Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 341 Giants

Chapter 341 Giants
I'm afraid even Li Xiuxian himself doesn't know how poisonous the liquid associated with the Moyou Cailian is. These liquids can even corrode the natal magic weapon of the Nascent Soul cultivator!
No one would have thought that Li Xiuxian would carry such a highly poisonous substance with him, let alone that this liquid would have such a powerful destructive power on the creatures in the sea of ​​blood.

The blood sea at this time is best described as a hundred miles of floating corpses. The corpses of these lizardmen are floating on the entire surface of the sea. The scene is extremely terrifying!

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath. One drop of liquid can understand so many lives. Although he knew the toxicity of this liquid for a long time, after seeing the consequences of this liquid, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped.

However, this action by Li Xiuxian seemed to anger these mysterious creatures who had lived in the sea of ​​blood for a long time. Li Xiuxian was submerged in this huge wave.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and a drop of milky white liquid fell again, spreading out with the sea of ​​blood.

In an instant, these huge waves disappeared completely, and there was not a single wave on the entire sea of ​​blood.

"Huh!" Li Xiuxian sighed for a long time.

Two drops of liquid slaughtered nearly a million creatures. Even though these creatures were not human, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sigh.

"How dare you hurt my descendants, take your life!" A roar came from the depths of the blood sea, and the whole blood sea boiled again, and a giant made entirely of blood was striding forward!

This giant is so huge that even the body of a little monkey can't compare to one finger of this giant, and the whole sea of ​​blood boils because of the appearance of this giant.

"Yuanying? Transforming God?" Li Xiuxian was shocked, he couldn't tell what level this giant was equivalent to.

The power to destroy the world came along with waves of waves.

Li Xiuxian thought that his own strength was already good enough, and with various means, he could fight even against the Nascent Soul cultivator, but in front of this bloody giant, Li Xiuxian found that he didn't even have the courage to resist.

"Injure my descendants, you are dead!" I saw that the giant just threw a punch casually, and there were huge waves on the sea of ​​blood. Thousands or even tens of thousands of waves continued towards Li Xiuxian. coming.

Li Xiuxian's face was livid, he never dreamed that there would be such a terrifying existence in this sea of ​​blood.

Just the waves controlled by those lizardmen are enough to trap the Nascent Soul cultivator to death. I am afraid that this terrifying giant can smash the Nascent Soul cultivator into a pulp with just a single punch.

In this blood prison, only Li Xiuxian had seen this blood-colored giant. Besides Li Xiuxian, who could have slaughtered more than a million lizardmen so easily, causing the ancestor of this lizardman to appear.

Countless huge waves of bearers came rushing forward with the force of destroying heaven and earth. This time there were no lizardmen in the huge waves, which was entirely due to the power of this blood-colored giant.

This was already beyond the range that Li Xiuxian could resist. Li Xiuxian's first reaction was to run away, but the speed of this huge wave was as fast as lightning, which was not far behind Zilei Huodun, and it rushed in front of Li Xiuxian in an instant.

"Xiantian Gengjin Sword Qi!" Li Xiuxian roared, and a golden sword light slashed down, cutting a huge wave!

The huge wave split into two and rushed past Li Xiuxian.

But before Li Xiuxian heaved a sigh of relief, the second, and the third, came one after another!

"Tiangang Sword Formation!" 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords came out in response to the sound, and arranged a Tiangang Sword Formation around Li Xiuxian, resisting the huge wave of blood sea.

"Five turns of Xuan Gong!" Li Xiuxian was already desperate!
Nine-turn Xuan Gong has been opened to the fifth turn, and Li Xiuxian's strength is dozens of times that of the original one.

But even if this is the case, it can barely withstand the first ten giant wolves, and there are hundreds, thousands of huge waves behind!

This blood-colored giant didn't take Li Xiuxian seriously at first, it was just a monk who formed alchemy, he could crush a lot of them to death with one finger, but Li Xiuxian's performance exceeded his expectations.

The "ants" in his eyes unexpectedly withstood the huge waves of the sea of ​​blood time and time again.

Every wave of the huge wave of blood sent by him has the ability to severely damage the Nascent Soul cultivator. Even the Nascent Soul cultivator will almost die after ten waves in a row, but the ants are still persisting.

"Bright Flame Kirin Armor!" A layer of blue flames rose up, and this blue flame turned into a big hand, blocking the huge waves from moving forward.

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!" The blood-colored giant snorted coldly.

With the power of forming alchemy, trying to resist the Lord of the Blood Sea in vain, this is an act of courting death.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivator could only run away in a hurry when he saw him!

