Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 178 3 move determines winner or loser

Chapter 178

At first it was just a red dot, but now the red light is getting stronger and stronger, almost covering up the black flames!

The red flame, the red flame actually withstood the Sanyin ghost fire!

In a pitch-black alchemy furnace, countless red flames gushed out!

"Red lotus fire!" Wan Tian frowned.

The red lotus karma fire is also a kind of heaven and earth spirit fire, its power is no less than that of the three yin ghost fires. Before that, he was wondering what the red flame in Li Xiuxian's spirit fire was, but he didn't expect it to be the red lotus karma fire!

"There is only one person in Yizhou who owns the Red Lotus Yehuo, and he actually passed the Red Lotus Yehuo to you!" Wan Tian said.

The man Wan Tian talked about was naturally Li Xiuxian's master Ling Daozi!

There is a large amount of red lotus karmic fire stored in this black alchemy furnace, which is infiltrated by Ling Daozi bit by bit every time he makes alchemy.

Although Li Xiuxian tried to store his spiritual fire in this pill furnace, but ended in failure every time, now the spiritual fire in the black pill furnace is used a little less!
Relying on the red lotus industry fire in the black pill furnace to save the defeat!

"Boom!" The two of them withdrew the flames in a tacit understanding. Both of them knew very well that if they continued to fight recklessly in this situation, it would only be a scene of mutual losses.

"I didn't expect you to be able to reach this level. The three tricks have passed, and I can't do anything to you." Wan Tian smiled wryly and shook his head.

"If Brother Wan hadn't been merciful, my little brother would have been decapitated long ago." Li Xiuxian smiled.

Although the confrontation between the two of them seemed peaceful, every move was full of dangers, and if there was a slight discrepancy, the head would be in a different place!

"I will definitely ask for advice after I have settled some things, but at that time it will not be a life-and-death struggle!" Wan Tian said with a smile.

"Brother Wan has an order, how dare the younger brother refuse to obey, the younger brother is ready to sweep the couch anytime!" Li Xiuxian laughed.

Wan Tian nodded, and brushed past Li Xiuxian.

"Be careful of the Blood Shadow Lord!" Wan Tian said softly.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback for a moment, but Wan Tian had already gone far away at this time!

"Be careful of the Blood Shadow Demon Monarch, isn't he the master of the Demon Cloud Sect? Could it be that he has already set his sights on me?" Li Xiuxian wondered in his heart.

It stands to reason that Li Xiuxian slaughtered the youngest son of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, and the Blood Shadow Demon Lord hated him to the bone long ago. Where did the word "careful" come from?

Moreover, with the strength of Li Xiuxian's Xuangong second turn, even a fake alchemy cultivator cannot be said to be a sure winner. Even Li Xiuxian, a giant in the magic way like the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, has the power to fight.

"So strong! Is this person really in the early stage of foundation establishment?"

"Brother Li is too powerful!"

This battle undoubtedly pushed Li Xiuxian to the forefront of the storm again, but Li Xiuxian didn't care about it. After all, he was no longer the little Qi training monk back then, and now he already had the ability to protect himself.

Due to the battle between Wan Tian and Li Xiuxian, the Scarlet Plain was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. The righteous and evil people have not forgotten how the unlucky Bone Shamen monk was burned to death by these flames. Naturally, they dare not touch it. Can only die down.

The battle between righteousness and evil cannot be completed in a few months. The two sides are about the same in strength. If there is no opportunity, there will be more fights in this battle between righteousness and evil. Now it is a small fight every three days, and a big fight every month.

"Senior brother Li, you are really amazing. I never thought you could defeat even the fake alchemy monk!" Ke Feng said excitedly.

"That's right, I don't even look at what kind of person Senior Brother Li is. I'm afraid there are not many geniuses like Senior Brother Li in the whole of Yizhou!" A monk flattered Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help smiling, the word "genius" has nothing to do with him at all, but it is very similar to the word "waste". If it weren't for the Wanhuazhu, he doesn't know where he is now.

