Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 348 The Power of the Avatar

Chapter 348 The Power of the Avatar
"Bang!" The rocks splashed, and a powerful coercion swept across the entire mountain range in the cave where Li Xiuxian was.

The entire mountain range trembled, and the weak monsters were instantly shocked to death by this huge coercion.

Two identical Li Xiuxian came out of the cave!
Li Xiuxian looked at himself next to him, it was really strange to have two selves.

Different from the divine fire avatar, the external avatars refined by this Qihua Sanqing technique all have their own independent consciousness, almost an independent individual.

After integrating this external avatar into his own body, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but nodded.

Facts have proved that his decision to split the Nascent Soul back then was correct, and now his strength is comparable to that of 50 years ago. Even without using the Shenlong Avatar, he is confident that he can compete with the monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Down.

The difficulty of refining the avatar outside the body is much more difficult than Li Xiuxian thought. Originally, he estimated that he could successfully refine it in 30 years, but it took him a full 50 years. The 160 spirit patterns The difficulty of engraving far exceeded Li Xiuxian's expectations.

Even he himself didn't know how many times he had failed in the past 50 years. If it weren't for the jasper roots in the Wanhua Pearl to grow continuously, he really couldn't successfully refine this incarnation outside his body.

The difficulty of cultivating the first supernatural power of this sect is not generally high. Besides Li Xiuxian, which monk would have so many resources for him to practice?

"Friend, do you want to hide it any longer?" A bright light flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes.

"Impossible, how could he see through my whereabouts, he is just a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul." The evil-eyed Taoist hiding in the dark looked at Li Xiuxian in astonishment.

With his strength in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he would definitely not be spotted by someone in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"It must be a hoodwink, he will never see through my whereabouts!" Master Xieyan thought so.

This kind of thing has not happened in the world of comprehension. Some monks use this method to fool some enemies hidden in the dark, but in fact they have not found the opponent's whereabouts.

Master Xieyan is not a rookie in the world of comprehension, so naturally he would not make such a low-level mistake.

This Master Xieyan is also a well-known casual cultivator in the Blood Prison. Even the top ten main cities are unwilling to offend a casual cultivator at the Nascent Soul level. Moisturizing.

This time, if he hadn't encountered the coercion caused by Li Xiuxian's refinement of the avatar by accident, he would not have come here.

From the eyes of Master Xieyan, this Li Xiuxian must be refining some great treasure to cause such coercion.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly: "Since Fellow Daoist won't come out, then don't blame Li's subordinates for being ruthless!"

Pointing casually, I saw a red glow going straight to the place where Master Xieyan was hiding!
Lieyang Finger, it turned out to be Lieyang Finger!

Although the Fierce Yang Finger is only the most superficial spell, but with Li Xiuxian's current cultivation base, the power is quite amazing!
Xieyan was startled, he didn't expect Li Xiuxian to actually find him!
"Hmph! So what, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul!" Xieyan Daoist snorted coldly, revealing his figure, and raised his hand slightly to block the blazing sun finger.

"Middle Nascent Soul Stage." Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

"Junior, hand over your treasures if you are sensible, and maybe my Master Xieyan can spare your life!" Master Xieyan sneered.

There is a huge difference between Nascent Soul monks every level of advancement, there is almost no comparison between the Nascent Soul middle stage and the upper Nascent Soul early stage!
Li Xiuxian sighed secretly, seeing that the master with evil eyes was not a good person, those strange eyes always put inexplicable pressure on Li Xiuxian.

"Want a treasure? Well, I'll give it to you!" Li Xiuxian smiled.

An avatar exactly like Li Xiuxian, whose whole body was shrouded in electric light, stood beside Li Xiuxian!

"Clone!" Master Xieyan sneered.

How dare to use this kind of low-level supernatural power in front of him, this kid is really ignorant!
"Clone?" A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth.

If the Master Xieyan dealt with this incarnation in the same way he dealt with his avatar, he would definitely cry very rhythmically.

"I leave it to you!" Li Xiuxian patted his first incarnation outside the body.

I saw this Li Xiuxian nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, I didn't expect someone to sharpen my knife just after I was born."

Li Xiuxian nodded. The strength of this incarnation outside the body is probably a little stronger than his own. After all, with Jasper Root as the main body and various precious materials, unless Li Xiuxian reveals his own dragon avatar, otherwise it will be true. There is no way to suppress this avatar.

"Borrow the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword." The avatar smiled.

"What's mine is yours, how can you make excuses?" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

Thirty-six Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords protruded from the body, surrounding this incarnation.

In an instant, the whole world was darkened, and thunder and lightning roared!

Master Xieyan was shocked, and at the same time his eyes burst out with infinite expression: "Good baby, good baby!"

