Chapter 308 The Deepest Desire

Qin Huanxi knew that he was afraid that he would misunderstand him again.

Immediately nodded vigorously, her voice was extremely firm, "Well, I love you."

"What?" Xiao Moqian was so shocked by this sudden confession that he couldn't speak, and was stunned for a long time.

His Huanhuan finally confessed to him.

"It's fine if you don't hear clearly." Qin Huanle was a little disappointed, she finally mustered up the courage to say this sentence, but Xiao Moqian didn't hear it clearly.

Xiao Moqian was really shocked by this sudden sense of happiness and couldn't think.

What he had been longing for all along, never expected to come so soon.

The big hand hugged Qin Huanxie even tighter, and his eyes fell on her red lips, straight down.

Snatching the fragrance of the person in his arms fiercely, hooking out the deepest desire in the depths of the body...

After a long time, knowing that the breathing of the two of them was gradually disturbed, Xiao Moqian reluctantly left Qin Huanxi's lips.

"Huanhuan, don't worry about the rumors on the Internet, as long as I treat you well, those rumors will be self-defeating."

Xiao Moqian was worried that Qin Huanxi was worried about the news on the Internet, so after he let go, he said this directly.


"Don't worry, our wedding will continue as usual."


Fortunately, Qin Huanxi found Xiao Moqian back. If she had just avoided it back then, where would she have found her happiness today?

Seeing that the little woman's expression softened a little, he said lightly, "Let's have dinner together tonight."

"Huh?" Qin Huan raised her tone, her red lips were slightly red-swollen, which was the mark he left on her just now.

Such a soft and playful tone made his heart itch.

It's a pity, if you do it again, maybe you will annoy Qin Huanxi...

Xiao Moqian suppressed the ready to move feeling in his body, but the more he suppressed, the faster his anger would rise...


After Qin Huanxi finished filming, he was accompanied by Mo Fengbai Liusu to the hotel that Xiao Moqian had booked.

That was Qin Huanhuan's favorite restaurant.

Usually when she and Xiao Moqian come over, they like to be in the box, so it's not easy to meet acquaintances.

But today, the restaurant with a booming business has no customers at all.

Xiao Moqian was wearing a formal suit, and his hairstyle seemed to have been specially created. He looked even more attractive. Just sitting there, he exuded infinite brilliance.

Qin Huanhuan felt that this man was really terrifying, not only his means were astonishing, but his appearance also killed all the fresh meat in the entertainment circle.

Fortunately, he is interested in management. If he enters the entertainment industry, he may steal many people's jobs.

Xiao Moqian saw her just standing there, and waved at her, motioning her to go in quickly.

The two ate quietly for a long time, and Qin Huanxi always felt that the man around him today was a little weird.

He seemed a little restless, and his eyes were always playing with himself.

The whole person is also very cautious.

For a person with such a strong ability like him, what could make him so abnormal?
Qin Huanle closed her eyes, drank the soup, and meditated quietly...

"I bought this restaurant today." The man's deep voice sounded, his black eyes fixed on her.

Bought a... restaurant?
A trace of astonishment flashed across Qin Huanhuan's eyes.

Seeing the little woman's suspicious gaze, Xiao Moqian said with an unnatural expression, "I hope, I can eat here with you for a lifetime."

Qin Huan understood that they were going to get married, it seemed normal for Xiao Moqian to have this idea.

She parted the corners of her lips and raised a bright smile, "Great, you mean, after I get married, I don't even need to cook!"

(End of this chapter)

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