Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 129 Alchemy with Humans

Chapter 129 Alchemy with Humans
These small dots radiate outwards around Liang Jingcheng. There are almost such things happening both in the city and outside the city. The only difference is that the number of people suffering from insanity in the city is much lower than that outside the city.

"What a ruthless method!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The death toll found by Sima Rong alone has exceeded [-]!
"Master Immortal, is the situation serious?" Sima Rong asked tremblingly.

"Take me to the palace tomorrow!" Li Xiuxian said looking at the only place on the map that didn't have a red dot.

"Imperial Palace?" Sima Rong was taken aback.

"If I'm not wrong, the problem lies in the palace." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"How is it possible? I went there the day before yesterday, and there was nothing unusual inside." Sima Rong said.

"The absence of anomalies is the biggest anomaly. Such strange things have happened in the entire Liang capital, except for the palace!" Li Xiuxian said.

Sima Rong swallowed his saliva looking at the clean and clean palace. If it is true that the problem lies in the palace as the immortal master said, then no matter who it is, the Liang Kingdom may not be at peace.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, the two of us can leave immediately. After all, this is only your Sima family's business. If your Sima family didn't ask Jiandingmen for help, we would not care about you." Li Xiuxian said.

Sima Rong was full of cleverness, and immediately knelt down on the ground: "Immortal Master, forgive my sins, Immortal Master, I am confused, I only ask Immortal Master to forgive me, as long as Immortal Master can keep my Sima family safe, I am willing to do anything!"

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Tomorrow you will take me into the palace, I want to see who the hell is able to do such a thing!"

There is an indescribable disgust for this mysterious monk Li Xiuxian who uses people to make alchemy. Even Li Xiuxian himself does not know why he is so disgusted with a monk he has never met, even if it is the blood that puts himself in danger again and again. He never felt so disgusted.

Looking at the black bead in his hand, Li Xiuxian frowned, only to hear a bang, the black bead was surrounded by a mass of crimson spiritual fire, gradually melted, and disappeared into the air.

"Tomorrow you stay in Sima's Mansion. If something happens, leave me alone and run away immediately. I will find a way to escape." Li Xiuxian said.


But Li Xiuyuan was interrupted by Li Xiuxian before he finished speaking: "Brother has his own way, you hold this talisman, if you lose to Guan, activate this talisman, the defense of the four spirits is enough to resist any attack below the foundation , even a foundation cultivator can resist for a while."

Li Xiuyuan stared dumbfounded at the Four Spirit Defense Talisman in Li Xiuxian's hand. After six years in the sect, he was no longer the stupid casual cultivator he was at the beginning. He naturally knew how rare the Talisman was. He didn't expect that his elder brother would not Hesitantly handed a talisman to himself.

"This talisman can only be used once, remember, don't activate this talisman unless it is absolutely necessary!" Li Xiuxian warned.

"Yeah!" Li Xiuyuan nodded after putting the talisman close to his body.

The Imperial City of Liang State occupies one-third of Liang Jingcheng, most of which is occupied by the magnificent palace.

In the Royal Palace of the Liang Kingdom, Song Qi, the emperor of the Liang Kingdom, who is usually more than one person and under ten thousand people, is standing respectfully by the side, while sitting on the throne is a young man dressed in blood.

"You said that Sima Rong has been inquiring about other places for the past few days if there is a case of insanity?" The blood-clothed youth frowned.

Song Qi nodded: "As far as I know, this is indeed the case. I also found out that two young men entered Sima Rong's residence just a few days ago."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the blood-clothed young man on the throne: "A cultivator?"

Song Qi nodded: "Looking at the situation, it should be like this."

"Hmph, I underestimated the Sima family. I didn't expect Sima Yuan to value his blood, but what about cultivators, even if Sima Yuan came to me personally!" The blood-clothed youth snorted coldly.

The blood-clothed youth glanced at Song Qi who was standing below: "I don't care what method you use, I will destroy the Sima family!"

Song Qi was startled: "Master, there are cultivators in the Sima family, and the disciples are no match for them at all."

"Hmph, you are as timid as a mouse, I give you a panacea, so that you, a mere mortal, can practice. This is a great favor!" The blood-clothed youth snorted coldly.

"Yes, the master's kindness to his disciples is as great as a mountain, and it is difficult for a disciple to repay the master's kindness even if he dies." Song Qi said while kowtowing his head.

The blood-clothed youth snorted coldly with disdain: "Not going yet?"

"Yes, yes, my disciple will go right away!" Song Qi said tremblingly.

"There's no need to go, the other party has already come to the door!" The blood-clothed youth suddenly stopped Song Qi.

Li Xiuxian, who had just walked outside the palace, felt that a strand of divine consciousness had firmly locked on to him. This divine consciousness was so vast that even Murong Wudi couldn't match it.

"It seems that this time we really met an extraordinary existence." Li Xiuxian said in his heart.

"You go back first, you'd better find a place to hide!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Sima Rong was startled, shaking his head like a rattle drum. The biggest reason why he dared to come after knowing that there was something wrong with the palace was that Li Xiuxian was behind him to support him. Anyone who comes out casually can do him.

"This is a vajra talisman. Stick it on your body to resist swords. As long as you don't touch a cultivator, I will guarantee you nothing."

