Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 296 Xiao Moqian completely panicked

Chapter 296 Xiao Moqian completely panicked
"Hmph!" Wang Ningning felt that the prosthesis on her face had begun to shift, and she didn't want to entangle them any more. She pulled her arm back from Bai Liusu's hand.

She can't stay here anymore, even if she can't wait for Qin Huanxi to die at this moment.

Qin Huanhuan's eyes fell on her face all the time, Wang Ningning subconsciously shook off Bai Liusu's hand and fled quickly.

Qin Huanhuan and Bai Liusu looked at each other, they didn't understand why Wang Ningning appeared in Xiao Moqian's office?
Xiao Ran gently pushed open the office door, only to see documents scattered all over Xiao Moqian's office!
He lost his temper just now?

Everyone else stood guard at the door, only Qin Huanxi walked into the office alone.

Xiao Moqian's eyes were tightly closed, and his face was gloomy. When he sensed someone coming in, he suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a sinister look in his eyes, and Qin Huanle met her, and her forward steps stopped abruptly.

Seeing the little girl he missed all the time, the hostility in Xiao Moqian's eyes disappeared in an instant, and he became affectionate, and his voice was apologetic, "I'm sorry, Huanhuan, did I scare you?"

Xiao Moqian's breath changed so quickly, Qin Huan blinked and shook his head lightly, "No, I just..."



Qin Huanxi didn't speak, she bit her lower lip lightly, feeling tangled and uneasy in her heart.

He wavered about what he wanted to say.

Seeing her biting him, Xiao Moqian frowned slightly, propped up his hands slightly, and got up.

He walked up to Qin Huanle with his long legs, gently held her fair and delicate face, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Do you want to ask me something?"

Qin Huanhuan's small mouth puffed up, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Do you want to say it or not?
Do you want to ask?
"What do you need to think about for so long? Huh?" Xiao Moqian's last tone of voice was inadvertently raised, which seemed a bit provocative and bewitching.

Especially when he was so close to her, his breath sprayed on her face while speaking.

Like a disturbing little paw, it kept scratching gently in her heart.

Qin Huanxi, who already felt wronged, became more emotional now.

The grievance in my heart, being teased by him like this, seemed to be magnified countless times, and the feeling of grievance was overlapping, getting higher and higher.

In the end, she even showed a face of grievance directly, and her mouth grew long.

"Unhappy?" Xiao Moqian was very patient, gently stroking her delicate face with some rough fingers.

"Huh!" Qin Huan turned his head directly, not wanting to meet his gaze.

Xiao Moqian turned slightly sideways, and his eyes met his again, "Are you angry with me?"

"Hmph." Qin Huanhuan turned his head to the other side.

Xiao Moqian smiled helplessly, then turned sideways again, and turned to where she was looking, "It seems that you are really angry with me, um..." He drew the end of the sound very long.

"I guess... it's because of the Internet?"

"No." Qin Huan finally spoke.

"Is that because I met Wang Ningning at the door just now?"


"Well, Huanhuan, can you tell me? I can't guess, you are always angry, it hurts your health."

Xiao Moqian was afraid that she would turn around again, so he immediately wrapped her in his arms.

The familiar smell became stronger, Qin Huanxi felt his nose sore, and couldn't help it, tears fell down.

"Okay, everything is my fault, I won't ask any more, tell me, how do you punish me?"

Seeing Qin Huanxi crying, Xiao Moqian panicked completely.

(End of this chapter)

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