Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 283 Want to Pounce Into His Arms

Chapter 283 Want to Pounce Into His Arms

Xiao Ran understood from the bottom of his heart that at this moment, Master's thoughts were all on Miss Qin.

He pulled Mo Feng back a few steps, watching the movement in the ward together.

Soon, the door of the ward was opened.

The doctor came out and said to Xiao Moqian respectfully, "The patient is fine, we have done a detailed examination..."

The doctor talked a lot, probably saying that Qin Huanhuan was fine and woke up.

Xiao Moqian listened, and walked in with his long legs.

"Xiao Moqian..." Qin Huanle still had a needle in his hand and was getting an IV drip.

After she woke up, the doctor told her that she had been poisoned by an extremely strong drug. Fortunately, she was sent to the doctor in time, otherwise there was only one way to solve it.

The doctor didn't say it clearly, but Qin Huanxi understood.

Thinking about it, she felt terrified.

Xiao Moqian was not around at the time, if it was really a step late...

If she is really with someone else...

Then how will she face Xiao Moqian...

Qin Huanxi was lucky, and finally Xiao Ran sent her to the hospital.

Seeing Xiao Moqian, she couldn't help but wanted to throw herself into his arms.

Xiao Moqian sat down on the chair in front of her bed, covering the hand with the needle on the back of her hand.

Her hands were a little cold because she had kept one movement for a long time.

Xiao Moqian knew what she was worried about, pursed her thin lips, and said slowly, "Take good care of your body, safety is the most important thing, even..."

Having said that, he paused, as if he was making a decision.

After pausing for nearly a minute, he slowly opened his mouth again, "Even if you are really hurt by others, as long as you are safe, I will not despise you."

Qin Huanhuan's clear eyes were covered with mist because of his words.

If she was really treated by others, how could she still have the face to see him...

"Fool, you are the most important thing. I don't mind anything else." Seeing that she was about to cry, Xiao Moqian hurriedly comforted her, but the opposite happened. As soon as he said that, Qin Huanxi's tears fell even more fiercely.

With slightly rough fingers, he gently wiped her tears, "Don't cry, I will feel bad."

"Damn, why is the boss so tender, I was forced to eat dog food!" Mo Feng couldn't bear to look straight at him, and covered his face with his hands.

Xiao Moqian shot a cold glare, he could only keep silent.

"You guys, go to Tata for three months." Xiao Moqian withdrew his gaze from Qin Huanxie's face, looked at the two standing there, the tenderness in his eyes had completely disappeared.

"Ah~ the temperature is so high that you can roast someone, I don't want to go." Mo Feng cried out.

As for Xiao Ran, his expression was indifferent, "We failed to protect Miss Qin this time, and we are willing to accept the punishment."

"Xiao Moqian, are you going to punish them?" Qin Huan felt a little sorry when he heard that Xiao Ran was punished because of himself.


Qin Huanxiu frowned tightly, and looked at Xiao Moqian pleadingly, "Xiao Moqian, can you not punish them? After all, this time is also because I was too careless..."


"Please!" Qin Huanle's tone was coquettish, and he looked at him with eyes that seemed to melt his heart.

"En." Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Moqian agreed.

"Thank you Miss Qin!" Xiao Ran hastily apologized to Qin Huanxie. Although he did not resist receiving the punishment, he was still very happy not to go to that ghostly place.

 Woo woo woo, the author's latest update is not on time, cuties, please forgive me!
  If I ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket,,, will you hit me?
(End of this chapter)

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