Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 157 Reversal of the Battle Situation

Chapter 157 Reversal of the Battle Situation
"Small skills!" Qiu Changfeng snorted coldly, he only thought that Li Xiuxian was doing the last struggle!

A flash of lightning flashed on the Five Thunder God Whip, but what surprised Qiu Changfeng was that the lightning penetrated the five colors of light directly and hit Li Xiuxian's body directly!

"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian's body was blown away by the huge force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

The tyrannical power of thunder and lightning rampaged through Li Xiuxian's body!

Enduring the pain in his body, Li Xiuxian opened the Wanhua Pearl, and instantly the lightning in his body was completely absorbed by the Wanhua Pearl!

Previously, Li Xiuxian also relied on Wanhuazhu to forcibly accept the lightning-leading technique of Master Yunling, minimizing the damage to the body caused by the lightning spells!
The five-colored light instantly wrapped the Five Thunder God Whips together, Qiu Changfeng only felt a huge suction from the Five Thunder God Whips, and the Five Thunder God Whips showed signs of letting go!
"Sure!" Qiu Changfeng yelled, pouring spiritual power into it crazily, resisting this inexplicable suction with powerful strength!

"Shua Shua!" It was another five-color light!

Qiu Changfeng's face changed, and the suction force on the Five Thunder God Whip increased exponentially, even he couldn't suppress it!

"Stab!" Qiu Changfeng couldn't hold back any longer, and the Five Thunder God Whip dropped his hand in an instant!
After the Five Thunder God Whip circled in the air, it slowly fell into Li Xiuxian's hands!
"It's your fault!" Qiu Changfeng's face was extremely ugly!

Li Xiuxian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the Five Thunder God Whip in his hand and couldn't help showing a smile: "Your biggest reliance is in my hands, do you still want to fight?"

"Junior, although I don't know how you took away my Five Thunder God Whip, so what? Even if you have the Five Thunder God Whip in your early foundation establishment, you are still no match for me!" Qiu Changfeng said disdainfully. Said.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, walked straight to Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he found that the two were still breathing. After stuffing a blood Sudan in their mouths, he turned his head and stared at Qiu Changfeng: "You must die!"

"Hahaha! Junior, speak wild words!" Qiu Changfeng seemed to have heard the best joke. A junior in the early stage of foundation establishment dared to kill him in front of his face!

The long sword in Qiu Changfeng's hand was shining brightly, without the Five Thunder God Whip, he still had a high-grade magic weapon, which could still kill Li Xiuxian!

Li Xiuxian looked at the long sword in Qiu Changfeng's hand and sneered, and his spiritual power poured into the four feathers in his left hand!



Two streaks of five-color rays of light flashed out, and the long sword in Qiu Changfeng's hand flew out without warning, and landed in Li Xiuxian's hand!

"My Sirius Sword!" Qiu Changfeng's expression changed!
It wasn't until then that he noticed that there were four feathers on Li Xiuxian's left hand, and the five-color light came from these four feathers.

Qiu Changfeng seemed to have thought of something, and even his breathing became extremely heavy. If the thing in Li Xiuxian's hand was really what he thought, it would definitely be an earth-shattering existence. negligible.

But what Qiu Changfeng didn't understand was how such a thing fell into the hands of a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment!

Qiu Changfeng's eyes were full of greed. Even without a magic weapon, he was confident that he could suppress this early foundation-building monk with his own cultivation!

If Li Xiuxian was just an ordinary monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, he might really be suppressed by him, but the purity of Li Xiuxian's spiritual power is not inferior to that of monks in the late stage of foundation establishment. It is obviously impossible to suppress Li Xiuxian!
What's more, Li Xiuxian is holding a high-grade magic weapon and an ancient treasure in his hand, and he has the help of the little monkey and Shura!

"Come on!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and the five thunder gods whipped up the thunder light, and a thunderbolt as thick as the mouth of a bowl struck Qiu Changfeng!
"Roar!" The little monkey who was swept away also stood up and punched Qiu Changfeng!
"Roar!" Shura's eyes also turned aqua blue, and a cold air emerged from his body, and he stabbed Qiu Changfeng with an ice spear!
Qiu Changfeng's face changed, even if he was a monk in the realm of fake alchemy, he would not dare to take so many attacks!
"Bang!" The thunder light hit Qiu Changfeng's spiritual shield!

Qiu Changfeng staggered and nearly fell, but the spiritual shield on his body blocked the thunder light!
A fake alchemy monk is a fake alchemy monk, and the defense of the spiritual shield is so strong!
"Too much deceit!" Qiu Changfeng roared, and the natal spirit fire was sacrificed, rushing towards the little monkey's fist!

"Little monkey, be careful!" Li Xiuxian's face changed, the spiritual fire of the fake pill realm was no small matter, even a little monkey couldn't stop it!

"Boom!" Suddenly, a red and black flame intercepted Qiu Changfeng's spiritual fire, and the two spiritual fires were evenly matched!

"Three yin ghost fire! No, it's the red lotus karmic fire! No, it doesn't look like it. Why is this kid's natal spirit fire so weird!" Qiu Changfeng was shocked!

Foundation-building monks can condense their own spiritual fire, but in nature there will be some spiritual fires condensed from heaven and earth. These spiritual fires are much stronger than the spiritual fires condensed by monks themselves. Some monks can incorporate these spiritual fires into In my own body, it merges with my own spiritual fire to form a more powerful spiritual fire!

But this kind of spiritual fire formed by heaven and earth is rare, and he has never encountered it even in the realm of fake alchemy.

