at the house number, and then sent it to Du Shasha.

She and Qin Huanxi entered the door one after the other, and the waiter came up and handed over the menu. Both of them were drunk and didn't care about drinking, so they just ordered a few dishes.

After taking his seat, Qin Huan had a smile on his face, and kept staring at Wang Ningning, as if she didn't know her.

"Huanhuan, is there something on my face?" Being stared at by Qin Huanhuan, Wang Ningning touched her face uncomfortably.

A bright smile appeared on Qin Huanxi's face, and she shook her head, "I just think that you have become much prettier."

I didn't take a closer look when I went on a trip before, but today I saw that Wang Ningning's forehead has become fuller, her eyes have become bigger, and the root of her nose has become more straight.

The entire facial features have become more three-dimensional, and with heavy makeup on her face, it is difficult to see her once pure appearance.

" there?" Wang Ningning had the urge to cover his face.

But in the end she was still very rational and controlled her behavior, with an extremely forced smile on her lips, "Maybe the makeup artist's skills are too high! I don't even recognize myself because of her transformation."

Since she stepped into the entertainment circle, she spent a lot of money on her face, and the transformation was done step by step, silently.

If you look at her slowly, you won't feel any changes on her face, but if you haven't seen her for a long time, you will basically know that she has plastic surgery.

Her original appearance was not very outstanding. After entering the entertainment circle, she had to make a good change when she was rich.

Especially Xiao Moqian, a proud son of heaven, if he doesn't have a good appearance, how can he be worthy of him?
"Really? Then you have a chance to introduce your makeup artist to me. I also want her to help me make up." Qin Huan took a sip from the teacup, and looked straight at Wang Ningning.

"Okay... ah!" Wang Ningning replied with a guilty conscience, what's wrong with Qin Huanxi, why is it a bit difficult to deal with.

The waiter brought the dishes up slowly, and Wang Ningning stood up from his seat after a little rubbing, "Huanhuan, I'll make soup for you."

As she spoke, she took Qin Huanxie's bowl and filled her with a full bowl of soup.

Then, he filled another bowl for himself and drank slowly.

Qin Huanhuan was originally worried that there was something wrong with the soup, but seeing Wang Ningning drinking it one mouthful at a time, she felt relieved and drank some.

After eating for a long time, the dishes were almost finished, but Wang Ningning still didn't say the urgent matter she mentioned when she asked Qin Huanxi today.

"Ningning, don't you have something to tell me today?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Qin Huanxi asked first.

This is, the mobile phone in Wang Ningning's bag vibrated. She looked down and said to Qin Huanhuan, "Huanhuan, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll talk about it later."

When the words settled down, before Qin Huanxi could react, she walked out quickly.

Qin Huan stared at her back, frowning slightly.

However, Xiao Moqian arranged a lot of people in this restaurant, and it was really difficult for her to plot against her.

What's more, there are Xiao Ran and Mo Feng next door, so she doesn't need to be afraid. After thinking about it, Qin Huan decided to wait quietly.

It's just that Wang Ningning took a long time to go to the bathroom.

As time passed, Qin Huanxi felt that the strangeness in his body was getting deeper and deeper.

At first, she just felt that her body was a little hot, so she lowered the air conditioner in the box by a few degrees.

 Woohoo, today's update is very late, will you blame me!

  Thanks to the little cutie who voted for me monthly!
  I also voted for two at a time, so happy!

  There will be a chapter added next week!

  Little cuties, please continue to vote for me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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