Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 206 Round 3

Chapter 206 The third round

Refining a third-grade elixir was not an easy task, and it was beyond Li Xiuxian's expectation that 56 people could succeed.

Among the 56 people, only two are disciples of the foreign sect, one is Li Xiuxian and the other is Tu Tian.

Li Xiuxian and Tu Tian couldn't help but glanced at each other, and they smiled friendly. After all, it was not an easy task for disciples from the foreign sect to squeeze in.

"Open the furnace!"

Almost at the same time, 56 disciples opened the alchemy furnace at the same time, and a strong medicinal fragrance instantly filled the entire square.

Xuanhuo who was sitting at the top couldn't help but nodded: "This year's disciples are not bad."

"The outstanding ones are Hong Fei and Wei Sheng." Chu Xiong nodded.

"Hongfei's aptitude is indeed good, but he is arrogant and arrogant. If this defect does not change, I'm afraid he will never be Wei Sheng's opponent." Xuanhuo shook his head.

All eyes are on the 56 people. If they pass this round, it will be enough to enter the Neizong!

"Wei Sheng, the first one to finish, three low-grade ones, one middle-grade one!"


The whole square was boiling. As expected of No. 1 Neizong, he even refined a middle-grade elixir!
Even Li Xiuxian couldn't help but take a look at this Neizong No.1. Li Xiuxian thought that even if he had Qinglian Danjing, he might not be able to do better. This Neizong No.1 really deserves its reputation.

"Bai Hongfei, the sixth one is completed, and five are low-grade."

Bai Hongfei was slightly behind, but he was slightly better in terms of numbers.

"Li Xiuxian, No.20 has been completed in three, one is low-grade, and one is medium-grade."

Li Xiuxian's results exceeded everyone's expectations. This is the second disciple who can refine a middle-grade pill so far. Although he is two pills behind Wei Sheng in quantity, one middle-grade pill is enough for Li Xiuxian's The score has improved a lot. If no one refines the middle-grade pill later, Li Xiuxian's entry into the top [-] is a sure thing.

And the final result was as expected, no one could refine the middle-grade pill.

Another outer sect disciple, Tu Tian, ​​was No. 30 and successfully refined. The results of the four low-grade pills are not bad, but his completion time is too far behind, and it is still unknown whether he can enter the top [-].

"No.1, Wei Sheng."

"No.2, Jiang Qiu."

"No.11, Lee Soo Hyun"

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard his name. With one middle-grade elixir, he managed to save the advantage in time and quantity. Even Bai Hongfei, who refined five low-grade elixirs, was only in ninth place. .

"No. 20, Tu Tian."

Tu Tian didn't expect that he would be able to squeeze into the top [-]. When he heard his name, he was taken aback, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Entering the top [-] means getting a place in the inner sect. Entering the inner sect is one step to the sky. The cultivation resources are a hundred times that of the outer sect, and the chance of forming alchemy will be greatly improved.

"The last round of competition will be held in one month," Ding Feng said.

"A month later?" Li Xiuxian murmured.

I don't know what the topic of the third round of test is, but even the second round is refining the third-grade elixir Qingxinjiedu pill, so the difficulty of the third round will only be greater, and it may be the refining of the fourth-grade elixir. indefinite.

"I'll just say you're fine!" Ma Rong looked at Li Xiuxian excitedly.

"It's just luck." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

"You're such a humble kid." Ma Rong laughed.

Li Xiuxian shook his head, this time he really wasn't modest, this time he was really lucky, he was able to successfully refine a elixir that had never been refined before, this can only be said to be good luck.

"You are so amazing!" Xiaoxue rushed out suddenly, looking at Li Xiuxian with admiration.

Seeing the change in Xiaoxue's face, Ma Rong didn't bother to say hello to Li Xiuxian, and left in despair. Not only Ma Rong, everyone saw a trace of fear in Xiaoxue's eyes.

The Hualin Jiao, which had been wrapped around Xiaoxue's arm all this time, sprayed venom on Li Xiuxian as soon as he saw him. This guy has not forgotten that it was Li Xiuxian who hurt it in Zhelongtan.

Fortunately, Li Xiuxian reacted quickly, and a magic formula was played, and a layer of spiritual power shield was in front of him.

The Hualin Jiao didn't intend to take Li Xiuxian's life, but just vented his dissatisfaction before, so the venom didn't have much power, and was easily blocked by Li Xiuxian's spiritual shield.

"Be careful in the third round, it's very dangerous." Xiaoxue said mysteriously.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback, this Xiaoxue has an extraordinary status, she even knows everything about the third round of competition!

"How dangerous is it?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"You will die!" Xiaoxue said with a serious face.

It was the first time Li Xiuxian saw Xiaoxue showing such an expression.

"What's the third round?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

Xiaoxue shook her head: "I don't know exactly what it is, and Uncle Xuanhuo refused to tell me, but it seems to be entering the Danling Mountain Range."

Li Xiuxian nodded: "I will be careful."

In the main hall of Danling Peak, Xuanhuo looked at the dozen or so alchemy elders sitting cross-legged below: "How is the preparation going?"

"Don't worry, Brother Sect Master, we have already wiped out the ten thousand miles of the Danling Mountain Range, and all the disciples have been driven back to the sect." Gao Fengming said.

"There are no third-level monsters within ten thousand miles." Qin Heng said.

