Chapter 144
After an hour passed, Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed with brilliance!
"Ning!" Li Xiuxian yelled loudly, and more than a dozen bright blue Foundation Establishment Pills flew out of the black furnace!
Counting the original Foundation Establishment Pills, the number of Foundation Establishment Pills in Li Xiuxian's hands has reached thirty. If such a large number of Foundation Establishment Pills cannot be successfully established, Li Xiuxian can only give up!
So, Li Xiuxian who has made up his mind.I took one of Kidan first, and then began to dissipate the power of the medicine!

The medicinal power of foundation establishment took effect very quickly.After just a few hours, Li Xiuxian felt a raging fire burning in his dantian, but his limbs and other places were extremely cold, forming a very distinct hot and cold feeling!
But this feeling only lasted for a short while, the fierce fire at the dantian suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the limbs and other parts also returned to normal temperature.This made Li Xiuxian a little stunned!

Li Xiuxian's doubts flashed, his face changed suddenly, and he pressed his hands on his dantian and refused to let go of it.

Because here, there suddenly came a sharp pain like seven or eight sharp knives stirring at the same time.This made the unsuspecting Li Xiuxian pale, and beads of sweat the size of a soybean belt kept falling down his chin.The whole body is completely bent into a bow!

Li Xiuxian curled into a ball on the ground in pain, and kept cursing in his heart. Although he had experienced it several times, he still couldn't help cursing. Taking Zhuji Dan was such a painful thing!

But I haven't finished my two sentences.The severe pain in the dantian suddenly broke out.

This explosion turned into countless heat flows.Following the meridians, it immediately spread throughout the whole body, and even penetrated deep into the bone marrow.But then, the heat immediately turned into an unbearable itching, as if there were countless ants crawling all over his body, making him want to bang his head on the corner of the wall, so as to relieve the pain a little!
This kind of almost tortured Li Xiuxian crazily.It lasted for a meal before it gradually subsided.At this time, Li Xiuxian was able to hold on to the corner of the wall and barely stood up!At this time, he was sweating profusely, his whole body was covered with an inexplicable gray substance, and it was sticky, exuding an indescribable strange smell.

And the whole body is warm, and there is no discomfort!

obviously.The foundation building pill just now has improved the system, allowing him to cleanse his marrow and change his tendons.As for the warmth on his body, it should be due to the fact that the follow-up medicinal power of Zhuji Dan has not been exhausted, and it can be absorbed and used to increase his spiritual power.This is also the reason why after taking the Foundation Establishment Pill, it is necessary to retreat for three months, otherwise the medicinal power will gradually disappear with the passage of time.

In the beginning, Li Xiuxian did copy the foundation building process of others step by step, and meditated honestly to absorb the remaining medicinal power!

But soon Li Xiuxian discovered that the medicinal power stored in the body can only deepen the mana, and will not improve the physique.

If there is only one foundation-building pill, no matter who washes the marrow and tendons, they will not let go of this rare opportunity to increase mana power. It is not easy to retreat for three months to absorb all the medicine power. give up.

But Li Xiuxian is different, he still has a large number of Foundation Establishment Pills in his hand, and he doesn't pay much attention to the remaining medicinal power!What he cares about is, how many times will he have to go through this kind of physical improvement before he can enter the foundation building stage!After all, washing marrow and tendons is the key to success in breaking through and building a foundation!

Then take the second Jiji Dan.

He asked himself if he took one pill of Establishing Foundation Pills one after another, there shouldn't be any major problems, at most it would make the remaining potency of the medicine a little bit more, and that's okay!After several times of thinking, Li Xiuxian still did not stop, and took the second Foundation Establishment Pill.

If the old woman knew that Li Xiuxian had taken two Foundation Establishment Pills in a row, she would probably be scared to death by him.

The same severe pain, the same itching, made Li Xiuxian, who had been prepared for a long time, really painful once!But Li Xiuxian felt it, this time it seemed to be slightly lighter than last time.It's just that there are still a lot of impurities on his body, it seems that his aptitude is really terrible!
After taking Zhuji Pill twice in a row, Li Xiuxian didn't feel the residual medicinal power in his body, and there was nothing wrong with it. Of course, the warmth was a little stronger, but it didn't hurt at all!

In this way, Li Xiuxian felt relieved.Next, he took one Foundation Establishment Pill after another one after another.Every elixir has the same effect of washing the marrow, urging out batches of gray impurities in Han Li's body!

But starting from the third pill, Li Xiuxian clearly felt the marrow washing effect of Zhuji Dan, and during the rapid decline, less and less impurities were discharged.But at the same time, the spiritual power in his body was undergoing strange changes.

The true essence that was originally in a gaseous state gradually became thicker and viscous after several times of taking Zhuji Dan, and had a tendency to transform into a liquid state.Even after taking the seventh Foundation Establishment Pill, Han Li's true essence was no different from liquid except for a small piece at the core of his dantian.

But after taking the seventh elixir, the remaining medicinal power in Li Xiuxian's body finally reached a state close to saturation.His whole body has changed from the original warmth to a hot feeling that is close to burning, which makes Li Xiuxian hesitate!

After all, no one has taken so many Foundation Establishment Pills at one time, and no one can guarantee what will happen next!
He really didn't know, if he swallowed the eighth elixir, if he would become more powerful and cause any troubles!But Li Xiuxian also felt that he was very close to the foundation establishment period.

He also fell short here a few times before, and Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed a flash of determination, he was willing to cut himself to pieces, and dared to pull the emperor off his horse!

After thinking about it for a while, the desire for foundation establishment still prevailed.After gritting his teeth, he still took the eighth Foundation Establishment Pill.

