Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 203 The Imperial Spirit Circle 2

Chapter 203 The Imperial Spirit Circle 2
Li Xiuxian looked at Xiaoxue suspiciously, he even suspected that Xiaoxue had planned this from the beginning.

Xiaoxue was also embarrassed by Li Xiuxian's eyes: "Okay, as long as you grab that flower scale dragon, I'll give you whatever you want!"

"Really?" Li Xiuxian kept looking at Xiaoxue.

"What are you looking at? Except my body." Xiaoxue said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you at all, I just want to see what good things you have on you." Li Xiuxian said with a curled lip.

"Hmph, my girl has a lot of good things, what do you want?"

"100 yuan high-grade spirit stone." Li Xiuxian said.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Xiaoxue seemed to be afraid of Li Xiuxian's repentance, and quickly took out 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones full of aura from the storage bag!

Li Xiuxian looked at Xiaoxue who didn't care, 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones meant 100 million low-grade spirit stones, a number that even Li Xiuxian would be shocked by.

A little girl has so many high-grade spirit stones in her hand, who is this little girl?
And seeing her so forthright, the high-grade spirit stone in her hand is definitely more than the 100 yuan!

With such a rich net worth, even Li Xiuxian has the idea of ​​killing people to seize treasures.

Li Xiuxian put away the 100 yuan low-grade spirit stone and nodded: "Okay, I will help you with this."

"Yeah, hurry up, hurry up, I want that flower scale dragon to be my mount." Xiaoxue said excitedly.

"100 yuan high-grade spirit stone should be able to support the cost of the puppet." Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

Although this puppet is easy to use, it also consumes a lot of spirit stones. Without hundreds of spirit stones, it is impossible to drive it. Now that there are top-grade spirit stones, Li Xiuxian doesn't have to worry about running out of energy in the middle of the battle.

"This time, it's a good time to try the power of the bronze armored puppet." Li Xiuxian laughed in his heart.

During this time, Li Xiuxian not only completely restored the copper armored puppet, but also smelted all the sledgehammers obtained from the barbarian general's copper hammer, and plated a layer of pure gold on the surface of the copper armored puppet. With this layer of coating, The defense of the bronze armored puppet has been improved to a higher level, and it is more resistant to beatings.

Two days later, under the leadership of Xiaoxue, Li Xiuxian approached the Hidden Dragon Pool.

"This is the Hidden Dragon Pool where the Hualin Jiao is located?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning.

This shouldn't be called a pond, it should be called a lake, and you can't see the edge at a glance!

"The Hidden Dragon Pool is very big. It is said that there is a third-level monster in this Hidden Dragon Pool." Xiaoxue said.

"Level three monster!" Li Xiuxian's expression changed drastically.

"Why are you so nervous? It's just a legend. If there really was a third-level monster, it would have been beheaded by those old immortals long ago. They don't pay attention to the second-level monster, but the third-level monster is a treasure." Xiaoxue disdained Said.

"There should be a lot of monsters in this Hidden Dragon Pool." Li Xiuxian asked.

"I don't know." Xiaoxue shook her head.

"You stay here, I'll go over and have a look first, and prepare the Yuling circle at any time." Li Xiuxian said.

"Yeah." Xiaoxue nodded.

Li Xiuxian operated the breath restraining technique, concealed his breath and quietly approached the Zhelongtan, releasing his consciousness.

"Second-level high-grade, second-level middle-grade, second-grade high-grade, medium-grade, low-grade..." Li Xiuxian looked at the Hidden Dragon Pool in horror.

There are so many second-level monsters in Hidden Dragon Pool, many of them are top-rank monsters, this Hidden Dragon Pool can really be regarded as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

"This matter is a bit difficult. There are many monsters inside. Once they are alarmed, it will be difficult for us to escape." Li Xiuxian said in a low voice.

"Then what should I do? Why don't you just give up like this, I don't want it anymore, I have to come out with so much difficulty, I must get a mount." Xiaoxue said persistently.

Li Xiuxian frowned: "You need a stick of incense in the Yuling circle? Can't you start now?"

"The Yuling circle needs to lock the opponent's breath first, so it can only be used when monsters appear." Xiaoxue shook her head.

"Okay, get ready, I'll lure these monsters out, and you choose one." Li Xiuxian nodded.

Xiaoxue's face changed: "You don't want all the monsters to come out, no, you won't be able to survive at all."

Li Xiuxian smiled: "After this matter is completed, you can return to the Pill Spirit Sect for me."

Li Xiuxian climbed to the sky above Hidden Dragon Pool: "Five Thunder Palms!"

The golden lightning instantly broke the silence of Zhanlongtan!



The monsters in the Hidden Dragon Pool instantly roared continuously, and all the monsters in the Hidden Dragon Pool focused their attention on Li Xiuxian in an instant!

Li Xiuxian's heart shuddered, it was the first time he was stared at by so many monsters!
"Bronze armor!" A high-grade spirit stone was embedded in the body of the copper armor puppet.

The eyes of the bronze-armored puppet lit up, and the bronze spear in his hand was thrown, and Zhanlongtan was instantly stained red with blood!
"Roar!" A hundred-foot-long dragon with colorful scales soared into the air, facing the bronze-armored puppet with its tail.

"Flower scale dragon!" Li Xiuxian frowned.

The overlord of the Hidden Dragon Pool actually appeared on his own initiative, and there were actually a large number of second-level monsters behind the Hualin Jiao.

However, most of these second-level monsters are aquatic monsters and cannot leave the water. Except for a few strange-shaped monsters that can fly into the air, the rest pose no threat to Li Xiuxian.

