Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 181 Spirit Pillar Sealing Demon

Chapter 181 Spirit Pillar Sealing Demon
"Let's go, don't look, we won't get it." Li Xiuxian kicked the treasure hunting mouse and said.

"Squeak!" The treasure hunting mouse's hairs suddenly stood up, as if it had encountered something terrible!
"This!" Wisps of black energy appeared within the Fengling Pillar, trying to break free!

"What's the situation, what exactly is it?" Li Xiuxian was shocked!

Under the impact of the black air, Feng Lingzhu began to shake violently!

Not only in the valley, but also the Fengling Pillars all over the Immortal Mansion vibrated at the same time.

Nine, there are nine Spirit Sealing Pillars in the Immortal Mansion!
The Fengling Pillar, which has existed for an unknown number of years, is shaking constantly!

"What's going on?" Shi Wanshan looked at Feng Lingzhu in front of him and couldn't help frowning.

"Human! Let me out!" A creepy voice came from the Immortal Mansion!
All the cultivators in the Immortal Mansion heard this voice, and they couldn't help but look at Feng Lingzhu in horror. The voice actually came from Feng Lingzhu!
"Let me out, I can help you achieve whatever you want!" There was endless temptation in this voice, and even the fake Dan monk couldn't help being shocked, and his eyes gradually blurred.

The Fake Pill cultivator couldn't resist the temptation of the voice, and Li Xiuxian couldn't do it either, his body was not under his control and he moved towards the Feng Lingzhu little by little!
"Om." The Wanhuazhu in the dantian suddenly blew softly, and Li Xiuxian regained his clarity in an instant. He looked at the spirit pillar with lingering fear, and dared not approach it no matter what!

"Haha, old daoxuan, you have sealed me for thousands of years, and today I am finally going to break the seal!" A crack appeared on the sealing pillar!
On the other eight Spirit Sealing Pillars, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators frantically attacked the Spirit Sealing Pillars!
Originally, with the strength of the foundation-building monks, it was impossible to break the sealing pillar, but under the attack of the black energy in the sealing pillar, the sealing pillar was already extremely fragile. A crack was left on the Spirit Sealing Pillar.

Li Xiuxian's soul flew into the sky immediately. The existence of the seal in this spiritual pillar is definitely not something that it can resist now. There was a flash of lightning on Li Xiuxian's body, and he ran in the opposite direction quickly. He wanted to run, he wanted to leave this place!

This so-called Daoling Immortal Mansion turned out to be a sealed place. Although it is not clear what is sealed in this spirit pillar, the entire Daoling Immortal Mansion was built to seal this monster!
"Hahaha! Hahaha! I'm finally out!" The Spirit Sealing Pillar where Shi Wanshan was located finally shattered, and black energy gushed out frantically.

When one Spirit Sealing Pillar was shattered, like a chain reaction, the remaining eight Spirit Sealing Pillars were shattered at the same time, and eight strands of black energy instantly spread out!
After waking up, Shi Wanshan and others looked at the black air in the air in horror, and they also realized that they had released something extraordinary!
"Hey, they are all little dolls in the foundation building period!" The black air actually formed a huge face!

Shi Wanshan and the others looked at the face in the air in horror. This face was so ferocious that just looking at it gave chills to the bottom of my heart!

"Yizhou monks have fallen to such a point, hahaha, retribution! Retribution!" The giant face laughed wildly in the air.

"I still want to run!" The giant face in the valley snorted coldly!
Li Xiuxian only felt a huge force coming, and instantly knocked him into the air!
"The little foundation-building cultivator dares to run away in front of this demon general!" The giant face sneered.

"Demon General! You are a demon!" Li Xiuxian was shocked and almost blurted out.

"Oh? You still know the existence of the Demon Race? I underestimated you." The giant face sneered.

In Li Xiuxian's heart, he secretly groaned, the demon clan that even the ancient monks could not resist still exists, what's more terrible is that this demon clan has broken out, who else in Yizhou can resist?
"Damn monks in the spirit world, you are so despicable and shameless, you actually attacked this general and sealed me!" The giant face said to itself.

Under the coercion of this giant face, no one dared to run away. The Overlord Gate who ruled Yizhou in the past stood aside respectfully like a kitten, fearing that the giant face would kill them all if they were not happy.

"Who is the one with the highest cultivation among you?" said the giant face.

Shi Wanshan and the Blood Shadow Demon Lord smiled wryly, and took a step forward helplessly.

"The realm of fake alchemy is only one step away from forming alchemy. Now I will give you a chance. As long as you are loyal to this general, I will help you form alchemy!" said the giant face.

Shi Wanshan's face was filled with joy, he worked so hard for the purpose of forming alchemy, but he didn't expect this giant face to help him realize his long-cherished wish!

"Senior, take this seriously!" Shi Wanshan asked excitedly.

"This general will still lie to you, you just need to hand over a little bit of your soul, recognize me as master, and I will help you form the alchemy!" Said with a big face.

Shi Wanshan's face changed when he heard that he was going to hand over a sliver of his soul. Giving up his soul meant that his life and death were all in the hands of the other party.

"Senior, why is it that I have not been a monk of alchemy in Yizhou for thousands of years, and even a genius with a nine-level spiritual root will eventually fall above this step?" The Blood Shadow Demon Lord summoned up his courage and asked.

The giant face smiled: "It's very simple, because Yizhou is already an abandoned land. The battle between the ancient monks and our tribe caused the aura to be lost here, and it was occupied by our tribe. In this land, except for my demons , no one can form a pill!"

"That is to say, we must become demons before we can form alchemy?" asked the Blood Shadow Demon Monarch.

