Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 339 The Buddhist Cultivation Technique

Chapter 339 The Buddhist Cultivation Technique
The two old men in the sky looked at this purple thunder dragon with a trace of fear in their eyes.

This Purple Lightning Thunder Dragon is so powerful that even a Nascent Soul cultivator dare not go straight to the front.

If Di Qing didn't have a semi-finished ghost armor, he would definitely die under this blow!

But even with the Specter Armor, Di Qing's success rate of crossing the catastrophe is only about [-]%. The previous thunder has already wiped out all the efforts of the Sky Demon City, and now they are the only ones who can help Di Qing Two people.

The two old men looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of determination in each other's eyes.

"Open!" At the same time, the coercion of the two old men soared into the sky, and they actually wanted to disperse Jieyun by virtue of their coercion.

How strong are the two late Nascent Soul monsters?
At this moment, it was revealed without any concealment. The monks within a hundred miles below their coercion were all suppressed by this coercion. Jie Yun in the sky also noticed the provocation of these two people .

I saw that the purple thunder dragon split into three in an instant, two of them attacked the two old men, and the other went straight to Di Qing.

The two actually used themselves as bait to disperse the power of Tianlei.

Of course, this is not something anyone can do, and only the coercion of the two Nascent Soul cultivators can make Jie Yun so afraid.

"Om!" The three purple thunder dragons hit almost at the same time.

In an instant, lightning raged, and the entire Sky Demon City was bathed in a layer of purple lightning.

For Tianlei, Wanhuazhu always has an inexplicable connection. The moment Tianlei was sensed, Wanhuazhu was automatically turned on without Li Xiuxian's consent.

Like a whale absorbing water, most of the purple lightning in Sky Demon City was absorbed by the Wanhua Pearl.

Immediately, the pressure on the three people in the sky immediately decreased!

The two elders looked at Sky Demon City suspiciously. In just such an instant, the power of the sky thunder was weakened by most of it.

What kind of person actually possesses such a powerful strength, reducing the power of this thunder to such an extent?
The power of Tianlei has been greatly weakened. For Di Qing who has the Ghost Armor, it can't do any harm at all. Condensing Nascent Soul is almost a certainty.

"There are Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in the Heavenly Demon City?" Zong Cheng was shocked.

Originally thought that there were only two Nascent Soul cultivators, Di Kuang and Di Chi, sitting in the Sky Demon City this day, but who would have thought that there would be one hidden in the Sky Demon City.

Not only Zong Cheng thought so, but all the monks present at the ceremony thought so. If Di Qing, who was about to conceive a baby, was counted, wouldn’t there be four Nascent Soul monks in the Heavenly Demon City, and the entire Blood Prison Is there another force that can stand up to the Sky Demon City?
When the last thunderbolt dissipated, a five-color glow in the robbery cloud fell on Di Qing.

In an instant, a crack appeared on the golden core in Di Yun's body.

The sound of shattering almost spread throughout the entire Sky Demon City.

But the faces of the two elders of the Di family were full of joy. They had experienced this kind of transformation before.

But this simple process lasted for more than an hour. During this more than an hour, the two of the Di family were always inseparable, surrounding Di Qing in the middle.

When the monks conceived babies, it was the time when their Golden Core was the most vulnerable. If the Golden Core was damaged by external influences at this time, then maybe they would not be able to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage for the rest of their lives.

"Boom!" A terrifying coercion suddenly erupted from Di Qing's body!

"It's done!" Di Kuang was overjoyed, which meant that the Sky Demon City had three Nascent Soul cultivators from then on, and their strength was well-deserved number one in the Blood Prison!

Everyone was happy outside. People from various forces who were invited to watch the ceremony presented a congratulatory gift. Naturally, the congratulatory gift for the newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator should not be light. The income from the congratulatory gift alone in Tianyao City is enough to offset their this time. lost.

But Li Xiuxian in the Sky Demon Pagoda is enduring great pain at this time, the reason is that most of the power of the heavenly calamity absorbed by the Wanhua Pearl.

How strong is the Nascent Soul Tribulation?At least it is more than a hundred times that of the calamity of alchemy.

Even with half the strength, it is enough for Li Xiuxian to drink a pot.

At this time, Li Xiuxian's body was flashing with purple lightning, and his complexion was also turning blue and white.

The power leaked from Wan Huazhu is only one ten-thousandth of it, otherwise Li Xiuxian might be torn to pieces by the powerful lightning force on the spot.

Amazing changes also took place in the Wanhua Pearl at this time, the purple mist in the Wanhua Pearl surged, and countless purple filaments in the purple mist rushed towards the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

The light on the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword was shining brightly, and it never refused to come to these purple mist, absorbing them crazily.

Jasper grew up by absorbing the purple mist in the Wanhua Pearl. The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword made from Jasper Root naturally also has this ability. Under the infusion of a large amount of purple mist, the golden Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword has appeared There is a purple filament, which runs through the entire body of the sword.

