Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 141 Sword Repair

Chapter 141 Sword Repair
"Shi Wanshan, your hand is getting longer and longer! How dare you even move my son?" A huge bloody hand slammed it down!
"Boom!" A golden sword glow died with the bloody hand.

"You finally came out, I thought you were going to hide here forever!" Shi Wanshan snorted coldly.

"Where does my Blood Shadow Demon Lord need you, an old bastard?" The man covered in blood sneered.

"Then take care of your son, don't let him run around, Yizhou is very dangerous!" Shi Wanshan snorted coldly.

"The same goes for your precious apprentice. There are only two of you left in Yizhou's ancient sword cultivator lineage. If he dies, the incense will really be cut off! Hahahaha!" Instantly disappeared without a trace.

"The speed of Xuedun is still so fast!" Shi Wanshan did not chase after the departing Blood Shadow Demon Lord Shi Wanshan.

The matter of Liang Jingcheng came to an end with the beheading of the blood-clothed boy by Shi Wanshan. Liang Jingcheng was in ruins for hundreds of miles, and millions of people were left alive. Without the capital and a large number of officials, Liang Guo was like A plate of loose sand was eaten away by the surrounding countries.

But all of this has nothing to do with Li Xiuxian and the others. Ordinary wars have no impact on cultivators at all. If it is not for the blood of the elders of Jiandingmen in Liang Jingcheng this time, I am afraid that the people in Liang Jingcheng It's dead, and it has nothing to do with them.

Li Xiuxian, who returned to the Hunyuanyi Qizong, became the chief alchemist in the sect, as Jian Chen said, the elder of the Hunyuanyi Qizong, and the elder of the Hunyuanyi Qizong, and the elder who practiced Qi Perfection. This is the first time in the Hunyuanyi Qizong.Although there were many voices of dissatisfaction among the elders, they were all suppressed by Shi Wanshan.

After Li Xiuxian showed his alchemy skills in front of everyone, the voice of dissatisfaction disappeared immediately, and alchemists who could refine third-grade elixir were treasures no matter where they were placed.

After becoming the chief alchemist, the elixir garden in the sect was also completely open to Li Xiuxian. He could use the elixir in it at will, and Li Xiuxian only collected the seeds of a few elixir, and did not do too much. After all, the garden is an important place of Hunyuan Qizong, even he dare not mess around in it, not to mention the old woman who guards the elixir garden has an unclear relationship with his master.

On Wuming Peak, a black alchemy furnace was constantly spinning in the red and black flame shrimp, and under the alchemy furnace, a young man in a blue taoist robe was continuously injecting spells into the flame.

This young man is none other than Li Xiuxian, who has become the chief alchemist. At this time, he is refining a batch of second-grade elixir, Huanglong Pill.

Huanglong Pill is a second-grade elixir, its effect is similar to that of Qi Gathering Pill, and it is the most commonly used elixir for Foundation Establishment cultivators!

"Ning!" With the injection of the last formula, a strong medicinal fragrance benefited the black pill furnace.

"48 pills, not bad!" Li Xiuxian nodded in satisfaction with his output.

"Elder Li, have you managed it?"

"Well, I've done it. According to the agreement, I'll take half of it. There are 48 in total, and the 24 here are yours!" Li Xiuxian threw out a small jade bottle, which happened to contain 24 Huanglong Pills!

"24!" The Foundation Establishment cultivator was taken aback, not because there were too few, but because there were too many!

It's not that he hasn't found an alchemist to refine it, but a batch of pills can produce more than 20 Huanglong pills at most, but about [-]% of them are taken up by the alchemist, and only about ten pills are in his hands in the end, but the same Li Xiuxian's amount of pills is twice that of others!
Although he paid half the price, he got 24 Huanglong Pills, which is equivalent to refining twice. The foundation-building cultivator was naturally happy.

"Thank you Elder Li!"

Li Xiuxian nodded. As the chief alchemist in Hunyuan Qizong, he has seen many monks like this.

"Brother's alchemy has improved again!" Li Xiuyuan in the bamboo house laughed.

"How's it going? Has there been a breakthrough?" Li Xiuxian put away the black furnace and asked.

"Well. In another month, I will be able to break through, and I will be a master of the [-]th level of Qi training by then!" Li Xiuyuan laughed.

Li Xiuxian nodded in relief. The spirit of cultivating edge is simply better than him. With a large amount of elixir, the speed of cultivation is naturally rapid.

"Brother, I miss Shuiyao a little bit. I don't know if she's doing well in Cihang Jingzhai. Why don't we take her here too." Li Xiuyuan said.

"It's okay, our three brothers and sisters haven't been together for a long time, but Yizhou is not peaceful now, and the two of us may be targeted by Moyunmen when we go out!" Li Xiuxian smiled bitterly.

The two brothers are really in the same boat, and they both killed many people from Moyunmen, so they naturally carried that special aura on their bodies. The chances of being targeted by Moyunmen when they go out are definitely not small. However, after seeing the terrifying power of Shi Wanshan and the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, Li Xiuxian completely put away his underestimation of the Foundation Establishment monks. Facing such an existence, ten lives are not enough for him to die.

However, Li Xiuxian did not gain nothing in the battle in Liang Jingcheng, at least he can now control the black spiritual fire in his body, but for some unknown reason, the crimson spiritual fire sealed in his body by Ling Daozi unexpectedly It is fused with the Sanyin ghost fire, and now when the flame is sacrificed, it is a red and black flame.

Red on the outside and black on the inside, the power is several times stronger than a single crimson spiritual fire.

Li Xiuxian was also baffled by the fusion of the two flames. He had never heard that there could be two types of spiritual fires in a monk's body, and these two types of spiritual fires were perfectly fused together.