Sima Rong was overjoyed, but looked at the palace anxiously: "If there are cultivators, wouldn't I be very dangerous?"

Li Xiuxian glanced at Sima Rong: "With me here, is it possible that I will let the cultivator pass?"

Sima Rong hurriedly said yes, after sticking the Vajra Talisman on his body, his whole body was enveloped by a layer of faint golden light, and he even trotted away from the palace.

Looking at the silent palace, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sneered. Liang Guo's palace was actually so quiet, it was so strangely quiet.

The moment Li Xiuxian stepped into the palace, he found that several auras locked him firmly!
"Three cultivators on the eleventh level of qi training, it's really not easy to see so many cultivators in the common world!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Boy, what sect are you a disciple of? Report your name!" A gloomy voice came from the darkness.

Li Xiuxian sneered: "A group of demons are crooked and sneaky, they dare not walk on their own territory!"

"The boy wants to die!" A small black sword flew out from a corner of the palace, pointing directly at Li Xiuxian.

After recording the trajectory of the flying sword, Li Xiuxian sneered, flipped his palm, and the flying knife instantly turned into a white light and rushed into the palace!

"Pfft!" A flower of blood suddenly burst out from behind a stone pillar, and the black magic sword that flew halfway lost its support of spiritual power and fell limply to the ground.

Li Xiuxian frowned at the trace of blood on the Flying Dao Duosoul. The knife did not kill the opponent. According to Li Xiuxian's estimation, the knife could definitely penetrate the opponent's heart, but in fact it only pierced the opponent's body and did not kill him. No penetration!

The blood-clothed youth sitting on the throne watched the battle in the palace indifferently, and frowned slightly at Li Xiuxian's subordinates who could seriously injure him in one round, as if such things were not worthy of his concern.

"Let the Yin evil guard out!" the blood-clothed youth said lightly.

Song Qi was alert all over, and looked at the blood-clothed youth on the throne in disbelief!
The blood-clothed youth frowned: "Hurry up!"

"Yes!" Under the pressure of the blood-clothed youth, Song Qi barely resisted, and entered the depths of the palace with a blood-colored jade talisman in his hand.

"Boom!" A series of fireballs hit Li Xiuxian's spiritual shield.

Facing these attacks, Li Xiuxian didn't even frown, the flying knife in his hand turned into white light continuously, beheading the monks hiding in the dark one by one.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise in the palace!


The roar of beasts came from the palace!
Li Xiuxian frowned, and the attack in his hand stopped abruptly. He saw several black figures continuously shuttle on the roof of the palace. After a few breaths, these black figures landed in front of him .

They were all covered by a thick layer of scales, and their hands were covered with blood-red gloves. The aura emitted by these four monsters made people palpitate!
Even Li Xiuxian couldn't help but took a few steps back and looked at the four monsters vigilantly. This was the first time he had seen such a thing!

"Boom!" The four monsters moved!

They saw their right foot on the ground, and their bodies rushed towards Li Xiuxian like sharp arrows off the string, and the blood-red gloves on their hands exuded a strong smell of blood!

"Ding!" When the monster's fist touched Li Xiuxian's spiritual shield, Li Xiuxian's face changed drastically, and his spiritual shield showed signs of shattering!

The flying knife in his hand was thrown out, but what surprised Li Xiuxian was that the middle-grade magic weapon only left a scratch on the monster's arm, not even the skin!
"Boom!" The monster's fist landed on Li Xiuxian's spiritual shield again!

"Destroy!" The seven-star Jinglei son-mother sword flashed with thunder, and a purple sword light hit the monster's arm violently!
This time, even the terrifying scale armor of the monster couldn't completely resist the sword light. With a "pop", the scale armor on the monster's arm immediately shattered into countless pieces, and the arm was cut off abruptly!

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Although this monster was terrifying, it was not yet invincible.

After a short confrontation, Li Xiuxian also figured out the characteristics of these monsters. These monsters do not possess spiritual power, but they are powerful and their defense is extremely strong. It is difficult for ordinary middle-grade magic weapons to break their defense.

The arm cut off by Li Xiuxian was still wriggling on the ground. As if the monster couldn't feel the pain, it picked up the arm that fell on the ground!

Strips of blood appeared from the wound on the arm, connecting the broken arm, the wound was wriggling, and the broken arm was actually healing!
Li Xiuxian was also stunned by this scene. The self-healing ability of this monster is too terrifying. Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not foolishly wait for the monster's arm to heal. For the remaining three monsters of the attacker, a gleaming long sword flashed past, and the head of the monster was separated from his body.

"It seems that as long as the monster's head is cut off, the monster can't heal!" Li Xiuxian glanced at the remaining three monsters.




Li Xiuxian appeared next to the three monsters like a ghost, and the Haotian Excalibur in his hand cut off the heads of the three monsters effortlessly. The speed was completely beyond the scope of Qi training monks.

The blood-clothed young man on the throne saw Li Xiuxian kill the four Yin evil guards so quickly and tapped his fingers on the dragon chair: "The strength should not be underestimated, but a qi training monk is a qi training monk after all!"

Li Xiuxian, who had dealt with the four monsters, couldn't help frowning. The opponent's strength had exceeded his expectations. He even doubted whether it was worthwhile for him to stand up for the Sima family.You must know that there is no benefit for him to participate in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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