"That depends on whether you have your life!" The avatar snorted coldly.

Like spirit snakes, streaks of golden thunder in the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword rushed towards Master Xieyan!
"Small tricks!" Master Xieyan snorted coldly.

The skill of turning sword into silk may be regarded as amazing in the eyes of the monk who formed the alchemy, but in the eyes of the monk Nascent Soul, it is just a child's play!
There was a flash of black light in the master's hand, and a strangely shaped black knife blocked the golden thunder sword thread.

"Oh?" There was a hint of surprise in the avatar's eyes.

"Death!" Master Xieyan snorted coldly, and saw hundreds of unjust souls emerge from the black knife, attacking the incarnation.

"Interesting, the black knife and the soul banner have the same effect!" Li Xiuxian, who was watching the battle from the side, laughed.

"Pfft!" These innocent souls were pierced by countless golden thunder sword threads before they got close, and they were wiped out in ashes.

"Stop playing, solve it quickly!" Li Xiuxian said.

"Okay!" The avatar nodded.

Thirty-six Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords traced a wonderful trajectory in the air, and the golden thunder sword wires formed a big net, covering Master Xieyan!
"Ignorance!" Master Xieyan sneered.

The avatar suddenly had a bad feeling, almost at this moment, a black light shot out from Master Xieyan's weird eyes.

"Ding!" This black light actually penetrated the heavy sword net and hit the avatar directly.

Towering flames appeared in front of the avatar, and the swirling flames seemed to swallow him up!
"What's wrong?" Li Xiuxian who was watching the battle was taken aback.

Master Xieyan just glanced at the avatar, and the avatar lost the ability to move, and even let Master Xieyan walk out!

"It's just a clone!" Master Xieyan sneered, and stabbed the black knife into the heart of the avatar!

"Huh?" Master Xieyan looked at the clone in front of him in disbelief, the attack had not dissipated yet!
"Zizi!" Master Xieyan twitched suddenly, and an electric current passed through the black knife to his hand!
"This, this. An incarnation outside the body!" Master Xieyan looked at the person in front of him in disbelief!

"Illusion is good, even I have been tricked!" The avatar smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and the golden thunder sword thread seemed to come alive, almost giving Master Xieyan any chance, and pierced him!

Master Xieyan let out a muffled snort, and a villain broke out of his dantian!

As expected of a Nascent Soul cultivator, this Master Xieyan killed decisively, knowing that he would be defeated today, so he simply abandoned his body and used the Nascent Soul to escape. , As long as the Nascent Soul exists, he can live!
Moreover, Nascent Soul moved so fast that even if this person wanted to chase him, he would definitely not be able to catch up!

Li Xiuxian sneered: "Want to leave? Leave it to me!"

Suddenly, a dragon claw caught the Nascent Soul of Daoist Xieyan!

"You you..." Xieyan Daoist looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Li Xiuxian smiled.

"Monster, you are a level [-] monster! You even have an avatar!"

Li Xiuxian touched his nose involuntarily. When he used Shenlong Avatar, he really looked a bit like a monster.

"I surrender, as long as you let me go, I am willing to serve you as the master and be driven by you for the rest of my life!"

"That's it again, don't you have anything else to say when you are facing life and death?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

Li Xiuxian didn't dare to take the risk of accepting a slave in the Nascent Soul Stage. The lesson of the Gorefiend is still vivid in his memory, so it's hard to guarantee that the Master Xieyan doesn't have any weird abilities!
Instead of worrying about it every day, it's better to settle it once and for all!
"Take it!" Li Xiuxian typed out a formula, and a dark green flame in the soul banner submerged into the Nascent Soul of Master Xieyan!
"Ah! What the hell is this! Ah." The Master Xieyan looked at the flame in horror.

The moment he touched it, he felt that his Nascent Soul was about to collapse!
"As expected of a Nascent Soul, he can even resist the Soul Banner! But." Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The black tentacles in the soul banner directly pulled the Nascent Soul into the soul banner!

"I. Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!" Master Xieyan roared.

"A Nascent Soul should be able to greatly increase the strength of the Honored Soul Banner!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

The avatar put away 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords and stood beside Li Xiuxian.

"This person's illusion is very powerful, even I fell into it just now!" Hua Hua said with lingering fear.

Li Xiuxian nodded. Although this was the first battle of the incarnation outside the body, Li Xiuxian was very satisfied, at least it proved that the incarnation outside the body was of extraordinary strength.

More importantly, as one's cultivation improves, the strength of this avatar will also increase!After leaving things like repairing the Jade Flame Kirin Armor to the incarnation outside his body, Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged in the Wanhua Bead and practiced with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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