Xuanhuo nodded: "How is the arrangement of the elixir?"

"It's all arranged properly, and they're all in the caves of monsters," Chu Xiong said.

"Very good, just wait for the third round of the Alchemy Conference in a month's time." Xuanhuo said with a smile.

Due to the destruction of the cave, Li Xiuxian could only settle in Fangshi. Entering Neizong was a certainty, and Li Xiuxian didn't want to bother Ma Rong to find a new cave. A month from the shock is only a short period of time for a cultivator. Dazzling time.

After handing over a month's worth of spirit stones in an inn, Li Xiuxian entered the Wanhua Pearl to adjust his state to the best!
A month later...

The top twenty disciples were all gathered in the main hall of Danling Peak. Each of them had a storage bag in front of them. Inside the storage bag was a jade slip, a golden talisman, and a prescription for pills.

"The third round of the competition has begun. In your storage bag, there is a jade slip, a shifting talisman, and a pill recipe. Everyone has the same pill recipe, and the pill recipe is recorded in the jade slip. Where you are, you must collect the elixir on the alchemy within a month and refine it." Xuanhuo said lightly.

"The elixir on the alchemy is arranged by us in the Danling Mountains. There are a total of [-] copies. If you want to achieve better results, you must collect as many elixir as possible. This time there is no competition. According to the rules, you can take any means." Chu Xiong added.

Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked. There are no rules, and any means can be used. This sentence alone is enough to make people's hearts jump, which means that the 20 people present are already enemies from now on!

"No wonder Xiaoxue said it was dangerous!" Li Xiuxian sighed inwardly.

"If you are in danger, you can use this Teleportation Talisman. The location of the Teleportation Talisman has been set on the main peak by us, but once you use it, you will lose your qualification." Xuanhuo said.

"By the way, all the elixirs collected must be placed in this storage bag. If you refill the elixirs you prepared in advance, you will immediately lose your qualifications."

20 people grabbed the storage bags in front of them at the same time and rushed out!

Li Xiuxian's body flickered a few times before disappearing in front of everyone's eyes. Few of them could compare with the speed of Thunder Escape.

Record all the locations of the elixir in the jade slips in his heart, and then Li Xiuxian flew towards the nearest place.

"Shouyuan Pill, a fourth-grade elixir, taking one pill can increase a monk's lifespan by ten years!"

Li Xiuxian looked at the pill formula in his hand in horror!
The lifespan of a monk who established the foundation is only more than 200 years, and a ten-year lifespan is extremely precious to a cultivator.

For some monks who are about to break through but have exhausted their lifespan, the value of this pill is immeasurable!
The only flaw of this pill is that monks can only take it once in a lifetime, and taking more than one is ineffective. After all, it is impossible to take such heaven-defying things without limit.

"Thirty elixir, [-] people share." Li Xiuxian said in a deep voice.

Li Xiuxian has a deep understanding of the difficulty of refining the fourth-grade elixir. The chance of success in the first batch is very small, so he must grab more elixir, and there are only 20 elixir, so the competition between [-] people will be very difficult. Very intense.

There are more than 60 kinds of spirit herbs in the formula of Shouyuan Pill. It is quite difficult to collect so many spirit herbs within a month, not to mention that there are 19 people competing with him!

"Treasure hunting mouse, it's up to you!" Li Xiuxian summoned the treasure hunting mouse.

Although the location of the elixir was recorded in the jade slips, it was only a general location, and it would take a lot of time just to find it, but with the help of the Treasure Hunter, this time would be greatly shortened.

Shouyuan Fruit, the main medicine for refining Shouyuan Pill, where Li Xiuxian is located is a place where Shouyuan Fruit is hidden.

"Squeak!" The treasure hunter followed the scent to a cave.

"Come back!" Sensing the terrifying aura in the cave, Li Xiuxian yelled, and the five thunder whips in his hand shot out!

A ray of purple light shot out from the hole, Li Xiuxian hastily waved the five thunder whips to block it!

"Thump..." Li Xiuxian took two steps back to stabilize his figure!

There is actually a monster hidden in the cave, a second-level top-rank monster—the Purple Flame Tiger!

"How is it possible? This is only the periphery of the Danling Mountain Range, how could there be a second-level top-grade monster?" Li Xiuxian wondered in his heart.

"Roar!" Purple Flame Tiger spat out a mouthful of purple flames.

The temperature of the purple flame was extremely high, comparable to the spiritual fire of a monk who established a foundation. Li Xiuxian didn't dare to be careless at all, and the five thunder gods whipped the lightning continuously.

"Damn it, Shouyuanguo actually has a second-level high-grade monster guarding it!"

Sting, a bolt of lightning struck the Purple Flame Tiger.

Zi Yanhu, who was lying on the ground, turned around and attacked Li Xiuxian again!

"As expected of a second-level high-grade monster!" Li Xiuxian sighed inwardly.

The difficulty of the third round of testing is so difficult. It is extremely difficult to collect more than 60 kinds of elixir within a month. Now each elixir is guarded by monsters, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of obtaining the medicine. It is almost impossible to collect all the elixir of Shouyuan Pill within a month.

"Bronze armor!" Li Xiuxian snorted secretly.

The gleaming bronze armored puppet stepped forward with a single step, and stabbed straight with the bronze spear in his hand, fast, accurate, and ruthless, these are the only words that can describe this spear.

(End of this chapter)

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