"Chi Chi!" A puff of blue smoke suddenly rose from that blue hand, and a drop of milky white liquid flew out from the blue hand, and the target was the blood-colored giant.

This drop of liquid is the liquid associated with the Mo You Cailian. If even this liquid can't hurt the blood-colored giant, then Li Xiuxian will surely die!

At this time, most of the Biyan Qilin armor has been corroded by this liquid, and the ancient battle armor has been corroded to such an extent in less than half a breath!
The blood-colored giant didn't notice this drop of milky white liquid at all. At this time, huge waves of blood were flying, and a drop of milky-white liquid was too small to attract the attention of the blood-colored giant.

This blood-colored giant is destined to pay the price for his carelessness, this drop of milky white liquid dripped on the body of the blood-colored giant!

"Ah! What is this!" The scarlet giant suddenly let out an earth-shattering scream.

In the eyes of the scarlet giant, Li Xiuxian was able to poison so many of his descendants by relying on an extremely powerful poison, but to him, any poison is ineffective, so he will attack Li Xiuxian without fear .

But when he came into contact with this drop of liquid, he realized that he made a mistake.

After the liquid has been diluted by the sea of ​​blood, it may not be able to cause any harm to him, but if a drop of liquid falls directly on his body... .
The blood-colored giant discovered that the poison did not spare even his soul. Under the erosion of this poison, his soul felt like being bitten by thousands of ants. tolerable.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw the bloody giant's pain. This proved that the liquid was effective. As long as he could temporarily suppress the giant, he could leave the sea of ​​blood. Once he left the sea of ​​blood, the bloody giant would no longer be within his control.

After all, he has never heard that the waves in the sea of ​​blood will hit the land.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Li Xiuxian's feet turned into a purple light and rushed towards the coast.

This drop of liquid may be able to severely injure the blood-colored giant, but it cannot kill it. If the blood-colored giant recovers, then Li Xiuxian will have a chance for the mission.

But even so, Li Xiuxian still underestimated the ability of the blood-colored giant and underestimated the killing intent of the blood-colored giant.

The blood-colored giant actually resisted the pain of tearing his soul, and ran towards Li Xiuxian recklessly. He covered a distance of thousands of feet in one step, and his speed was a bit faster than Li Xiuxian who cast Purple Thunder and Fire Escape.

"Thunder!" Li Xiuxian roared, and saw countless lavender lightning bolts falling from the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords, all of which hit the blood-colored giant without falling.

This lightning, which was enough to kill any alchemy cultivator, was almost useless when it fell on the blood-colored giant.

There was only a slight ripple on the blood-colored giant's body, and then it swallowed up the lightning.

Even 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords were swallowed by the Scarlet Giant!
"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian spat out a mouthful of blood.

Among the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords, three soul imprints were directly erased!

The imprint on the natal magic weapon is extremely difficult to erase, unless you are willing to spend a hundred years, but this blood-colored giant instantly erased the imprints of Li Xiuxian and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, making Li Xiuxian's century-old hard work come to an end.

But at this time, Li Xiuxian couldn't control so much. If the magic weapon is gone, the most he can do is to refine it again. He never lacks the Jasper Root, but this is the only life, if it is gone, everything will be over!

"You're going to die!" The blood-colored giant opened his mouth wide, and a golden sword flew out, piercing Li Xiuxian's vitals. Is this not the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword?
The blood-colored giant was also very surprised. He could corrode all magic weapons, but these 36 swords could not be corroded, they just erased the marks on them.

"Five-Colored Divine Light" Li Xiuxian brushed out several five-colored divine lights in a row, directly put the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword into his dantian, and warmed it up again.

The scarlet giant was startled, the strength of the sword was more than ten thousand catties, enough to kill this person, but this person easily took the sword away.

The blood-colored giant didn't believe in evil, and spit out 35 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords in a row, and the sword shadows filled the sky in an instant!

However, as soon as the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword approached the five-color divine light around Li Xiuxian, they all lost contact and were collected in Li Xiuxian's dantian!
"Idiot!" Li Xiuxian cursed secretly. Although the blood-colored giant is strong, it seems that his brain is not very good. He even returned all 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the blood-colored giant, Li Xiuxian simply stopped running and held a jade bottle in his hand: "Stop, or I will pour all the poison into this sea of ​​blood, not only you Your descendants will suffer even you!"

If you can't fight but can't run away, then Li Xiuxian just threatens him!
This trick really worked, the Scarlet Giant stopped immediately, and looked at the small jade bottle in Li Xiuxian's hand in amazement.He has personally experienced the power of this poison, just one drop can cause him to die in pain, if a bottle is poured down, there may really be no living things in the whole sea of ​​blood.

(End of this chapter)

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