Chapter 209
"Tu Tian." Daoist Xuanhuo said.

"The disciple is here!" Tu Tian stepped forward and knelt on the ground.

"Tu Tian, ​​you performed well this time, and you are specially allowed to enter the inner sect." Daoist Xuanhuo said flatly.

"Thank you suzerain!" Tu Tian was overjoyed.

There was also a smile on Li Xiuxian's face. Entering the Inner Sect is the greatest expectation of every Outer Sect disciple, and this Tu Tian can be regarded as having made it through.

The disciples who entered the top [-] all got a high-grade magic weapon, and Li Xiuxian also got a thousand-year-old green wood sword.

Li Xiuxian took the sword and looked it over carefully, only to see that the sword was ordinary, it didn't look special, when he drew the sword out of its sheath, a blue light flashed, and everyone around him was stunned.

I saw that this sword is neither gold nor iron, nor jade nor stone, but it is completely carved out of a four-foot-long piece of thousand-year-old green wood, as wide as a palm, four feet two inches long, thick and simple, with an uncut edge, and countless wooden pieces on it. The texture, extending from the hilt to the tip of the sword, actually faintly merged into a blue dragon, as if it was carved by humans. The powerful aura of green wood emanates from it, making people feel like they are in a forest. "It turned out to be a wooden sword!"

Even Li Xiuxian, who didn't care about this sword at all, couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene. Then he thought about the name, but he calmed down again. Thousand-year green wood sword, thousand-year green wood, isn't this just a wooden sword?

However, one cannot really underestimate it just because it is just a wooden sword. None of the swords that can reach the top-grade magic weapon is ordinary-grade. It is extremely difficult to find a thousand-year-old green wood. At this point, it has long been stronger than gold and iron. Generally, water and fire are difficult to hurt, and they are not inferior to those gold and iron swords. Moreover, this kind of sword is also a great weapon for those who practice wood-type supernatural powers, kung fu, and profound skills, which can maximize the power of their kung fu. A wooden sword with a handle that cannot be found.

However, Li Xiuxian's kung fu is mainly based on fire and thunder, and there is no research on wood kung fu. This thousand-year-old green wood sword is not a treasure in Li Xiuxian's eyes. , very few magical artifacts can enter Li Xiuxian's eyes.

Next came the rewards for the top ten. Except for Li Xiuxian, Feng Qingyu, and Wei Sheng, the other seven people all got a top-grade magic weapon.

Although the Pill Spirit Sect has a big family and a great business, there are not too many top-grade magic weapons. If you can save, you can save, and directly deduct the top three top-quality magic weapons, but the rewards for the top three are already attractive enough , I'm afraid their three-person team won't like this top-grade magic weapon.

"No.3, Lee Soo Hyun, "Shenhuo Shangdao""

The reward for No.3 is the fire-type exercise "Shenhuo Shangdao". This exercise contains a large number of fire-based supernatural powers and mysteries. If it is exchanged with sect points, it may cost tens of thousands of points.

Li Xiuxian was overjoyed, this "Shenhuo Shangdao" was just right for him, and he just lacked a fire-type kung fu as he possessed three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires.

"Thank you, Master!" Li Xiuxian took the book "Shenhuo Shangdao" from Xuanhuo Daoist.

"Li Xiuxian, you are also a disciple of the Outer Sect. You also have the opportunity to join the Inner Sect. Would you like to be my disciple?" Master Xuanhuo looked at Li Xiuxian.

As soon as Master Xuanhuo said this, everyone present was taken aback. Even Patriarch Jiedan couldn't hide his inner horror. The fact that the suzerain accepts disciples is no small matter. Doesn't this mean that Li Xiuxian is the next suzerain, the spirit of alchemy? The young suzerain of the sect?

Li Xiuxian didn't turn the corner for a while, and looked at Master Xuanhuo foolishly. No matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that Master Xuanhuo would accept him as an apprentice!
"Yes, my disciple is willing!" Li Xiuxian hurriedly knelt on the ground and bowed to the master.

Master Xuanhuo nodded in satisfaction: "From now on, you will look for a cave on the main peak, Danling Peak."

"No.2, Feng Qingyu, Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover." Master Xuanhuo took out the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover from a sandalwood box.

"Nine Dragons God Fire Cover, this is an ancient treasure handed down from ancient times. It is infinitely powerful. Once deployed, there will be Nine Dragons' body protection, which can be attacked and defended." Xuanhuo Daoist said.

Even the Ancestor Jiedan present here showed a hint of envy in his eyes. Ancient treasures such as the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover are also a big help to them.

"Thank you Sect Master!"

"Wei Sheng, let me go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to choose your reward." Master Xuanhuo glanced at Wei Sheng.

The most precious prize this time is not Feng Qingyu's Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, let alone Li Xiuxian's "Sacred Fire on the Way", but Wei Sheng's right to enter the seventh floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to select a treasure.

The seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion is a place that only the sect master can enter. Even Patriarch Lian Dan has to stay away. The things inside are naturally extraordinary.

"Two years later, there will be the six schools of martial arts. You are the most outstanding disciples of our Dan Lingzong, a symbol of our Dan Lingzong's strength, and the future hope of our Dan Lingzong. The six sects will show off my alchemy and spirit sect's divine power!" Daoist Xuanhuo said excitedly.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback, he had never heard of the Six Schools of Martial Arts.

"We will do our best!" The twenty disciples said in unison.

The Six Sects Meet Martial Arts, the six largest sects in Qingzhou hold an exchange platform for younger disciples. The disciples of the six sects use martial arts to meet friends and each set up a ring. The top three will receive generous prizes.Wei Sheng, No.5, had the best performance in the Wudan Lingzong of the last Six Schools Association.