In the entire Yizhou, only Ling Daozi has this kind of spiritual fire, and what Ling Daozi absorbs is the red lotus fire!
But although the spiritual fire on Li Xiuxian's body has the aura of red lotus karma, it is not red lotus karma!

"Die!" Qiu Changfeng roared.

"This old guy is so strong!" Li Xiuxian's face changed, and his spirit fire was actually suppressed!

However, at this time, Shura's ice spear also arrived!

The severe cold air made Qiu Changfeng tremble all over!
Qiu Changfeng had to allocate part of his spiritual fire to block Shura's ice spear. This division of troops wiped out the advantage he had finally established, and was suppressed by Li Xiuxian instead!

"Roar!" The little monkey's fist fell!
"Bang!" Qiu Changfeng's spiritual shield shook violently, and tiny cracks appeared on it!
Seeing that the punch didn't shatter, the little monkey punched again!
"Bang!" This time, the spiritual shield on Qiu Changfeng's body could no longer hold up, and Qiu Changfeng was blown away with a punch!
No matter how strong Qiu Changfeng is, he is still a human being, and his physical strength is simply impossible to match that of the little monkey, an ancient beast. If this punch doesn't kill him, he will be considered dead!
"Cough, cough, cough!" Although Qiu Changfeng was not dead, his bones were shattered by the little monkey, and he fell to the ground, spitting out blood!

"You can't win by force!" Qiu Changfeng said while staring at Li Xiuxian.

If it wasn't for Li Xiuxian's despicable means to collect his magic weapon, if it wasn't for the siege of the three of Li Xiuxian, and if it wasn't for the strength of Li Xiuxian's natal spirit fire, he would have already established the victory!

"Then you can just treat me as invincible!" Naturally, Li Xiuxian wouldn't entangle himself in this kind of issue!

"Old man, you seem to be very interested in the feather on my hand, do you know the origin of this thing?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"I don't know!" Qiu Chang turned his head away.

"I don't know?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and a weak lightning shot from the Five Thunder God Whip shot into Qiu Changfeng's body. This lightning bolt would not be fatal, but it would continue to flow in Qiu Changfeng's body. This feeling is worse than death!
"You are so poisonous!" Qiu Changfeng wailed continuously!

"You forced me to do this too. Do you want to say it or not, or I will set you on fire again!" Li Xiuxian roared!

"Say! I'll say!" Qiu Changfeng, who had been tormented by thunder and lightning, dared not speak.

It's not that Qiu Changfeng has no backbone, but that the feeling of thunder and lightning running through his body is too painful, even a monk like him, who is in the realm of fake alchemy, can't bear it!
"Tell me, what exactly is this?" Li Xiuxian pointed to the four feathers in his hand.

"Feather." Qiu Changfeng said.

"It seems that you still want to enjoy it!" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed coldly, this old man dared to play him!

"Don't...don't...!" Qiu Changfeng shouted hastily.

"Then hurry up and say it!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be something from the ancient times, five-color light." Qiu Changfeng said.

"Five-color divine light? What is that?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

Speaking of the five-color divine light, I am afraid that few people in Yizhou know about it. Qiu Changfeng also learned about it because of some jade slips passed down in the sect!
The five-color divine light was known as the strongest supernatural power in ancient times. It was the unique supernatural power of Kong Xuan, the great sage of the demon clan. Supernatural powers!
Li Xiuxian frowned when he heard Qiu Changfeng's explanation. If the five-color divine light was really as powerful as he said, how could it be on the shaved peacock?
"What happened later? Could it be that Kong Xuan, the great sage of the demon clan, is the only one who knows it?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Qiu Changfeng shook his head: "I don't know about this either. After all, it happened in ancient times. It's not easy for me to know this information."

Li Xiuxian is dubious about Qiu Changfeng's words, but Li Xiuxian is satisfied after knowing the origin of these four feathers. Although the five-color divine light in his hand is not as good as the legendary one, it can even wipe down ancient treasures. It's a pity that Li Xiuxian only has four feathers in his hand. If he can pull out all five tail feathers of that peacock, the power of the five-color divine light can be maximized.

But as soon as he thought of the incomparable strength of the shaved peacock and the four terrifying monsters, this idea disappeared completely from Li Xiuxian's mind in an instant.

"I've said everything I need to say, spare my life!" Qiu Changfeng said.

"Spare your life!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"You want to go back on your word? I told you everything I know, and you said you would spare my life!" Qiu Changfeng looked at Li Xiuxian nervously.

"I don't remember saying this, but because you let me know a lot, I can spare your life!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Qiu Changfeng was overjoyed, but there was a vicious look on his face, as long as he could save his life, he could avenge this!
But Li Xiuxian's subsequent point cut off all his hopes. With Li Xiuxian's finger, Qiu Changfeng's century-old hard work was ruined, and his cultivation was in vain!
"You ruined my dantian!" Qiu Changfeng looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

The destruction of his dantian meant that he would no longer be able to cultivate in the future, and he would not even be able to condense even a trace of spiritual power!
"I spare your life, but you won't be so naive as to think that I will let you go, right? I can't afford to offend a monk who is in the realm of fake alchemy!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"you you……"

Originally a high-ranking fake alchemy monk, after losing his spiritual power, he was not even as good as a mortal. How could Qiu Changfeng accept such a big contrast!


Suddenly there were several explosions on the formation. After waiting for so long, the monks outside finally took action. They didn't know how to break the formation like Li Xiuxian and Qiu Changfeng. They could only choose to break the formation with brute force!
(End of this chapter)

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