Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 107 The evil star, Aguda

Chapter 107 The evil star, Aguda
However, although the big bone was extremely rough but powerful, it was unharmed in the slightest, and the skin was not scratched. Peng Kaishan backed away in shock, his face turning purple from the dirt. Magical weapons are magical weapons with extremely strong defense.A face to face, Lianshiding was smashed into pieces.That vajra magic wand is probably at least one grade higher than the stone refining cauldron, so it has such a great power. He was terrified, and he suddenly understood that A Guda's reputation as an evil star was not earned in vain.The innumerable monks who died at the hands of Aguda were not falsely reported.

Compared with one's own fame, life is more important.

How dare Peng Kaishan continue to fight, he threw down the half-used refining stone cauldron, turned around, stepped on the flying sword, and hurriedly retreated.He returned two of these medium-grade magical artifacts, but he had already tested Aguda's strength. Even if he showed his own middle-grade magical artifacts, he could only waste them in vain, and he might even die.

Under the cover of several other Primordial Qi Sects nearby, Peng Kaishan quickly retreated to the back of the monk formation, avoiding the danger of his life, "This is the so-called Master of the Righteous Path? Pooh!" Aguda sneered disdainfully He didn't even bother to chase such a cowardly opponent, and turned around to attack other orthodox monks around him.

Hunyuanyi Qizong monks were terrified, and wherever A Guda went, they dodged one after another.In just a moment, there were four or five qi cultivators who died and were seriously injured in the hands of A Guda. Even Peng Kaishan, who was the strongest, retreated at the touch of a button, and the morale of the army was shaken for a while. , although it has not yet reached the point of defeat, but the morale is completely gone, I am afraid it will not last long.

While controlling the flying sword, Ye Qin joined in the chaotic fight, while watching the battle with cold eyes.

There is not much difference in the number of monks on both sides, both are [-] to [-] Qi training monks.Lingwu cultivation is a little more.

But Aguda's strength is too strong, no one can stop his big bone sweep wherever he goes, and the battle is rapidly tilting towards the monks.The morale of the righteous monks is shaken, and it will be a matter of time before they are defeated.Peng Kaishan's timid retreat accelerated the speed of defeat even more.

Ye Qin kept Aguda's fighting skills in his eyes, and quickly weighed it in his heart.This Aguda's strength is estimated to be about the same as Liu Qingtian's, or even slightly stronger. This guy is extremely powerful, and he has a middle-grade magical weapon, treasured body armor, and the big bone in his hand is also infinitely powerful, right? It must be a high-grade magic weapon that can break through the stone refining cauldron with one blow, and there is no flaw between offense and defense.

Li Xiuxian was also puzzled, it is rare to see mid-grade magical artifacts usually, but high-grade magical artifacts can appear when the battle between righteousness and evil begins.

Counting the big bone stick Li Xiuxian in Aguda's hand, he has already seen five high-grade magic weapons, Jianchen's Blowing Snow, Xue Wuya's Bone Corrosion, Moyunmen's Blood Prison Cauldron, and the Haotian Excalibur in his hand .

In fact, this is also the reason why Li Xiuxian is not familiar with the major sects. Which of the sects that can establish a foothold in Yizhou does not have some family background. There is more than one high-grade magic weapon in his hand, otherwise he would not have given it to his disciples.

However, this is also related to the level of monks that Li Xiuxian came into contact with. A monk of the level like Jian Chenxue Wuya can't find a second one in Yizhou, and A Guda is the future pillar of the Bone Shamen. Although there is a high-grade magic weapon that is very surprising, it is not so difficult to understand.Just like Li Xiuxian also has a high-grade magic weapon in his hand.

If Liu Qingtian had a high-grade magic weapon in his hand, he would be able to compete with this A Guda, but as far as Li Xiuxian knew, Jian Chen seemed to be the only one among the three generations of Hunyuan Qizong disciples who had a high-grade magic weapon.

Quickly calculated Aguda's strength in his mind.

Ye Qin quickly judged Amumeng's strength in his heart.

If Amumeng can be suppressed, it is still possible to save the battle.

But he didn't want to make this effort.

In the final analysis, this mission has nothing to do with him, Chun Sui was forced to accept this mission.

The victory of this battle is due to the merits of Peng Kaishan and Zhu Sancai, the monks who were ordered to carry out the mission, and it will not be counted in his head.This battle was lost, and Zhu Sancai bore the burden.He didn't want to compete with this monk from a famous family for this "credit and hard work."

Li Xiuxian didn't have the slightest intention to fight with Amumeng and take risks in it.The lives of these Hunyuan Qizong disciples have nothing to do with him. Although he is a Hunyuan Qizong disciple, what has Hunyuan Qizong given him for more than a year?Only the old man Ling Daozi was really kind to him, and he didn't have the leisure to risk his life for the people of Hunyuan Qizong.

Moreover, it is only two days away from Hunyuan Qizong. With his cultivation base, no one can stop him if he wants to escape. After all, the speed of Flying Tiger Wings is there. But it may not be comparable to myself!

In the blink of an eye, three more disciples of the Hunyuanyi Qizong were injured by Aguda. If no one blocked Aguda, the defeat of the Hunyuanyiqizong would be unstoppable.

Zhu Sancai, the only foundation-building monk, was also held back by Wang Yinli of the Bone Shamen, unable to return for help.

Li Xiuxian was secretly prepared to flee the battlefield once Hunyuanyi Qizong was defeated.

"Hum!" The surrounding air suddenly vibrated violently.

Li Xiuxian was startled, and a purple arc flashed on the Seven Star Shocking Thunder Son and Mother Sword in his hand.

