Chapter 318 You are finished
"Heh!" Qin Huanxi worried about their IQ from the bottom of her heart. She even called her grandma, but they still couldn't recognize the identity of Mrs. Xiao.

Su Shanshan widened her eyes and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

For some reason, Qin Huanxi's chuckle made her feel a little terrified.

This woman has become more and more evil since she followed Xiao Moqian.

Qin Huanxi didn't say a word, just looked at them coldly, that kind of coldness directly pierced into the depths of their hearts.

It makes people panic.


Susan finally couldn't stand the look in her eyes, and couldn't help but cursed.

Xiao Ran couldn't take it anymore, and said directly, "She is our grandfather's grandma, Mrs. Xiao's old lady, and General Xiao's wife."

As soon as he finished speaking, both Qin Qingqing and Su Shanshan showed disbelief in their eyes.


The person they beat and scolded casually was actually Mrs. Xiao?
Why didn't she say it earlier?

If she had revealed her identity earlier, would they still dare to speak to her like that?
"You're bluffing us, right? Don't think that you can scare us by simply changing your identity." Su Shanshan's thoughts turned, and she felt that the person on the ground couldn't be Mrs. Xiao.

"Yes, you are definitely lying to us. I warn you, let me go, otherwise, Shanshan will tell Tang Yingfeng, and you will be finished."

Qin Qingqing hates Qin Huanxi very much. This feeling makes her look down on Qin Huanxi very lowly in her heart.

Even though Qin Huanxi had become Xiao Moqian's wife, she still felt that Qin Huanxi was an ant that she could manipulate at will.

"Oh!" Qin Huanxi chuckled, and then she sighed leisurely, "Looking for the senior? The senior seems to want to chase me."

How could she make them angry now?

Sure enough, when Su Shanshan heard Qin Huanxi's words, her face instantly turned pale, and her eyes were full of resentment.

Tang Yingfeng likes Qin Huanxi, how could they not know!

Just now Qin Qingqing said that she would ask Tang Yingfeng to teach Qin Huan a lesson, but now that she refuted it like this, it was as if she had slapped herself in the face, and it was very loud.

Qin Qingqing also realized that she had said the wrong thing, so she could only purse her lips in resentment.

The ambulance came soon, and after Mrs. Xiao got into the car, she kept her eyes closed and fell asleep because of the presence of a doctor.

Qin Qingqing and Su Shanshan were escorted to the car by Xiao Ran, they were chattering all the time, Xiao Ran felt that it was too loud, so he just took a rag and stuffed their mouths.

"Wow! Xiao Xiaoran, so cool!" Mo Feng whistled with admiration.

However, there was something flattering in his admiration.

Soon, he will know why Xiao Ran always treats him coldly...

Listening to Mo Feng's words, Xiao Ran still kept his eyes fixed, pretending not to see it.

Mo Feng pouted, and opened the car door indifferently.

Qin Qingqing and the others still didn't stop, their mouths were stuffed, and they kept kicking the seat.

"Be honest." Mo Feng got angry with Xiao Ran, and his tone became unfriendly.

Su Shanshan is not a character who does not retaliate when she is angry.

Seeing Mo Feng's attitude, she kicked harder and harder.

"Depend on!"

Mo Feng sneered and gave her a sideways glance, holding the hand on the steering wheel, he came to Susan without any warning, and quickly slapped her a few times.

Mo Feng's movements were so fast that Xiao Ran who was sitting next to him didn't even see how he made the move.

In just one second, he completed the movement from Susan's face to returning to the steering wheel.

(End of this chapter)

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