Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 299 Makes People Intoxicated

Chapter 299 Makes People Intoxicated
Qin Huanhuan's eyes were still blurred. She slowly opened them and looked at the strange environment...

To the eye, it is decorated in cool colors.

The whole room is all white, white ceiling, white walls, and white sheets.

She moved a little, and the feeling of soreness in her body reminded her of the madness of her and Xiao Moqian last night.

She turned slightly to the side, and looked at the man lying beside her. He was so handsome, and his whole face was so magically crafted that no matter how hard he looked at him, he couldn't get enough of it.

Xu Shi noticed her gaze, Xiao Moqian's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, Qin Huanhuan's eyes caught off guard and met the man's black eyes.

His eyes are as deep as the sea, so deep, like a vortex, which makes people intoxicated.

Eye contact, unknown emotions circulate in the air...

Xiao Moqian slowly moved his head, getting closer and closer to Qin Huanxi...

That action is self-evident.

"Morning!" Before Xiao Moqian leaned down, Qin Huanxi made a sound in advance.

She smiled dryly, endured the soreness, and stood up with difficulty.

The movements are weird, but fast.

With a big movement, the sore-pain in the body became worse. Qin Huanxi took a light breath in pain, and frowned tightly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her expression, Xiao Moqian sat up abruptly, his black eyes were full of concern and worry.

Qin Huanle gave Xiao Moqian a sideways look, with blame, how dare he ask her what's wrong?
Not because of him...

But the man didn't know it, and grabbed her to examine her carefully.

Qin Huanxi struggled to retract her hand, but her body was weak. After struggling for a long time, the man still held her hand tightly.

Instead, because of inertia, the whole person fell towards him.

"Put yourself in your arms." Xiao Moqian's voice was low and hoarse when he just woke up, full of magnetism.

The Weibo push sounded at this time.

Qin Huanle leaned on Xiao Moqian's shoulder, and immediately saw the lit screen, which displayed [The dark history of the new goddess Qin Huanxi]

Cao cao cao!
Qin Huanxi resisted the urge to swear, grabbed the phone sideways, unlocked it, and entered Weibo directly.

In this world, there are always so many hateful people, you don't mess with him, but he always comes to discredit you.

Qin Huanle leaned in Xiao Moqian's arms, commenting one by one anyway.

The mobile phone was snatched away by a big hand suddenly, Xiao Moqian's face remained calm, and his voice was extremely calm, "Huanhuan, don't look at it."

He was really worried that this little woman was depressed because of her comments on the Internet.

"I'm fine." Qin Huan raised her eyes, her eyes were calm.

Xiao Moqian originally thought that those comments would affect Qin Huanxi's mood, but she didn't expect that her face was calm and unaffected at all.

"That's good, don't forget, I have everything."

Xiao Moqian scraped her nose affectionately, and then lightly pecked her fair face.


There was another sound, and another notification came out.

【Qin Huanhuan's tryst with a mysterious man】

Qin Huanxi frowned slightly when she saw it, and finally clicked in.

It's still the big V's Weibo.

He wrote——Qin Huanxi stepped on two boats with one foot, and was entangled with the handsome little fresh meat. Guess, everyone, what is President Xiao's expression at this moment?
There are also a few pictures below.

Seeing the picture, Qin Huanle's face turned pale.

That is……

A picture of her sleeping with Bao Sihao.

Their eyes were closed tightly, revealing their fruity shoulders.

The two were very close, hugging each other tightly.

It looks like they fell asleep and were secretly photographed after they finished something indescribable...

(End of this chapter)

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