Chapter 320 You Scolded My Wife
In the office, the ropes on Su Shanshan and Qin Qingqing's hands have been untied.

Xiao Moqian sat on the swivel chair, with an elegant posture, and a faint anger on his handsome face.

But it was this kind of aura that made Susan and the two of them dare not speak at once.

Su Shanshan still had faint blood stains on her forehead at this time, but she seemed to forget the pain, and her lips squirmed a few times, but she dared not speak.

Xiao Moqian called them over just to make them feel scared, to vent their anger on Qin Huanxi and Mrs. Xiao.

For his Huanhuan, he was reluctant to let her suffer the slightest bit of grievance, but how dare they...

Xiao Moqian narrowed his eyes, his black eyes were as sharp as a knife blade, and his voice was cold to the core, "I heard that you scolded my wife and hurt my grandma."

Xiao Moqian's hawk-like black eyes grabbed them as if looking at prey.

Susan's tears fell instantly, "Mr. Xiao, I have the flesh and blood of the Tang family, so you can't hurt me."

"Oh?" Xiao Moqian made the ending very long. Qin Qingqing saw that although he was cold, he didn't lose his temper, and became more courageous.

"Brother-in-law, I have admired you for a long time. If possible, I would like to be with my sister and stay by your side."

While speaking, she had a smile in her eyes and gave Xiao Moqian a few winks.

Xiao Moqian remained indifferent, the breath in his body became colder, and his handsome face became tighter, "Slap your mouth!"

Qin Qingqing didn't react, the electric waves in his eyes surged more intensely.

"I said... slap your mouth!" Xiao Moqian's tone was extremely cold, and his black eyes contained strong pressure.

Standing aside, Xiao Ran saw them standing there blankly, and kindly reminded, "You two brain-damaged ladies, didn't you hear my master telling you to slap your mouth?"

Hearing Xiao Ran's address to them, Mo Feng's face changed slightly.

Xiao Xiaoran was in the car just now, although he pretended to be cool, in fact, he was still paying attention to himself quietly!
Brainless Miss was what he called the two of them just now. He didn't expect that he remembered it so quickly, and even called them on.

But when Susan heard this, she immediately became emotional, "I am pregnant with the Tang family's child, I want to call the Tang family."

"Xiao Ran." Xiao Moqian was impatient, "They won't do anything, you do it."

"Yes." Xiao Ran responded and walked towards them.

Qin Qingqing became nervous when he saw that Xiao Moqian didn't seem to be joking at all.

Her eyes swept across li xuan's powerful hands. If these hands really slapped her face, it would take a long time for her to recover.

Heartbroken, she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't let him do it, I will do it myself."

"That's right!" Xiao Moqian raised his handsome eyebrows, and there was no trace of warmth in his tone.

Qin Huan looked at his expression, her eyes were motionless, and her thoughts went back to when she and him first reunited, and he was so cold.

It turned out that it was not his personality that had changed, but his attitude towards himself had changed.

It's such a good feeling to be cared for by him!

Qin Qingqing naturally didn't know that Qin Huanxi, whom she hated the most, was watching her own jokes inside.

She looked at Su Shanshan, seeming to be tangled and struggling. In the end, she closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said to Su Shanshan, "Shanshan, I'm sorry, I was forced too. If you want to blame, blame someone else!"

As soon as the words were finished, before Su Shanshan could figure out what she was going to do, Qin Qingqing raised his hand and slapped her hard.

(End of this chapter)

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