Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 151 Ancient Ruins

Chapter 151 Ancient Ruins
"Ningxiang is in seclusion. The good or bad of this operation is unknown. If she doesn't come, she won't have to go through this muddy water." Li Xiuxian said.

After flying for more than two hours, a towering mountain range appeared in front of their eyes. From the mountainside, there were countless clouds surrounding it. covered by clouds!

"What a beautiful mountain!" Li Shuiyao was instantly fascinated by the beautiful scene.

"Pretty is beautiful, but under this beautiful scene there is a hidden murderous intent!" Li Xiuxian pointed at a dead body and sneered.

This corpse was one of the elders of Hunyuanyi Qizong who had just set off with Li Xiuxian. It was still alive just now, but now it has become a cold corpse!
"Death time is only a cup of tea, you all be careful, take out all the defensive magic weapons!" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"It should be a magic method. His whole body's blood has been sucked dry. Only monks who can practice this kind of evil technique." Li Xiuyuan said.

"It's unlucky to encounter robbers before entering Qianyun Mountain!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, using his hand as a sword, he waved a sword light and sank into the nearby bushes!
"Bang!" A figure rose violently, and a sword light slashed out to block Li Xiuxian!
"Jie jie jie jie, the little boy is very vigilant, and even found my trace!" The monk let out a strange laugh.

Li Xiuxian sneered: "The smell of blood on your body can't be concealed from others at all. You must have killed many people in a short period of time and absorbed a lot of blood. Even you can't hide the strong smell of blood. "

"So what, you three little dolls in the early stage of foundation establishment can't escape the palm of my Blood Mosquito Taoist at all, boy, if you donate your essence and blood obediently, the old man can consider leaving you as a whole corpse! As for The little beauty next to you, as long as you are willing to be my furnace, I can let you live!" Taoist Blood Mosquito looked at Li Shuiyao and laughed lewdly.

"Bah, dirty!" Li Shuiyao blushed.

The faces of Li Xiuxian and Li Xiuyuan sank in an instant, Shuiyao was their Nilin, this Blood Mosquito Taoist dared to molest Li Shuiyao and had already violated their Nilin, dragons have Nilin, touch them and you will be angry!
"Looking for death!" Li Xiuyuan rushed towards Taoist Blood Mosquito with a golden dharma sword in his hand.

"A medium-grade magic weapon! The cultivation level is average, but the magic weapon is not bad. I accept it!" Taoist Blood Mosquito sneered, and a crystal clear tube appeared in his hand, which blocked Li Shuiyao's flying sword.

Li Xiuxian frowned. The Golden Sun Sword in Li Xiuyuan's hand is a good magic weapon. Metal magic weapons are known for their sharpness, but the pipe in the hands of Taoist Blood Mosquito can block the Golden Sun Sword. It is obviously not a mortal thing. .

"Jie Jie! Kid, die!" This crystal-clear tube actually stretched several times, and the opening of the tube gets smaller as it goes forward, it really looks like a mosquito's straw!
"Brother Xiu Yuan, be careful!" Li Shuiyao exclaimed!
"Ding!" With a pinch of Li Xiuyuan's fingers, he actually clamped the straw firmly in his hand.

On Li Xiuxian's fingers, a layer of faint flames kept beating!

"Natural Spirit Fire!" Taoist Blood Mosquito's eyelids twitched!
"Boom!" The red and black flames on the fingers erupted in an instant, covering the entire straw, and the red and black flames rushed towards the blood mosquito Taoist's body along the crystal straw!

Daoist Blood Mosquito was shocked, ignored the straw in his hand, and pinched several formulas one after another, mobilizing his natal spiritual fire to counteract Li Xiuxian's flame!
Taoist Blood Mosquito's natal spirit fire is very strange, it is blood red, and it looks like a ball of blood!
"Fight the spirit fire with the old man, and the old man will corrode your spirit fire, making it impossible for you to cross the hurdle of the early stage of foundation establishment for the rest of your life!" Taoist Blood Mosquito said with a sinister smile.

Li Xiuxian sneered, he didn't care about the threat of the Blood Mosquito Taoist at all. The Blood Mosquito Taoist thought that his natal spiritual fire could corrode all things, but he didn't know that someone had already used his trick, and it was the same as that of Xue Wuya's. Compared with the means, this Blood Mosquito Taoist is just a child who has just learned to walk!

The red-black spiritual fire and the blood-red spiritual fire were quickly intertwined, and the flames were constantly intertwined in the air!

"Hahaha! You're dead! You're dead!" Taoist Blood Mosquito laughed crazily when he saw his flame gaining the upper hand!

But the situation suddenly changed. Under the red flames, a group of black flames grew rapidly, swallowing the red flames in an instant!

"Impossible! How could my natal spiritual fire be swallowed by your flame! Impossible!" This sudden change made Taoist Blood Mosquito unacceptable.

"Save your questions and go to the underworld!" A cold light flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes, and the black flames mercilessly rushed towards Taoist Blood Mosquito.

"Junior, this old man will never die with you!" Daoist Blood Mosquito spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body turned into a bloody light!
"Blood escape! People of the devil way know this life-saving kung fu, but can your blood escape surpass the blood spirit technique of the Moyun sect?" Li Xiuxian sneered, and spit out a mouthful of essence like the blood mosquito Taoist. Blood.


Just when Taoist Blood Mosquito thought he had got rid of Li Xiuxian, his body shook suddenly, and a sharp object pierced into his body!
"You..." Taoist Blood Mosquito didn't even have time to say a complete sentence, his whole body shriveled up quickly, and all his flesh and blood was sucked away by this crystal tube!