As soon as Xiaoxue saw the Hualin Jiao, she immediately locked on to its aura, and continuously poured spiritual power into the imperial circle.


Shura stood side by side with Li Xiuxian holding the blood-melting knife.

"Where did he get so many helpers?" Xiaoxue, who thought she was well-informed, couldn't help being surprised.

It's okay for puppets, even Qingzhou has a school for refining puppets, but what is that scaled monster next to it?
"Block the rest of the second-level monsters, and give me this flower-scaled dragon." Li Xiuxian gave an order, and two voices, one golden and one black, rushed towards the monster behind the flower-scaled dragon.

"Roar!" Hualin Jiao let out an angry roar, trying to stop Shura and Bronze Armor.

But a figure stood in front of him, and a golden lightning struck down, making Hualin Jiao take a few steps back involuntarily.

"Your opponent is me!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"Roar!" Hualin Jiao was furious. As the overlord of Hidden Dragon Pool, when had it been provoked like this before?

"The peak of the second-level top-rank, but it is still a little bit worse than the four monsters in the land of the five elements." Li Xiuxian secretly made a comparison in his heart.

The four monsters in the Land of the Five Elements were the real horror. At that time, Li Xiuxian didn't even have the strength to fight back. Even the hairless peacock was much stronger than this flower scale dragon.

"If there is a little monkey, it will definitely be able to easily defeat this flower scale dragon!" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly in his heart.

The little monkey had already triggered a catastrophe, Li Xiuxian dared not let the little monkey come out, otherwise the flower-scaled dragon would not be able to resist the little monkey's fists.

"Three-eyed python!"

The strange monsters behind the Hualin Jiao are all three-eyed pythons!

"Two top grades, two middle grades, and one low grade..." Xiaoxue looked at the sky in horror.

At this moment, Shura and the bronze armored puppet were not at a disadvantage in the face of five second-level monsters. Neither Shura nor the copper armored puppet ignored the attacks of these monsters.

The glow of Shura's blood-melting knife was even more terrifying. Some monsters touched by the glow were instantly sucked into mummies.

As for the copper-armored puppet, a single shot would leave a bloody hole in the opponent's body, and no matter how the three-eyed python attacked, the copper-armored puppet had no scars at all.

"Crack!" The water arrow and the thunder ball collided in the air. The water arrow of the Hualin Jiao was so powerful that even if it collided with the thunder ball, it would not lose the wind at all.

"As expected of a second-level peak, it's no wonder those inner sect disciples will suffer in your hands." Li Xiuxian sneered.

Li Xiuxian had already guessed the general strength of this flower-scaled dragon in just one fight. I am afraid that only the top ten disciples of the Neizong could kill this flower-scaled dragon. up.

After all, beheading and capturing alive are two concepts. Monster beasts are arrogant by nature, and would rather die than submit to humans, so it is very difficult to domesticate some adult monster beasts into spirit beasts, so cultivators will look for monster beasts Eggs, from childhood, although this method is a bit slower, it is much simpler than capturing monsters alive.

There are many talents among cultivators, so there is a magic weapon such as the spirit circle, which can directly domesticate monsters below the third level. However, the production of this spirit circle is extremely complicated and requires a lot of materials. The cost is higher than that of a second-level monster, and most people can't afford it at all.

"Roar!" Hualin Jiao opened his mouth wide, and countless water arrows rushed towards his face!

"Bright Flame Qilin Armor!" Li Xiuxian's body flashed with brilliance, and the simple armor appeared on Li Xiuxian's body.

Although the water arrow was powerful, it was firmly blocked by the light curtain of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor.

"Ancient battle armor!" Xiaoxue exclaimed even more.

"Bang!" Five thunder god whips hit the Hualin Jiao's head.

The scales on the flower scale dragon's head burst instantly!

"Bang!" The furious Huascale Jiao flicked its tail and directly hit Li Xiuxian's protective shield.

"Buzz!" The protective cover of the Biyan Qilin Armor shook for a while, showing signs of breaking!

"Aren't you alright?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help shouting.

"It's still close!" Xiaoxue was also anxious, she also knew that the battle armor on Li Xiuxian would not last long.

"It's still a little bit... a little bit... Alright!" Xiaoxue's face flashed a gleam of joy.

I saw that the imperial spirit circle turned into a blue light and went straight to Hualin Jiao.

Hualin Jiao was extremely afraid of the blue light, and directly threw off Li Xiuxian and wanted to sink into the Hidden Dragon Pool.

But the speed of the blue light was even faster, a ray of light shot out from the imperial circle, and the Hualin Jiao was unable to move even when it was illuminated by this ray.

After the Hualin Jiao was trapped, the spirit circle became bigger and bigger, and it was wrapped around the Huascale Jiao's neck bit by bit!
Although the Hualin Jiao struggled with all his strength, he couldn't get rid of the spirit circle!
"Success!" Xiaoxue waved her fist excitedly.

The Hualin Jiao, who was trapped by the imperial ring, put her head together, and reluctantly approached Xiaoxue.

"Smaller." Xiaoxue clapped her hands.

The Flower-scaled Jiao glanced at Xiaoxue, and reluctantly shrunk down bit by bit. The Flower-scaled Jiao, which was hundreds of feet long, turned into a small snake.

Xiaoxue put the smaller flower-scaled dragon on her arm, and the flower-scaled dragon followed Xiaoxue's arm, wrapping her body around Xiaoxue's arm.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Xiaoxue smiled.

Li Xiuxian felt a chill all over his body, he didn't expect this girl to have such fun.

"Come back!" Li Xiuxian recalled Shura and Bronze Armor.

(End of this chapter)

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