Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 192 Assessment

Chapter 192 Assessment
"Third-level spirit beast!" Li Xiuxian was secretly startled.

"The willow fluttering on my body." The woman on the back of the huge spirit bird smiled slightly.

The debut of these two sects is a good start for the rest of the sects, and almost every sect that has fallen will show their strength.

However, there are also some sects that are very low-key. The Pill Spirit Sect that Li Xiuxian wants to join is one of the representatives. All the disciples just step on the flying sword and land on the square, but the alchemy monk who is the leader of the Pill Spirit Sect is really not very good In this way, not to mention sloppy, even Li Xiuxian, who was standing a hundred feet away, could smell the smell of alcohol. The red wine nose is completely a drunk among the common people.

"It seems that fellow Taoists are almost done, let's start with the Pill Spirit Sect." The drunk monk hiccupped.

"The general election of the Qixia City sect has begun. Those who have completed the task, please go to the corresponding sect and accept the assessment."

"Xiu Yuan, Shuiyao, you have to be careful."

"Understood, we will be careful."

Seeing the two people leaving, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smiled: "This is their real stage."

Although there are tens of thousands of monks in the square, there are only a few who can complete the mission of the sect, and only a small number of people will go to the assessment point set up by the sect.

This time, the number of students recruited by Pill Spirit Sect in Qixia City is [-]. The whole process of recruiting disciples lasts for one day, until they are full. If not, they will leave immediately after the time has passed.

Therefore, those who complete the task are scrambling to be the first, lest the quota will be filled.

The other sects are full of enthusiasm, the most lively ones are the Vajra Sect and the Qingjian Sect. The tasks of these two sects are relatively simple, and naturally many people have completed them.

When Li Xiuxian saw Li Xiuyuan take out the body of a red-scaled dragon from the storage bag, there was a burst of exclamation on the field. The red-scaled dragon is a second-level top-grade monster, which is extremely difficult to deal with. The disciple did not expect that someone would kill such a monster.

Even Yu Yinyang couldn't help but glanced at Li Xiuyuan: "The spiritual root is average, the spiritual power is pure, you can observe it."

Then he closed his eyes, as if everything around him had nothing to do with it.

Li Xiuxian didn't expect that Xiu Yuan would kill a second-level top-grade monster, but with the backing of a top-grade magic weapon and a set of dragon skin soft armor, Xiu Yuan was indeed able to fight against a second-level top-grade monster at this level.

As for Shuiyao, it was even more relaxed. Shuiyao was already pretty, and the addition of the neon clothes and feather clothes further accentuated her temperament. It was almost a sure thing to enter the neon clothes sect.

Compared with other sects, there are only a few people in front of the Pill Spirit Sect.

Li Xiuxian was not surprised by this. The task of the Pill Spirit Sect was very difficult. Not only did he need to collect twenty kinds of elixir, but he also needed to master the art of alchemy, which was indeed very difficult for casual cultivators.

However, Li Xiuxian also discovered that some monks were admitted without handing over the elixir, which surprised Li Xiuxian a bit.

Li Xiuxian walked up to Pill Spirit Sect, and put the twenty kinds of elixir that he had collected on it one by one, and the recruited disciples carefully checked the type and year of the elixir.


"Li Xiuxian."




"The middle stage of foundation establishment."

The recruited disciples couldn't help but glance at Li Xiuxian, at the age of [-], with a cultivation level in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he can be regarded as a figure in the sect.

After Li Xiuxian's name was included in the book, Li Xiuxian obeyed his arrangement and stood aside.

"Practice a furnace of third-grade elixir, choose the type, and prepare the elixir yourself." Another disciple said to Li Xiuxian and the others.

But the dozen or so monks on the side didn't need to pass this level.

"Why are there only a few of us, and what about them? I noticed before that they didn't even hand in the elixir, so why did they pass?" a monk couldn't help asking.

"The 18 of them are the inheritance of the disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect after they left the division and established families in various countries, and they have the right to be admitted first." The disciple of the Pill Spirit Sect said lightly, as if this matter is only natural, and there is nothing wrong with it. inappropriate.

Li Xiuxian and the others couldn't help frowning, this was extremely unfair to them, but Li Xiuxian still hid the grievance in his heart, his arms couldn't twist his thighs, they couldn't possibly be good at Dan Lingzong.

The eighteen monks huddled together and pointed at Li Xiuxian and the others, their words were full of disdain, as if they were superior.

However, only one of them established the foundation, and the five of them Li Xiuxian were in the middle stage of foundation establishment. How could they bear being teased by a group of disciples in the Qi training stage?

"Too much deception, these second generation ancestors are really deceiving too much!"

"Brother, bear with me, how long can this group of second-generation ancestors continue to be arrogant?"

"The time is one day. Those who have not refined the third-grade elixir before sunset will automatically leave." The disciple of the Pill Spirit Sect said lightly, and left.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly, they are really unpopular as a group of casual cultivators.

After taking out the black alchemy furnace, Li Xiuxian took out the three prepared ingredients for the Blood Sultan.

When they saw Li Xiuxian's pitch-black alchemy furnace, the group of family children laughed even louder.

But the drunkard who felt the gushing power from the black furnace opened his eyes and looked at the black furnace in front of Li Xiuxian in surprise.

"Why is this pill furnace so similar to my Pill Spirit Sect's Huolong furnace!" The drunkard was horrified.

But after repeated trials, there was no result. The drunkard just defined this pill furnace as not simple, and then ignored it.

Li Xiuxian poured all the elixir into the pill furnace in one go according to the technique in the Qinglian Danjing.