After wandering around the camp for a few times, Li Xiuxian bought a large number of talismans, mostly second-level talismans. Although his strength has greatly increased now, Li Xiuxian knows how to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Talismans are a good thing. Once in danger, a few hundred pieces will be scattered Go out, even a fake Dan monk will have a headache.

Ke Feng and Quan Bin, who followed Li Xiuxian, were dumbfounded when they saw that Li Xiuxian bought hundreds of talismans in one go. These second-level talismans are very valuable. Some precious talismans cost hundreds of spirit stones, and hundreds of talismans cost tens of thousands. The spirit stone is gone, but this senior brother Li didn't even frown.

Tens of thousands of spirit stones is definitely an astronomical figure for ordinary monks. Even the elders in the foundation establishment period rarely can come up with such a large amount of spirit stones at once.

However, Li Xiuxian lamented that the second-level talisman is really cheap. He still remembers that it cost more than 100 spirit stones to buy the first-level medium-grade talisman in Wan Zhi's hands, and the Nine Serenity Python Beast Talisman cost him more than 6000 spirit stones. .

Li Xiuxian didn't know how to make talismans, so he naturally didn't know why some talismans were sold at such a high price.

Beast talismans are relatively rare and extremely difficult to refine, so the price is naturally dozens of times higher than ordinary talismans, and beast talismans can be reused.

As for some weird things, Li Xiuxian is not interested in them. Most of these are things refined by monks of the magic way, which are of no use to him. Well, after all, magic and secret techniques are some tricks that kill one thousand enemies and harm eight hundred, which is not as good as Taoism's Zhongzheng Peace.

But no one expected that an incident a month later would completely disrupt the progress of the war between good and evil!
Daoling Immortal Mansion was born!
The sects that hold the key to Daoling Immortal Mansion are all eager to try, and those who don't have the key also want to get a share of it. The cave mansion of the last alchemy monk in Yizhou is attractive enough.

Maybe the treasures in Daoling Immortal Mansion are not as good as the Qianyun Mountain ruins, but they are more attractive than the Qianyun Mountain ruins!

Most of the ruins of Qianyun Mountain are ancient treasures and top-grade magic weapons. Although they are precious to the sect, they are not without them. What is hidden in Daoling Immortal Mansion is the secret of how to form alchemy. Enough to make countless monks die generously!

Shi Wanshan announced his retreat after Ouyang Hao refined two barrier-breaking pills, but in the end he still failed to break through that bottleneck. Dao Ling Immortal Mansion has become his last hope!

There are two Hunyuanyi Qizong keys to Daoling Immortal Mansion, and there is even a damaged map, which is enough for Hunyuanyiqizong to take the lead.

"Call Li Xiuxian back to the sect, and call back all the elders of the Hunyuan Qizong who are fighting outside!" Shi Wanshan gave an order, and the entire Hunyuan Qizong took action.

Not only Hunyuanyi Qi Sect, Weapon Refining Sect, Wanshou Mountain Villa, Xuantian Sword Sect, Moyun Sect all withdrew their foundation-building elders, and the battle between righteousness and demons instantly cooled down and became a battle between disciples in the Qi training period.

The six keys are divided into five shares, but none of them can enter the Dao Ling Immortal Mansion. Cooperation has become the only choice for the five sects!

Moyunmen is the only demon school among the five sects, but no one dares to underestimate this demon giant. The five fake alchemy monks in the gate alone are enough to shock everyone, even the Hunyuan Yiqi sect. To be inferior.

The strength of Moyunmen has become their biggest bargaining chip!

Even Li Xiuxian did not expect that such a dramatic change would occur, and the enemy who had fought to death before would sit at the negotiating table!

The final result is that Hunyuan Qizong will get [-]% of the contents, and the other four factions will get [-]% each.