In addition to testing the strength of the disciples in the sect, the alchemy conference of the alchemy sect is also selecting disciples for the six sects of martial arts.

"Congratulations, congratulations, I didn't expect you to be No.3!" Ma Rong laughed.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Thank you brother Ma for taking care of me earlier, I am very grateful."

"You and my brother, why are you so polite between brothers? After you enter the inner sect, you will rise to the top. Don't forget me, brother." Ma Rong laughed.

"Definitely!" Li Xiuxian smiled.

The fact that Li Xiuxian was accepted as a disciple by Xuanhuo did not spread. If Ma Rong knew that he had become a disciple of Xuanhuo Daoist, he might have bitten his tongue off.

Two days later, Li Xiuxian moved into Danling Peak, found a cave above the main peak and settled down in it.

"Xiu Xian, your spiritual root is extremely weak, and it is extremely difficult to break through." Master Xuanhuo said with a sigh.

"I know it well, but I believe that man will conquer heaven!" Li Xiuxian said.

Daoist Xuanhuo nodded in relief: "Cultivation is going against the sky all the way, and being a teacher can't help you. This is the experience of being a teacher, and it should be helpful to you."

"Thank you, Master!" A gleam of joy flashed across Li Xiuxian's face. The cultivation experience of the alchemy cultivator is definitely a treasure for the foundation cultivator, and it can save a lot of detours.

Leaving Li Xiuxian alone, Master Xuanhuo left the cave.

"Uncle Xuanhuo is so kind, you actually accepted him as a disciple!" Xiaoxue said with a smile.

"I accepted him as a disciple not just because you begged for mercy, but because he really has something unique." Xuanhuo laughed.

"What's unique about him?" Xiaoxue curled her lips in disdain.

"If this person can form alchemy, he must be the pillar of my alchemy sect. It's a's a pity..." Two pities in a row, it can be seen that Xuanhuo really regrets in his heart.

But Li Xiuxian didn't know what Master Xuanhuo was thinking at all. At this time, he was trying his best to comprehend this, "Shenhuo Shangdao".

This "Shenhuo Shangdao" is worthy of being the sixth floor of the Cangjing Pavilion. Although the mystery in it is not as good as "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", it is far superior to the skills that Li Xiuxian has mastered now, and the divine fire clone in it makes his heart beat .

The divine fire clone is a very practical supernatural power in "Shenhuo Shangdao". The foundation-building cultivator can use his own spiritual fire to form a clone outside the body. This clone is no different from the deity in terms of appearance and breath. For Kunou.

The first clone can only confuse the enemy and has no attack ability.

The second avatar already possessed the ability to attack, but it was less than one percent of the main body.

The third level, the avatar has the strength of the first level of the deity.

If you cultivate to the ninth level, the avatar is perfect, and the avatar is no different from the deity. However, the only shortcoming of the Shenhuo avatar is that it cannot withstand attacks. Once the avatar is hit, it will dissipate instantly, and it will take several months to reunite into a avatar.

The first three levels of the divine fire avatar are not difficult. Li Xiuxian has three kinds of heaven and earth spiritual fires, and it didn't take long to condense a divine fire avatar.

In just three months, Li Xiuxian had cultivated the Shenhuo avatar to the third stage. Such a speed of cultivation made Xuanhuo Daoist also amazed, and praised Li Xiuxian for his excellent understanding.

This divine fire avatar is condensed from the red lotus karma, even Li Xiuxian's [-]% strength is no small matter, and the degree of control over the red lotus karma is even better than Li Xiuxian's.

After entering the inner sect, the monthly salary is ten times that of the outer sect, but if you just want to rely on the monthly salary to cultivate, this is obviously unrealistic. The most important thing in the alchemy sect is the points, and you can exchange for more many resources.

Li Xiuxian handed over the thousand-year-old green wood sword obtained in the alchemy conference to the sect, and gained more than 100 points.

Now Li Xiuxian has [-] points, but this is still far from enough. Which disciple of the inner sect doesn't have more than [-] points?
There is also a miscellaneous office in the inner sect, but the above tasks are several times more difficult than those in the outer sect. Of course, the rewards are also more generous. You can get [-] points if you kill a dead wood beast. If you can get its dead wood source beads, you can get it. Six hundred points.

Neizong's rewards for points are richer and more specific.

In the outer sect, if you kill a second-level top-grade monster, you can only get ten points, but in the inner sect, you can get at least a hundred points for killing a designated monster. The gap between the inner sect and the outer sect can be seen.

However, few disciples from the Outer Sect could complete the tasks issued by the Inner Sect.

If you want to accumulate a lot of points in a short period of time, the best way is to enter the Danling Mountains, hunt and kill the monsters specified in the mission, or collect elixir and hand it over to the sect.

The elixir is okay, after all, there are a lot of elixir in the Wanhuazhu, and a single thousand-year-old elixir can be exchanged for dozens of points, but this method is too dangerous, so many thousand-year-old elixir can be obtained in a short period of time. It will inevitably make people suspicious, and then the gain will outweigh the loss.

Li Xiuxian looked at the endless Danling Mountains and sighed slightly.

The Frost Grand Canyon, the place where the disciples of the inner sect of the Danling Sect are tested, is located one hundred thousand miles away from the Danling Mountains. There are very few assassins from the outer sect here, and even the disciples of the inner sect keep a respectful distance from it.

The higher you go, the colder the weather. The ridge is shaped like a dragon's tail. The wind is blowing, and the cold wind is blowing. It seems to be able to blow people off the mountain. It is extremely cold. On the ground, blue is everywhere colored icicles.

(End of this chapter)

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