"Haha, I thought I was a master, but I didn't expect to be an idiot who didn't even know the most basic alchemy techniques, yet dared to enter the Alchemy Sect!" A family member sneered.

Not only the children of these families, but even the four people who were with Li Xiuxian couldn't help feeling sorry for them, they only thought that Li Xiuxian was giving up on himself.

But Li Xiuxian was not affected by the outside world at all, and the formulas in his hands became faster and faster, much faster than Ling Daozi's heyday, and he played 180 formulas in one breath!

Once again, a hint of surprise flashed in the drunkard's eyes, he had never seen this method of alchemy, but there was a kind of mystery hidden in this seemingly messy formula, which even he couldn't see through!
"This kid has a lot of secrets!" The drunkard thought in his heart.

Li Xiuxian didn't dare to use the spiritual fire of heaven and earth in his body, so he could only use the spiritual fire produced by himself to refine alchemy, but the speed of alchemy would be greatly reduced, and it took a full hour for Li Xiuxian to initially refine the elixir inside.

Although Li Xiuxian was very dissatisfied with his refining speed, compared to the other four, Li Xiuxian's speed was already as fast as gods.

They purified all the elixir within an hour, and they had already entered the fusion stage, while the other four had just refined one or two elixir, and their speed was less than a quarter of Li Xiuxian's.

The drunkard's blurred eyes finally regained his sobriety, and he looked at Li Xiuxian's technique with great interest. Although he couldn't understand it now, it didn't prevent him from writing it down, and he might be able to comprehend something in the future.

As for Li Xiuxian, he was so engrossed that he didn't even notice that he had been stolen by a master at the alchemy stage.

Under Li Xiuxian's utmost control, the liquid of the elixir collided and merged in the pill furnace, and bursts of medicinal fragrance emanated from the black furnace.

This scent of medicine shocked everyone present. The children of the family who had been laughing at Li Xiuxian before also looked at Li Xiuxian in surprise. Although they are second-generation ancestors, it does not mean that they are ignorant of goods. This is clearly the medicine before it was formed. omen.

It has only been more than two hours, and the pill is already congealing, what a speed!

The minds of the remaining four were shocked, and the magic formula in their hands also stopped. It was precisely because of this small mistake that the elixir in their furnace was completely scrapped.

Fortunately, they only purify one kind of elixir each time, and the loss will not be too great. If the refining method is like Li Xiuxian's, if they fail, they will have to start all over again.

"Condensation!" A series of formulas were fired, the spiritual fire was boiling, and a strong fragrance of pills emerged from the pill furnace.

"Success!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

This time the alchemy went very smoothly. Even without using the heaven and earth spirit fire, there was no mistake in the alchemy process. The only regret is that the alchemy process took a little longer and took nearly 3 hours, which was almost more than his previous alchemy. out of the usual time.

There are a total of two blood sultans in the alchemy furnace, which is a few fewer than usual, but for Li Xiuxian who only uses ordinary spiritual fire, this is already very good, even among the peers of the alchemy sect who can There are only a few people who surpass him.

The drunkard's eyes showed a hint of appreciation, Li Xiuxian's talent in alchemy made him very satisfied, but the drunkard couldn't help frowning when he realized that Li Xiuxian was only a fifth-level fire root.

The fifth-level fire spirit root is too bad, even if it is the sixth-level fire spirit root, he will not hesitate to accept Li Xiuxian into the gate wall.

Although a sixth-level spiritual root is not considered an extreme talent, it is not impossible to form a pill with just a little understanding and luck.

But the five-level spiritual root, the cultivation world has never heard of such a poor spiritual root that can form alchemy, a disciple who cannot form alchemy, even in the outstanding future, the achievements are limited.

The drunkard sighed involuntarily, as if he was regretting the loss of a disciple.

Li Xiuxian had no idea that he had been regarded as a typical example of being difficult to become a master by this alcoholic.

But even if he knew about Li Xiuxian, he wouldn't care about it. After all, he was very clear about his aptitude. Even building a foundation was impossible, but he did it, and he threw away those so-called geniuses in Yizhou for a long time. distance.

He believed that he would be able to form alchemy, and this confidence came from the Wanhuazhu constantly hovering in his dantian.

Before sunset, the five of Li Xiuxian had all refined the third-grade elixir. Those who dared to accept the task of the Alchemy Spirit Sect must have a few brushes, and they didn't seem surprised at all that they were able to pass the drunkard.

Altogether 25 disciples were enrolled in this trip, less than [-], but all sects left Qixia City after sunset.

"This is an overview of my Pill Spirit Sect, and some rules of the sect. You should read it carefully." A disciple of the Pill Spirit Sect gave each of them a jade slip.

Li Xiuxian immersed his spiritual consciousness into the jade slips and browsed through the information.

According to the Jade Slips, the Pill Spirit Sect is located in Qingzhou, and it is a well-known local sect with a very high status in the entire Middle-earth.

The Danling Sect is divided into three parts: the Outer Sect, the Inner Sect, and the Elder Group.

The Outer Sect is composed of new disciples who have entered the Pill Spirit Sect, and it is also the sect with the largest number of people in the Pill Spirit Sect. Most of the Qi training disciples and foundation establishment disciples belong to the Outer Sect, unless you have successfully established the foundation and made great contributions to the sect Otherwise, you will have to stay in the Outer Sect for the rest of your life.

Not only is the monthly salary of the outer sect disciples far lower than that of the inner sect disciples, but also the outer sect disciples must unconditionally accept the tasks assigned to you by the chief nephew, while the inner sect disciples can choose by themselves.

If you are lucky, if you are selected as a disciple by a certain ancestor of Danjie, you will automatically become a disciple of the inner sect.

(End of this chapter)

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