Chapter 306 Go back and see mine

Wang Ningning was taken to Xiao Moqian's office by bodyguards.

Xiao Moqian and Qin Huanxi walked behind, the bodyguard watched Wang Ningning closely, but she still stood up, trying to attract Xiao Moqian's attention.

Xiao Moqian looked at Qin Huanhuan with burning black eyes, not even giving her an extra look.

Wang Ningning knew that Xiao Moqian didn't have herself in her heart now, and everything was just her own will. She didn't want too much, as long as she could see him.

Looking at Qin Huanxi, Wang Ningning's eyes were full of jealousy.

If Qin Huanhuan died, then the one standing beside Xiao Moqian now would be himself.

Sensing the look in Wang Ningning's eyes, Qin Huanlean looked at her face to face, "Ningning, stop! For the sake of being a classmate, I'm willing to give you a chance to change."

"Huanhuan." Hearing that Qin Huanle was willing to give Wang Ningning a chance, Xiao Moqian hurriedly said, "Do you know what she did behind your back?"

Qin Huanhuan's bright eyes were full of doubts. She knew that Xiao Moqian would ask such a question, so she must have some deep meaning.

It is possible that Wang Ningning did a lot of things behind his back.

"I only know that she asked me out last time to drug me, and today she deliberately came out to smear me..." Qin Huanxi recalled as she said, and in an instant, many things that she couldn't figure out before, seemed to be cleared away. so clear.

She and Xiao Xiao met the kidnappers in the hospital...

The voice that Wang Ningning just played to the reporter...

Also, last time, when the child and her mother died in Zhucheng...


Thinking about it, Qin Huanle's back was covered with cold sweat.

It turns out that Wang Ningning has done so many things...

It turned out that she had planned it long ago, and she had done something long ago, but she didn't know it until now.

so horrible!

She was a classmate for four years, and she was too good at pretending.

She really just liked Xiao Moqian, so she took action against herself?
Just because he likes Xiao Moqian, can he do these unconscionable things?

As if to confirm Qin Huanhuan's thoughts, the projector in Xiao Moqian's office was turned on at this moment.

Inside, it was the scene of Wang Ningning pushing that child into the water when he was in Zhucheng last time.

Almost without hesitation, she kicked the child down with one kick.

Qin Huanxi saw it, and her heart shrank suddenly.

At that time, she remembered that Wang Ningning had repeatedly urged herself to go into the water!
If she didn't kick the child down, but went into the water by herself, then...

The one who died was himself!
Qin Huanxi didn't dare to think any further, the picture on the screen attracted her mind.

That was Wang Ningning, naked, sitting on top of a fat man.

His body was swaying non-stop, and he was doing something he didn't want to describe.

Xiao Moqian gently raised his hand to cover Qin Huanhuan's eyes, "Don't look, if you want to look, go back and look at mine."

"Why can you watch it?" Qin Huanhuan refused to accept it, and Wang Ningning was also convinced.

"Looking at this makes my eyes dirty." The man's words were domineering and cold.

Qin Huanle quietly looked sideways at him, only to see that his eyes were closed tightly, his face was calm and calm.

Not bad!
Qin Huan secretly praised Xiao Moqian from the bottom of her heart, her man should be like this!
"Since we don't watch it, let's turn it off! It's the pollution of the environment." At this moment, Qin Huanhuan just wanted to settle the score with Wang Ningning, and she didn't want to watch those pictures either.

"Close it." Xiao Moqian ordered coldly.

When the voice settled, the bodyguard cut off the screen.

Without those panting sounds, Qin Huanxi pulled Xiao Moqian's hand away.

(End of this chapter)

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