"What a vicious magic weapon!" Even Li Xiuxian, who was used to killing, couldn't help but gasped.

Just by touching the body, it can suck people into a mummy. This magic weapon is more vicious than the Hundred Soul Banner!

However, Taoist Blood Mosquito is also self-inflicted, and death under his own magic weapon is also a karmic cycle.

"This magic weapon is not bad, just keep it and use it reluctantly." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

In the abyss, the hairless peacock sucked away most of the magic weapons on his body, even the talisman and the thunderbolt were consumed in it. Li Xiuxian is now poor and useless, and he can't even get a decent magic weapon. Although the root pipe is a bit vicious, it is also a good magic weapon.

"Brother, where is that person?" Li Xiuyuan who arrived afterward asked.

"Dead!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Li Xiuyuan nodded, he is no longer the child who dare not even kill, otherwise he would not have so much Moyunmen aura on him.

After taking off the storage bag on Taoist Blood Mosquito, the three of them continued on to Qianyun Mountain!
"Brother, the little monkey you raised is so cute." Li Shuiyao smiled while touching the little monkey's head.

Li Xiuxian thought to himself, if you saw the little monkey go crazy, you wouldn't say that.

Li Xiuyuan couldn't help shivering when he thought of Lu Fanfeng being smashed into meat paste by the little monkey. Anyway, he couldn't possibly associate the word little monkey with cute, although the little monkey looks very cute now. cute.

"Then you take the little monkey with you, he seems to like you quite a lot." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

Li Xiuxian arranged the little monkey next to Li Shuiyao more because he wanted the little monkey to protect Li Shuiyao. After all, the Qianyun Mountain Range has now become a place where monks gather. He is a monk, but he is not very good at fighting, so he is relieved to have a little monkey by his side.

After all, there are really not many monks in Yizhou who can subdue the little monkey.

"Brother, after we enter Qianyun Mountain, where should we start looking?" Li Xiuyuan asked.

"Find a place to hide first. The Qianyun Mountain Range is at its most chaotic right now. If we wander around outside, it is inevitable that someone will stare at us." Li Xiuxian said.

"If the ancient ruins are discovered by others, wouldn't we get nothing?" Li Xiuyuan said.

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "This time the matter of the ancient ruins is too big. Almost all the schools in Yizhou have sent people here. At that time, the masters of both righteousness and evil will gather here. Anyone, anyone It is impossible for sects to monopolize it all, what they can do is how to get a piece of this big pie."

"Bang!" A series of fireballs rushed towards the three of them!

Li Xiuxian frowned, and with a flick of his hand, he blew the dozens of fireballs aside!
"A Qi training monk." Li Xiuyuan looked at the twenty or thirty monks underground and sneered.

More than 20 qi-training monks dared to rob three foundation-building monks. I don't know if these people are really not afraid of death!

"I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, you can save money to buy roads!" A big bearded man roared.

Li Xiuxian and Li Xiuyuan couldn't help sighing, they were no different from ordinary robbers!
"You three, hurry up and hand over the magical artifacts and spirit stones on your body, your grandfather Cyclops will consider letting you live." Cyclops roared.

"Brother, did you kill these flies?" Li Xiuyuan snorted coldly.

"Forget it, ignore them!" Li Xiuxian also shook his head with a wry smile.

"You little dolls, what are you muttering over there, quickly hand over the magic weapon of the spirit stone!" Cyclops seemed to have lost his patience.

"Boss, the fat sheep this time is very fat. It looks like the second ancestor of the sect!" A monk next to him laughed.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly. Although the three of them were a little younger, they did not expect to be regarded as the second ancestors of the sect. Judging from the situation, this group of people seemed to do this kind of thing often.

"Get out!" Li Xiuyuan's suppressed breath erupted in an instant. The coercion of the foundation cultivators is so strong, how can these monks who only have the Qi training period withstand the coercion of Li Xiuyuan!


More than 20 Qi training monks were crushed to the ground by Li Xiuyuan's coercion, unable to move!

"Foundation Establishment Cultivator!" Cyclops wished he could slap himself hard!
The robbery actually hit the head of the monk who established the foundation. What is the difference between this and courting death?
"Do you still want spirit stones and magic weapons?" Li Xiuyuan snorted coldly.

"Don't, don't, it's the little one who has eyes but no eyes, and offended the seniors, the little one deserves to be damned, the little one deserves to be damned!" Cyclops kept kowtowing his head.

But in his heart, Cyclops has already scolded Li Xiuxian and the three of them. There are such foundation-building monks there. If it were someone else, it would not be like letting his aura out, for fear that others would not know that he was a foundation-building monk, but these three It's a good position, but he did the opposite, and actually restrained his momentum!
"Xiuyuan, let's go, don't be as knowledgeable as these people." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"Hmm!" The momentum suppressing more than 20 people disappeared in an instant.

Cyclops looked at Li Xiuxian and the others with lingering fear: "Senior, do you want to go to the Qianyun Mountains to find the ancient ruins?"

"You also know?" Li Xiuxian glanced at Cyclops.

There is no difference between going to the Qianyun Mountains to get a share of the pie with the tenth level of Cyclops Qi training and courting death.

Cyclops nodded, but his face was extremely ugly: "Senior, it's better not to go to the Qianyun Mountain Range, because the Qianyun Mountain Range is very evil recently, and my brother will never come out once he enters the Qianyun Mountain Range!"

(End of this chapter)

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