"That's right, I'm going to use the method of instilling the body with the demon to turn you into the people of my demon clan!" The giant face nodded.

Li Xiuxian suddenly thought of the ancient war in the jade slips, and it was the monks from the spiritual world who finally won the battle. Now, with what the giant face said, Li Xiuxian seems to have found the reason why he could not break through the alchemy stage.

Just like what the giant face said, there was a great war in Yizhou, and that war was so earth-shattering that even Yizhou was torn apart and lost its aura, but this was only a secondary reason.

After the demons occupied Yizhou, they wanted to use Yizhou as their rear, and made some transformations to Yizhou, making Yizhou suitable for their demons to survive and practice, but before the transformation was completed, they were destroyed by the monks of the lower world, and the success fell short!
But there are still many things that Li Xiuxian can't figure out, why he can't leave Yizhou, why some monks who are lucky enough to leave Yizhou will be mercilessly beheaded, maybe this giant face knows this!

"Have you thought about it, become a member of my demon clan and become a monk of alchemy, or do nothing, and will always be a monk of foundation establishment!" said the giant face.

"I am willing! I am willing to become a citizen of the demon clan!" Ao Tai said respectfully kneeling on the ground.

There was a weird smile on the giant face!

"You can become a member of the demon clan if you withstand the general's demonic weapon!" The nine giant faces merged together suddenly, and monstrous demonic energy poured into Ao Tai's body!
Shi Wanshan and the Blood Shadow Demon Lord couldn't help but looked at each other. Although the giant face said everything, they still felt that there was something wrong, so they didn't make a decision for a long time. Now this premonition is getting stronger and stronger!
Ao Tai's whole body was surrounded by terrifying demon energy, and his throat kept roaring. Everyone couldn't help but backed up a few steps when they saw Ao Tai's ghostly appearance.

All the giant faces gathered on Shi Wanshan's side, and Li Xiuxian took this opportunity to find a way to leave the Immortal Mansion.

Although I don't know why the giant face disappeared, but Li Xiuxian had a premonition that something big might happen next, there was definitely nothing wrong with leaving early!
"Gulu." A pair of wings grew out of Ao Tai's body. Not only that, Ao Tai's body turned black, a layer of scales appeared on his body, and his limbs became claws.

"Although this body is a bit weak, I will accept it." The voice of the giant face came from Ao Tai's body.

"Seize the house!" Shi Wanshan was startled!
"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, how could the Heavenly Demon's body be used on you trash!" Ao Tai snorted coldly.

The Blood Shadow Demon Lord frowned: "Then the method you said to break through the alchemy is also fake?"

"The way to break through the alchemy is true. As long as you become a demon, you will be able to form an alchemy immediately. However, your aptitude is too poor. I don't like it. I will not waste my demon energy to transform you into a demon." Ao Tai said lightly.

"You...you have been using us from the beginning." The Blood Shadow Demon Monarch's face was incomparably ferocious. As a giant in the way of magic, he had never been played like this before.

Ao Tai snorted coldly: "If it weren't for the sake of you saving me from trouble, I could make you live forever with just one word of yours!"

"Actually, there is another way for you to break through the alchemy stage. You just need to go out of Yizhou." Ao Tai said.

"Out of Yizhou?" Shi Wanshan frowned.

"That's right, after the monks in the spirit world attacked the general, they sealed the damaged part of Yizhou and turned it into a deserted place. You only need to find the weak point of the formation, and then you can leave Yizhou." Ao Tai said.

"However, monks who leave Yizhou will be hunted down by outside monks!" Shi Wanshan said.

"Nonsense, you already have the aura of my demon clan on your body, and those humans will naturally not let you go, but you only need to stay in the outside world for a year or so, and the demonic aura on your body will be assimilated compared to the outside world. It's no different from outside monks, so naturally you don't have to worry about being hunted down." Ao Tai said flatly.

Shi Wanshan and the Blood Shadow Demon Lord couldn't help but glance at each other, and they both saw the heartbeat in each other's eyes!
"If you do what you want, you will finally be able to leave this ghostly place!" Ao Tai snorted coldly, and disappeared into the Immortal Mansion with a black gas all over his body.

"Blood Shadow Lord, have you thought about it?" Shi Wanshan asked.

"It seems that you have thought of it too." The Blood Shadow Demon Lord said lightly.

"It seems that you and I have thought of going together!" Shi Wanshan said with a smile.

Li Xiuxian, who performed the Thunder Escape Technique, suddenly noticed someone approaching from behind him, and hurriedly put on the Jade Flame Qilin Armor!

"You kid knows a lot about the technique of thunder escape!" Li Xiuxian felt that Ao Tai appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, and his speed was even faster than the technique of thunder escape!
"Ao Tai! No, you are not Ao Tai! Who are you?" Li Xiuxian was surprised.

"You don't have to worry about who it is, you give me the Moyou Cailian you collected in the hall." Ao Tai said flatly.

"Moyou Cailian? I don't know what you're talking about." Li Xiuxian frowned.

"Junior, don't play tricks in front of this general. Although I don't know how you did it, your every move is under the supervision of this general. I will watch the process of you collecting the Moyou Cailian. In the eyes." Ao Tai said.

Li Xiuxian frowned, and couldn't help but clenched the Five Thunder Whip in his hand!
Ao Tai couldn't help but smiled when he saw that Li Xiuxian wanted to attack him: "I never imagined that a baby in the foundation building stage would dare to attack this general. It seems that the power of the demons has indeed been forgotten for too long!"

Seeing Ao Tai's palm, countless demonic energy rushed towards Li Xiuxian. Li Xiuxian felt as if his body was tied by countless silk threads, and he couldn't move no matter how he struggled!
(End of this chapter)

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