"The power of thunder and lightning!" There was a sudden exclamation in my ear!
Subconsciously, Aguda focused his attention on Li Xiuxian. People who can master the power of lightning are definitely not ordinary monks. It would be too boring for Aguda to kill these ordinary monks. He has always hoped that there will be a monk who is evenly matched Have a good fight with him.

"Eighth level of Qi training!" Aguda's fighting spirit that had just been ignited was instantly extinguished by half, and the eighth level of Qi training is all, how strong can it be?
When Li Xiuxian found that Aguda was looking at him, he could only smile bitterly in his heart. He subconsciously used the power of thunder and lightning in the Sword of Seven Star Thunder, and became the center of the entire battlefield in an instant.

"You kid over there, how dare you fight me!" Aguda roared.

Li Xiuxian frowned, and then turned into a ray of light and left the battlefield!

"Dare to run!" Aguda snorted coldly, and even abandoned the disciple of Hunyuan Qizong and chased him out!

Seeing Aguda leave the disciples of Hunyuan Qizong, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Aguda forced them to be out of breath. Aguda chased them out and they were a hundred willing, without Aguda The evil star and the others relaxed a lot, and the one-sided situation was instantly rewritten. The disciples of Hunyuanyi Qizong counterattacked under the leadership of Peng Kaishan. Whether to live or die is not within the scope of their consideration.

"Take a stick from me!" A Guda swung the big bone stick in his hand and slammed it at Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian was shocked. This big bone stick was pulled from some monster. It was so powerful that it could even smash a medium-grade magic weapon, the stone cauldron, and the only defensive magic weapon on Li Xiuxian was also shattered by blood. Endless piercing.

Li Xiuxian didn't dare to take it head-on, the flying tiger wings on his back spread out instantly, and he dodged this powerful blow by turning sideways!
Seeing the flying tiger wings on Li Xiuxian's back, Aguda's eyes showed a hint of excitement: "Finally, there is one in stock!"

For A Guda's inexplicable excitement, Li Xiuxian could only smile wryly, and the light on the flying tiger's wings flashed, instantly leaving Aguda far behind. Li Xiuxian didn't want to fight this evil star, even if it was against his own With strength and confidence, he didn't want to waste this effort.

"Boy, don't run away! You have the guts to fight alone with me!" A Guda is strong, but his speed is far behind Li Xiuxian, who has flying tiger wings, so he can only shout from behind.

"Fool!" Li Xiuxian gave A Guda a definition in his mind.

"Buzz!" The surrounding air suddenly vibrated, and Li Xiuxian looked back fiercely, and found that the big bone stick in A Guda's hand was flying directly towards him, even faster than flying tiger wings!
In a hurry, Li Xiuxian could only avoid the big bone stick. It was at this moment of pause that A Guda had already caught up, and the big bone stick returned to his hand again.

"What a strong brute force!" Li Xiuxian touched the scar on his face. Although he escaped the attack of the big bone stick just now, the wind scythe produced by the friction between the big bone stick and the air cut Li Xiuxian's left cheek.

"Boy, fight me!" A Guda fixed his eyes on Li Xiuxian.

Knowing that Aguda still has this move, Li Xiuxian frowned. Aguda was born with supernatural power, and without using spiritual power, he could dance the big bone stick of several meters in airtightly, even with the help of flying tiger wings. It's hard to escape.

Since there is no escape, then there is only war!

Li Xiuxian clenched the Seven Star Shocking Thunder Son Mother Sword in his hand, and the six son swords hovered around Li Xiuxian under the control of the mother sword.

"A complete set of instruments!" Aguda's fighting spirit became even stronger.Complete sets of magic tools are extremely rare, and such magic tools are often amazingly powerful!

This discovery made Amumeng even more excited and stimulated.This at least shows that this orthodox monk in front of him is by no means comparable to an ordinary Qi trainer.Even if he is not the top monk in the righteous way, his strength is enough to fight him.

Li Xiuxian's movements here are not slow at all.

He knew very well that Aguda's cultivation base was four floors higher than his, and the explosive power and endurance of fighting skills must be stronger than him.

"Desperation!" A small golden clock flew into the sky and turned into a bronze bell several feet in size. Li Xiuxian let out a soft whistle, flicked his fingers, and shot out a stream of magic power. Blast to Aguda.

Aguda snorted coldly: "Small tricks!"

"Buzz!" Baoxiang's body behind Aguda suddenly flashed a golden light, and bounced off the attack of the soul-shaking bell!
Li Xiuxian's face changed, this Aguda's treasured body is also quite extraordinary, he can even block the soul-shattering attack of the soul-shaking bell!

"Boom!" A Guda swung his big bone stick and smashed it!

"Hum!" The big bone stick slammed down on the soul-shaking clock!

"What a hard magic weapon!" A Guda grinned, it was the first time he encountered this kind of magic weapon, and his big bone stick broke when he hit it!
Li Xiuxian secretly heaved a sigh of relief. The defense of this soul-shaking bell is really extraordinary. Even Shura left a crack on it after dozens of punches. After leaving the small world, Li Xiuxian handed the soul-shaking bell to Ling Daozi asked him to repair it, and he didn't know what method Ling Daozi used to repair the soul-shaking clock. Although the soul attack was much weaker than before, it was stronger in defense than before. The soul-shocking bell is used as a defensive magic weapon.

Aguda didn't seem to believe in evil, so he swung the big bone stick in his hand and smashed it down again!
"Humph!" This time the soul-shaking clock only shook a few times.

"It's such a hard magic weapon, where did you come from, that you have such a magic weapon on your body!" A Guda looked at Li Xiuxian and asked.

Aguda is not a brainless person who can make a great reputation in the battle between righteousness and evil!
"Let me go, I don't want to conflict with you!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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