Stimulated by the power of Heavenly Tribulation, the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body also surged crazily!
Li Xiuxian's cultivation was soaring. Originally, Li Xiuxian was only in the late stage of alchemy, but at this moment his cultivation has risen to the peak of the late stage of alchemy, and it is still rising!

"Buzz!" Suddenly, Li Xiuxian's mind was shocked, as if he had touched the bottleneck!
But this feeling comes and goes quickly, it's just a momentary effort.

Stimulated by the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, Li Xiuxian's cultivation base was infinitely close to the false infant stage, and even touched the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul Stage by virtue of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. This is a great opportunity for the alchemy cultivator .

Even a fake baby monk like Di Yun may not be able to touch that level of bottleneck. For Li Xiuxian, the feeling at that moment is extremely important to him, and maybe it can be the key to him breaking through the Nascent Soul.

Sky Demon City did not count Li Xiuxian in its combat power, mainly because he was haunted by inner demons. Di Yun did not dare to take the risk of making Li Xiuxian a member of the big formation because of his inner demons. The devil is coming, and it will be a huge disaster for the entire Sky Demon City. The things in it are not afraid of [-], but just in case. Anyway, there are not many alchemy monks in the Sky Demon City, and there are not many monks missing him. Leave Li Xiuxian in the Sky Demon Tower.

Although the black energy between Li Xiuxian's eyebrows has not completely receded, it has faded a lot, and there is a layer of golden light constantly restraining the black energy.

The three relics, including a Nascent Soul-level relic, were used to suppress Li Xiuxian's inner demons without any effort. If they were carried for a long time, they could even directly resolve Li Xiuxian's inner demons.

The turmoil outside did not affect Li Xiuxian in any way. He tried his best to induce the Buddha's light in the relics to enter his body, washing away the evil energy left by the inner demon in his body.

In the short term, these demonic energy will not have any effect on Li Xiuxian, but if it takes a long time and the demonic energy penetrates deep into the bone marrow, it will be a troublesome thing. If you want to get rid of it at that time, it will probably be a hundred times or even a thousand times useless. The effort is not worth the candle.

A golden light suddenly shot out from one of the relics, piercing into the center of Li Xiuxia's eyebrows!

Li Xiuxian was shocked, but later discovered that this was actually a Buddhist technique!
"Heart Sutra"

This Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil is not a great skill in Buddhism, but it is strictly forbidden to pass it on to outsiders. Although this Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil is a basic skill, it is the foundational method of Buddhism. For Li Xiuxian who has no background in Buddhism, even if he is given a book of advanced exercises of Buddhism, he may not be able to understand the unique meaning of Buddhism in it.

When Buddhist Kung Fu is cultivated to the deepest point, it must be accompanied by corresponding Buddhist Dharma, which also leads to the reason why Buddhist Kung Fu is seldom passed on to the outside world.

Even if you want to practice, you must experience the Buddhadharma, which is completely useless for some monks.

However, the Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil is the most superficial method, and it has no special requirements for Buddhism, so it is the most suitable for Li Xiuxian.

However, what excites Li Xiuxian is not the Heart Sutra of Crossing Misfortune, but that some information can still be sealed in this relic.

The information contained in that golden light just now is not only the Heart Sutra of Ferrying Evil, but also a lot of experience of this monk.

Li Xiuxian felt that he already knew why the Buddhist sect attached so much importance to the issue of the ownership of the relics. This is completely a jade slip of a monk's life experience. If it is spread outside, the Buddhist classics will be leaked. It is absolutely intolerable.

There is the Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil in this relic, so there must be one in the other two. Looking at the Nascent Soul-level relic, Li Xiuxian felt that he had been hit by a big pie.

But Li Xiuxian forcibly resisted his inner impulse and guided the Buddha's light in the relic into his body.

Li Xiuxian is also aware of the fact that too much chewing is not enough. Buddhist exercises are not so easy to practice. It is already very good to have the Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil. After practicing the Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil, the demons in his body must be resolved It's almost there.

Two months later, Li Xiuxian completely suppressed the inner demon by relying on the Buddha's light of the relics and the Heart Sutra of Crossing Evil. If there were no accidents, the inner demon would never come out to affect Li Xiuxian again.

When Li Xiuxian walked out of the quiet room, he ran into Di Yun.

Di Yun looked at Li Xiuxian in amazement, Li Xiuxian at this time is very different from two months ago, where is he still haunted by demons?

The golden light revealed between the eyebrows even made Di Yun think that Li Xiuxian was a Buddhist cultivator.

"My dear brother, you..."

Li Xiuxian nodded: "The inner demon has been suppressed, it's all thanks to the relic!"

"That's good, that's good!" Di Yun laughed.Even though he said so, Di Yun was still amazed. Although the relic had this effect, it wouldn't be so obvious. It only took two months to suppress the inner demons?
(End of this chapter)

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