However, as soon as the elixir was swallowed this time, the residual medicinal power that could barely be controlled, exploded suddenly with a huff.Li Xiuxian's meridians all over his body became hot!
"Not good! So much medicine can't suppress it!" Li Xiuxian's face changed drastically, and the violent medicine almost burst his meridians!

Although Li Xiuxian tried his best to suppress the medicinal power in his body, it was almost useless. The remaining medicinal power of the eight Foundation Establishment Pills was enough to cause a Foundation Establishment cultivator to explode and die!

"Fight!" Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth!

Since he can't suppress it, let's fight it out, since he can't suppress the power of the medicine in his body no matter what with his cultivation base of Qi Dao Consummation, so he might as well add fire to the power of the medicine, and use this powerful force to The power of the medicine breaks through the foundation building stage in one fell swoop!

Li Xiuxian focused his attention on the three middle-grade foundation-building pills on the side, and now he was short of the finishing touch, and naturally it was time for these three middle-grade foundation-building pills to play a role!

"Gulu!" Li Xiuxian swallowed three middle-grade Foundation Establishment Pills in one gulp!
"Boom!" The huge medicinal power exploded in Li Xiuxian's body, constantly impacting Li Xiuxian's limbs and bones!Li Xiuxian only felt that the muscles and veins all over his body were so hot that he fainted indistinctly!
When Li Xiuxian woke up with a hot body, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had successfully passed the level in a coma, and had already entered the foundation building stage.

Excited Li Xiuxian couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. I'm afraid he is the only one who has encountered such a dangerous Foundation Establishment.

"Heavenly Tribulation!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but look up, the Heavenly Tribulation in the Foundation Establishment Period did not fall!
"There's no reason! It's impossible! Could it be that the catastrophe was passed unknowingly while sleeping?" Li Xiuxian wondered in his heart.

"Forget it, I can't think of anything after thinking so much, let's go out first." Li Xiuxian shook his head, even he himself didn't know how long he had been in a coma, and I'm afraid Xiuyuan who was guarding outside would be worried!
"Boom!" The moment Li Xiuxian stepped out of the Wanhua Pearl, the entire Wuming Peak was surrounded by a huge multicolored robbery cloud!

"Not good! Xiuyuan, leave quickly!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, this catastrophe came so fast!

"Brother! You have established the foundation!" Xiu Yuan was shocked!
"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, you can't stay here anymore!" Li Xiuxian roared!

"Oh!" Li Xiuyuan also knew the severity, he had also seen the power of Heavenly Tribulation, even if his cultivation base was greatly advanced, it was impossible to resist this terrifying power.

"Boom!" The first thunder came down without giving Li Xiuxian any time to prepare!

"I'm going! Is there any mistake!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help cursing when he saw this slightly purple sky thunder, the power of the first sky thunder could almost be compared with the few sky thunders after Leng Ruling , How can he block it!
"Slash!" Facing such a powerful sky thunder, Li Xiuxian naturally didn't dare to hide his clumsiness, a huge red sword glow on the Haotian Excalibur slashed at Tianlei!
"Boom!" Evenly divided, Li Xiuxian relied on the power of the Haotian Excalibur to barely fight the first thunder!
A trace of lightning from the scattered sky thunder sank into Li Xiuxian's body and transformed his body!

"Huh!" Li Xiuxian was startled, more than half of the lightning that entered his body was sucked by the Wanhua Pearl in his dantian, and his body was only divided into a small part!

"Wuming Peak! He has crossed the tribulation!" The old woman was shocked!
"Master, he has passed the robbery!" Feeling the power of the robbery cloud in the sky, Leng Ruling also broke through the barrier!

"Well, but the power of this robbery cloud is ridiculously strong. It's just the first sky thunder, which is as good as your last few sky thunders. This is the first time I have seen such a powerful sky thunder. Even if it is Foundation Establishment cultivators are also hard to resist!" The old woman shook her head!

"Crossing Tribulation? This old man will help you!" Shi Wanshan snorted coldly.

"Activate the mountain protection formation! The scope is reduced to the unnamed peak!" Shi Wanshan's voice spread instantly.

Just the first thunder, its power far surpassed the last few thunders of ordinary monks, even if it was not much worse than the last thunder.

"Hehe, this kid is self-inflicted. Even a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment may not be able to withstand such a powerful sky thunder, let alone a junior who has just entered foundation establishment." Zhu Sancai watched from a distance. Li Xiuxian, who had crossed the catastrophe, sneered secretly in his heart.

Due to Li Xiuxian's special status, Zhu Sancai didn't dare to blatantly seek trouble with him. Even the suzerain Shi Wanshan made it clear that he was not allowed to trouble Li Xiuxian. Under normal circumstances, Zhu Sancai would have no chance to kill Li Xiuxian.

But I don't know if it's because Li Xiuxian has committed too many crimes, and the Heavenly Tribulation in the Foundation Establishment Period is so powerful!
Zhu Sancai is also a monk who has survived the catastrophe. He is well aware of the horror of the sky thunder. It is due to luck that he can survive it. If he is allowed to do it again, even he himself cannot guarantee that he can survive it.

However, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation that Li Xiuxian encountered has far exceeded the range that the monks who established the foundation can bear. The power of the first sky thunder is almost the same as his last sky thunder. Under the thunder, no monk who stepped into the threshold of foundation establishment could survive.

"Boom!" The second thunder finally fell after brewing for a long time.

The lavender sky thunder rushed straight down as if to destroy everything!

"What a powerful sky thunder!" Li Xiuxian sighed in his heart, and the Haotian Excalibur in his hand glowed red.

Several fiery red sword glows were chopped out in a row, but the power of the second sky thunder was obviously several times stronger than the first sky thunder. These sword glows could not offset the terrifying power of the sky thunder at all!

(End of this chapter)

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