Doting Wife Excessively: President Tsundere, stop!

Chapter 311 Sleeping with you means... what kind of sleeping?

Chapter 311 Sleeping with you means... what kind of sleeping?

Through the light coming from inside, Qin Huan saw that Xiao Moqian's jaw line was tense, and his expression was displeased.

He grabbed the phone and said coldly, "Ms. Zhang, I warned you not to touch her, but you didn't seem to listen."

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, but Xiao Moqian smiled coldly, "If you are stubborn, don't blame me."

After finishing the sentence, he hung up the phone vigorously and threw the phone on the table.

Qin Huanhuan pushed the door open and went in, only to see him with a cold face, his eyes pressed together, and his handsome eyebrows slightly frowned, leaning against the back of the chair.

She put down the milk and made a small sound.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Moqian opened his eyes, which suddenly shone coldly.

But when he saw that it was Qin Huanhuan who came, he immediately changed his expression again.

The deep black eyes immediately became softer, and the voice of the mouth was also gentle, "Huanhuan, can't sleep?"

"I'm afraid you're working too hard, so I made you a glass of milk." Qin Huanxi pushed the milk to him, "Drink it while it's hot! Milk helps you sleep. I think you have a lot on your mind. Drink it and have a good rest."

Xiao Moqian had a wicked smile on his lips, picked up the milk, and drank it down.

a bit sweet!
He actually doesn't like to drink sweet things, but because Qin Huanle made it himself, no matter how bad it tastes, he won't frown.

Putting down the cup, Xiao Moqian's burning black eyes stared at Qin Huanxi with deep meaning, "You mean, you want me to sleep with you earlier?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly, waiting for Qin Huanxi's answer.

To sleep with you means... what kind of sleep?

Qin Huanhuan was still thinking about this question, Xiao Moqian's deep voice sounded again, "I sleep with you, sleep will be fine, next time you don't have to worry about it."

Qin Huan couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Sure enough, this man started to be dishonest again.

She just cared a little bit, and he could think about that...

If he hadn't acted so embarrassingly when he proposed to her today, she would have thought he was an old driver who could drive anytime.

"Cough." Qin Huanle cleared his throat deliberately, and changed the subject, "When I came in just now, I heard you calling Ms. Zhang?"

She thought to herself that Xiao Moqian might know a lot of things that she didn't know.


"Then..." Qin Huanxi paused, "Is it related to me?"

Xiao Moqian's thin lips curled slightly, and he nodded lightly, "Are you interested in knowing?"

"Hmm." I don't know if it's because I've been with Xiao Moqian for a long time and was infected by him. Qin Huan found that now he really likes to say the tone word 'um'.

"Okay!" Xiao Moqian directly hugged Qin Huanxi, "Then let's go back to the bedroom and talk."

"Hey..." Qin Huanxi resisted, "Xiao Moqian, don't just go to the bedroom if you disagree with me, okay?"

She really knows this man too well. If she goes back to the bedroom, will she still have a chance to talk?
"Oh?" Xiao Moqian raised his eyebrows, and deliberately raised his tone, "Then you want to be here?"

"No, I don't want to, let me down quickly." Qin Huanxi struggled with both hands and feet.

Xiao Moqian was afraid that she would hurt him, so he let her down.

The light in the study is very bright, very bright!

Qin Huan just landed on his feet, and was about to give Xiao Moqian a few words, when his eyes were suddenly attracted by the huge painting behind him.

It's called a painting, but it doesn't look like it at all.

The top is all white, only in the middle, there is a piece of red, and that red looks like bloodstains...

(End of this chapter)

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