Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 148 Deep into the Oasis

Chapter 148 Deep into the Oasis
"I told you, but you still don't believe me!" Li Xiuxian rolled his eyes, "Crack, creak!" The little monkey didn't even bother to eat, jumped on Li Xiuxian's head and kept pulling Li Xiuxian's hair, pointing at the place where the five-color light disappeared. direction.

"You want me to help you get back the horned dragon stick?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Crack, crunch!" The little monkey nodded immediately.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "You have to put in a little effort, there are fifteen explosive fox bears over there, and I can't deal with them alone."

The little monkey immediately patted his chest, as if wrapped around me.

"I have held three Explosive Fox Bears, how many of them can you deal with?" Li Xiuxian asked.

The little monkey stretched out two hands after scratching its ears and cheeks.

"Ten! You can't bear it! After all, the Explosive Fox Bear is a second-level middle-grade monster, with strong strength and high defense!" Li Xiuxian looked at the little monkey suspiciously!
Seeing Li Xiuxian suspecting that he was jumping up and down angrily as a little monkey!

"I forgot, your little guy's power is even more terrifying!" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"Sura, you and the little monkey will defend against the remaining thirteen explosive fox bears!" Li Xiuxian said.

When Li Xiuxian brought the little monkey and Shura to the vicinity of the oasis, fifteen Explosive Fox Bears were scattered all over the place, but each Explosive Fox Bear was only a short distance away, so if something happened, it would be there quickly.

"I'll attack first, and after I've lured away the three explosive fox bears on the far left, I'll leave the rest to you!" Li Xiuxian said to the little monkey.

"Bang bang bang!" There were three muffled sounds in a row, and three red rays of light hit the three Explosive Fox Bears respectively.

"Roar!" The attacked Explosive Flame Fox Bear roared and ran towards Li Xiuxian, and they naturally recognized that this human being was the one who escaped from them.

In an instant, the fifteen Explosive Flame Fox Bears roared crazily!

"Roar!" But a louder roar completely suppressed the roars of the fifteen explosive fox bears.

I saw that the little monkey's body had soared to about fifty feet, like a hill!
Facing the sudden appearance of the blue-eyed amethyst ape, the eyes of Baoyan Fox and Bear showed fear.

Their bodies of four to five feet are considered giants in the eyes of human beings, but they can only be regarded as small ones in front of the fifty feet of blue-eyed amethyst ape.

"Roar!" The little monkey whose horned dragon cudgel was taken away was already extremely upset, but naturally he didn't have that much patience when he saw these fifteen explosive fox bears!

"Boom!" The little monkey's fist slammed down!
"Bang!" Blood splattered, and the little monkey beat an Explosive Fox Bear into a meat paste with one punch!

This sudden change made Li Xiuxian stunned. Before the little monkey said that it could deal with ten explosive fox bears, Li Xiuxian thought he was bragging. Now it seems that it is still conservative. If it is not that it only has two hands and ten fingers, I am afraid. The little monkey can wrap up all the explosive fox bears.

In three years, the strength of the little monkey has undergone another terrifying improvement. Now the little monkey is already a second-level middle-grade monster, but its strength far exceeds the second-level top-grade monster. The ape's advantage, with its tyrannical strength, the blue-eyed amethyst ape ran rampant in the ancient times, and even the powerful ancients were unwilling to offend these terrifying alien beasts.

"Bang!" Another Explosive Fox Bear was blown up by the little monkey in the blink of an eye, and only eight of the fifteen Explosive Fox Bears were left, and their eyes were full of fear. The ferocious Explosive Fox Bear felt the fear!
Although the explosive fox bears are fierce, they are no different from rabbits in the face of absolute power!
The little monkey doesn't care about these explosive fox bears, he is angry now, and this also determines the fate of these explosive fox bears!

Even if these explosive foxes and bears fled separately, how could they escape the little monkey now!
The little monkey took ten steps at a time, and knocked out the four fleeing flaming foxes one by one. The whole process took only a cup of tea, and fifteen flaming foxes were decapitated!

It is also a second-level middle-grade monster, but the gap in strength is so huge!
With the current strength of the little monkey, I am afraid that only fake monks like Shi Wanshan can pose a little threat to him!

After tidying up the explosive fox and bear, the little monkey instantly changed back to its harmless appearance, and sat on Li Xiuxian's shoulder with its head folded. Obviously losing the horned dragon stick was a big blow to it.

"Okay, don't be depressed, we can go in after we get rid of these explosive fox bears, and we will definitely be able to snatch the horned dragon stick back for you." Li Xiuxian patted the little monkey's head and smiled.

"Crack!" The little monkey's eyes lit up, and he kept urging Li Xiuxian.

"Okay, okay! I got it!" Li Xiuxian patted the little monkey's head, performed the breath restraint technique, concealed his breath, and moved towards the center of the oasis bit by bit.

On the way, Li Xiuxian encountered a lot of second-level monsters, and even Li Xiuxian couldn't help his heart palpitations from some of them, and even the little monkey was a little restless.

Ordinary second-level monster monkeys are not taken seriously at all. With the little monkey's current strength, even second-level top-rank monsters will come and go, but the breath of the other party can make the little monkey a little jealous, obviously not For ordinary things, Li Xiuxian avoided these monsters early on.