But everyone knows that once Daoling Immortal Mansion is opened, all sects and sects will not distinguish between friends and foes, and whoever is more capable will take more. The current agreement is just to give each of them a step down.

For the opening of Daoling Immortal Mansion, Li Xiuxian also has a little expectation in his heart. After all, it is a fact that there will be no alchemy monks in Yizhou. As the last alchemy monk in Yizhou, Daoling Immortal Mansion is undoubtedly the last hope of Yizhou monks .

Finally, it was also stipulated that no more than ten monks could enter the Daoling Immortal Mansion from each sect. In order to prevent other sects from entering the Daoling Immortal Mansion, the five sects each sent [-] foundation-building monks to block the Daoling Immortal Mansion.

Li Xiuxian is very honored to be one of them. In addition to the four fake alchemy monks of Hunyuan Qizong, they are Li Xiuxian, Jian Chen, Lu Jun, Chen Qun, and Qian Jun.Except for Li Xiuxian and Jian Chen who were at the early stage of foundation establishment, the rest of them were monks at the late stage of foundation establishment.

Although the other sects do not have as big a battle as Hunyuan Yizong, they each have one or two fake alchemy monks sitting in the fortress. As for Moyunmen, there are five fake alchemy monks and five late foundation establishment monks. Both arms, but the strength is still much stronger than that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks.

A group of people flew towards the east in a mighty way, and the location of Daoling Immortal Mansion turned out to be on a small island!
After flying for several days, they finally saw a large island.

The area of ​​this island is huge, with a radius of more than a thousand miles.However, there are mostly hills and soil slopes on the island, and there are gray and yellow patches everywhere at a glance.

"Is this the island?" The Blood Shadow Demon Lord looked down from the sky above.

Shi Wanshan nodded: "The map is indeed pointing here, and the location where the Immortal Mansion was born at that time was roughly this location, so there should be nothing wrong."

"Scatter and look for the entrance each!" Shi Wanshan said.

Li Xiuxian frowned, he had a strange feeling as soon as he landed on this island, as if just one step forward would be a whole new world!
But 50 people rummaged through the entire island but did not find the entrance of Xianfu.

"Impossible, the directions on the map are here!" Shi Wanshan frowned.

"Maybe it was hidden by the formation!" said the Blood Shadow Demon Lord.

"Very likely, look for it carefully!"

Li Xiuxian took out the Evil-Breaking Orb. The Evil-Breaking Orb refined with the eyes of the flood dragon has the effect of breaking the illusion formation. It is perfect for finding the entrance hidden by the formation!
"Om!" Suddenly, the Poxie Bead started and hummed, and the stone mountain in front of him disintegrated little by little!
"What's going on?" Shi Wanshan was startled!
"I think I've found the entrance, but I'm surrounded by powerful restrictions!" Li Xiuxian said, pointing at the stone mountain!

The evil-breaking orb in his hand was sucked into it violently!
Not long after, an amazing scene appeared.

The earth mountain melted little by little, and clouds of yellow mist kept rolling.

I saw that the tumbling yellow mist began to vibrate regularly one after another, and formed high and high bumps one after another, like steamed buns, and these bumps became bigger and higher.

It was as if there was some monster inside that was about to rush out of it.

The other monks were horrified when they saw it, and they couldn't help but retreat automatically.

"Bang" "Bang"...

A series of deafening crackling sounds came from the thick yellow mist.

Even though the monks had been prepared for a long time, they were still staggered and unable to stand steadily by the ensuing violent hurricane.Everyone hastily opened up their protection, and then regained their footing, looking intently at the mist.

At this time, the clouds had cleared and the fog had cleared, and it became clearly visible, revealing the Immortal Mansion that had been shrouded in it all this time!

After the fog disappeared, what was revealed was a faint yellow mask, covering an area with a radius of more than a hundred feet.

The light mask is thick and cloudy. Although it is not as tight as when the yellow mist covered it, it still looks a little blurry.

(End of this chapter)

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