"Boom!" A thunderbolt suddenly flashed in the sky, and a cloud of five colors appeared in the sky!

"Crossing the catastrophe! Who in the Hunyuan Qi sect is going to cross the catastrophe?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

In Hunyuan Qi School, there are only a few people who have reached the state of great perfection in Qi training!


"No! It turned out to be her!" Li Xiuxian was shocked when he saw this robbery cloud hovering over the Spiritual Medicine Garden!
"Brother, do you know the man who crossed the catastrophe?" Li Xiuyuan asked.

"Well, come with me!" Li Xiuxian took out the black furnace and jumped to the top.

"Ah! Brother, I don't need that black furnace of yours, I can just control the sword myself!" Li Xiuyuan smiled bitterly.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Li Xiuyuan, he had experienced it himself, so he naturally knew what his younger brother was thinking, and couldn't help but think of the time when he and his master met for the first time.

At that time, he also despised the black furnace, but from time to time, he did not expect that only a few years later, he would become the owner of the black furnace, and just like his master, he would become a man riding a black furnace around. wack.

"Up to you!" But Li Xiuxian is still not as overbearing as Ling Daozi, since Li Xiuyuan doesn't like him, he won't force it.

"Crack!" The first thunder finally fell.

"Boom!" An ice sword in the elixir garden slammed towards Tianlei.

"Ka!" Although the ice sword was instantly cracked by the sky thunder, the sky thunder was powerless and disappeared into the air, and the remaining power entered Leng Ruling's body to help her transform her body.

Crossing the catastrophe is the process of transforming the body, the more thunder one endures, the more complete the body transformation will be.

Although Li Xiuxian had never seen Jian Chen crossing the catastrophe, but thinking about it, he could imagine that Tianlei must have been very powerful at that time, otherwise Jian Chen's strength would not have been so strong!
"Boom!" The ninth thunder suddenly fell.

"Boom!" Dozens of ice shields condensed by Leng Ruling were smashed to pieces one by one by the thunder!Leng Ruling had no way to avoid it, and was struck by lightning!

Li Xiuxian's heart trembled, seeing Leng Ruling being hit by the lightning, he actually felt a heartache!

"Boom!" Leng Ruling's body just shook after being hit by the sky thunder!
"Mysterious Ice Armor!" Under the torn white robe, a layer of thousand-year-old ice unexpectedly appeared!
Li Xiuxian's eyelids couldn't help jumping. He could wear something as cold as the millennium ice. Li Xiuxian had to admire the cold resistance of the ice root monk. If he were an ordinary monk, his internal organs might be frostbitten!
In Xiaoqian World, Leng Ruling has collected a large amount of thousand-year-old profound ice. Except for a small amount of refining Bingxin Pill for Li Xiuxian, the remaining thousand-year-old ice is enough to refine several pieces of profound ice armor!

"Boom!" The last thunder that had been brewing for half an hour finally fell. The color of this thunder has turned lavender, and its power is almost the sum of the previous 26 thunders. Even if Leng Ruling has a mysterious It is also impossible for the ice armor to completely offset the powerful power of the sky thunder!

"Ice Chi Sword and Li Yu Sword!" With a yell, a chi dragon made entirely of ice faced the lavender sky thunder!
"Boom!" Bing Chi was finally smashed to pieces by Shao Zilei after resisting the five breaths of time.

The time of five breaths is enough for Leng Ruling to arrange, and the layers of ice shields are densely combined!


Zi Lei is as powerful as a bamboo, smashing this layer of ice shields!
"Boom!" Zi Lei hit the mysterious ice armor on Leng Ruling fiercely, "Ka!" The power of Zi Lei is completely different from that of the previous sky thunder, even the mysterious ice armor was punched a gap!
But that's all, a lot of power was consumed by the ice chinchilla, and hindered by heavy ice shields, when it hit the mysterious ice armor on Leng Ruling's body, it was already at the end of its strength!

"Boom!" A colorful ray of light fell instantly, nourishing Leng Ruling's body, and the meridians damaged by crossing the catastrophe also quickly recovered in this colorful ray of light, and the spiritual power of Leng Ruling's body continued to increase!

"Boom!" Leng Ruling only felt that the eyes suddenly opened up!
"Success!" Li Xiuxian, who was watching from the side, smiled.

"Go back!" Pulled Xiu Yuan beside him.

"Brother, don't you want to go over and congratulate?" Li Xiuyuan was taken aback.

"That's not necessary anymore." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

At this time, the elixir garden has been surrounded by a large number of monks, all of whom came to congratulate without exception. As the strongest force in Yizhou, every addition of the foundation-building monks will be a huge boost to the sect, and even more so. What's more, Leng Ruling is still the one-of-a-kind alien spirit root. After becoming a foundation-building monk, his strength is far beyond that of ordinary monks. Such monks naturally want to come to build good relationships.

Under normal circumstances, the monks who successfully crossed the tribulation would come out to chat with them, and have a relationship with them, but Leng Ruling didn't say a word, and went directly to the elixir garden for retreat.

The old woman in the elixir garden was even more amazing. She directly opened the formation of the elixir garden and blocked all the monks outside. Although everyone was angry, they did not dare to behave wildly in the elixir garden. If the elixir garden was destroyed In other words, the first person who can't spare them is Shi Wanshan, the suzerain of Hunyuan Qizong.

"Boom!" The stone table in front of the Blood Shadow Demon Monarch shattered violently!
"Waste, it's all a bunch of waste. After studying for so long, you haven't researched it. You have lived on dogs for so many years. You can't make something that a junior can develop!" Blood Shadow Demon Lord roared. road.

"Sovereign, this Yin Sha Pill is really unheard of. Since it can force a mortal to rise to the realm of fake pills, it is really too heaven-defying!" said an old man.

(End of this chapter)

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