The farther you go to the center of the oasis, the more powerful monsters are there. There are several times when they are almost discovered by these monsters. If it weren't for the strong spiritual sense of Li Xiuxian and the skill of restraining breath, Li Xiuxian would have been caught by these monsters a long time ago. Found, torn to shreds.

"What the hell is this place, there are so many tyrannical monsters, it's no better than Shi Wanshan!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

These monsters are enough to compete with Shi Wanshan, who is in the realm of fake alchemy, but if Shi Wanshan uses the top-grade magic weapon, I am afraid that the fate of these monsters will not be much better. Killing with one sword, even the current little monkey can't take that powerful sword.

The closer to the center of the oasis, the stronger the monster's aura. Li Xiuxian even saw a hundred-foot-long dragon flying through the air. The aura of this dragon made the little monkey tremble. Transform into a dragon in one step.

But fortunately, the stronger the monster's territory, the stronger the consciousness. These monsters' range of action has rules to follow, which also allows Li Xiuxian to seize the gap and walk through the territory of these monsters.

The further you go to the center, the stronger the monsters are, and the wider the territory they own. The further Li Xiuxian goes in, the more frightened he is. There is such a terrifying power hidden under the Wuming Peak where he has been living. However, not only Hunyuan Qizong, but even the whole Yizhou may be turned into scorched earth!

"Roar!" The sudden roar made Li Xiuxian's heart tighten, and he even wondered if his whereabouts had been exposed!

"Bang!" Suddenly a huge figure fell from the sky!
"Boom!" The huge body made a deep hole in the ground!
"Hiss!" After Li Xiuxian saw the falling object clearly, he couldn't help but gasped!
Jiaolong!It turned out to be the flood dragon I saw outside!That dragon, which is hundreds of feet long, is something that even little monkeys fear!

died!At this time, the Jiaolong was completely dead!The neck was bitten off!

"What kind of monster is it that can kill this dragon so easily!" Li Xiuxian thought anxiously.

Except for an obvious scar on the neck, this dragon's body is intact, and it will kill with one blow!A monster that can do this is really terrifying!
The roar that Li Xiuxian heard just now was not the roar of a monster, but the mournful cry of this flood dragon!

Li Xiuxian glanced around and found that there were no monsters, so he opened the Wanhua Pearl and took the dragon's body into it!

This is a flood dragon that is about to transform into a dragon. The scales on its body are very complete. It is a treasure trove for cultivators!

Even a flying-winged white tiger can produce several pieces of medium-grade artifacts, not to mention this dragon, and the flesh and blood of the dragon is also a great supplement, and can be used for alchemy. This is really a rare treasure!
Originally, with Li Xiuxian's current strength, even with Shura and the little monkey, he was only [-]% sure of killing these monsters. Now that he had picked up a bargain for nothing, Li Xiuxian was in a good mood. At least this dragon's corpse was enough to make up for him. Lost the Haotian Excalibur.

However, the death of this dragon also made Li Xiuxian have a clear understanding of the danger of this oasis. Even such a powerful dragon can fall, so there must be something more powerful than the dragon in the oasis. Shen is the end of life and death.

"Buzz!" The spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body shook violently!
Li Xiuxian found that the speed of the spiritual power in his body had increased by about five times!
"What's going on?" Li Xiuxian was shocked!
The spiritual power circulation in the body is so fast, and the body is constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy. This kind of cultivation speed is five times that of Wanhuazhu, and dozens of times that of the outside world!
Li Xiuxian took a few steps back in horror, but it was also these few steps that Li Xiuxian's body instantly returned to normal, and the speed of his spiritual power also returned to normal.

"Huh!" Li Xiuxian looked at his feet in surprise!

Take a step!
no response!
Take another step!
Still no response!

When Li Xiuxian took the third step, the spiritual power in his body turned wildly!

"It's here! It should be here! This is the central part of the oasis!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

The little monkey also seemed to be aware of the difference around him, dancing on Li Xiuxian's shoulder.

"It's no wonder the strength of the monsters here is so strong. Even Wanhuazhu can't match the richness of this aura. One year of cultivation here is worth decades of cultivation outside!" Li Xiuxian seemed to know this too The powerful secret of monsters.

With such a strong aura, even a pig can become a pig demon after more than ten years of cultivation!

"Bang!" Suddenly a huge claw grabbed at Li Xiuxian!Then a bird's claw!

"Bang!" The little monkey who had been sitting on Li Xiuxian's shoulder jumped up violently, his body soared to more than 50 feet in the air, and he swung his fist to hit this paw!

"Puchi!" Blood splattered everywhere!

This paw actually pierced the little monkey's fist!

"This is impossible!" Li Xiuxian exclaimed!
The little monkey's defense may not be able to split even if he is holding the Haotian Excalibur, but this paw tore the little monkey's defense like tearing a piece of paper!
"Roar!" But this also aroused the ferociousness of the little monkey. After all, the little monkey is an ancient alien beast, the blue-eyed amethyst ape. Although he was taught by Li Xiuxian to look harmless to humans and animals, he is still a ferocious monster in essence!

The little monkey didn't retreat but advanced, ignoring his pierced right hand, he grabbed the huge paw firmly!
Pull hard!
"Bang!" A green figure hit the ground hard!
"Bang!" The little monkey's body was instantly covered with green feathers!
(End of this chapter)

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