Chapter 367

"He's not dead!" Hentian Corpse Emperor had an incredulous look in his eyes, he was still alive after receiving a punch from him head-on, could it be that this person's physique was stronger than monsters and barbarians.

This punch, even if it was endured by King Lei Peng, would vomit three liters of blood. Li Xiuxian just recovered after vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood?

Li Xiuxian glanced at the empty jade bottle. The hundreds of bottles of stalactite milk obtained in Xiaoqian World have been consumed in the past 400 years, and he only has fifty or sixty bottles left on him now. , Such an astonishing amount of consumption made him shake his head.

Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor snorted coldly, he was determined to kill Li Xiuxian, whether he escaped from him a hundred years ago, or killed him, the Supreme Elder of Corpse Refining Sect, he had no reason to let him go. Pass this underdeveloped junior.

It's only 200 years away, and it's already the middle stage of Nascent Soul, if you give him a hundred years, wouldn't you want to be like him, even he himself is not sure whether he can suppress Li Xiuxian by then.

Such a serious confidant must be eradicated before he is fledgling, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Nail the dragon pile!" Hentian Corpse Emperor waved his sleeves, and a roar came from nearby.Seven dazzling white beams of light shot up into the sky, and at the same time, the sound of dragon chant came, and silver-white flood dragons emerged from the seven beams of light at the same time.Raised their heads and shouted in unison.

The magic weapon, the Heavenly Corpse Emperor actually used the magic weapon, which meant that the Heavenly Corpse Emperor no longer kept his hand, and he was going to keep Li Xiuxian here today.

Li Xiuxian didn't know how powerful the nailed dragon stake was, but from the sound of the dragon's chant, he could tell that these were all four-level monsters. He detained seven four-level flood dragons and refined them into magic weapons. The Heavenly Corpse Emperor is really a big hand.

Hate the Heavenly Corpse Emperor go all out, Li Xiuxian naturally will not hide his secrets.

With a flick of his sleeve, the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords made a buzzing sound and all flew out of the sleeves.

Now that he knew that the opponent was not an ordinary opponent, Li Xiuxian didn't have the heart to use other means to slowly probe the opponent's depth, so he directly used his Tiangang sword array, combined with the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword, to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

The 36-foot-long golden light hovered over Li Xiuxian's head for a while, and several magic spells hit it.

Immediately, all the golden light trembled a few times, and immediately split into hundreds of identical sword lights, shining brilliantly.

Li Xiuxian was about to urge Fajue to form these sword lights into a Tiangang sword array, but the seven beams of light around them attacked first.

I saw the silver dragon on the pillar turned its head to look at Li Xiuxian in the middle at the same time, with its mouth wide open, shining silver, as if something was about to be sprayed out of the mouth.

Li Xiuxian didn't have time to think about it, he tapped the blue shield in front of him, and with a flash of inspiration, the treasure instantly turned into a layer of blue water curtain, covering him all around.With the other hand, he played a formula, and a cloud of fire blocked the silver light in the mouth of the seven silver dragons in front of Li Xiuxian.It has been sprayed out soundlessly.It turned out to be seven tangible silver beams of light.

The seven bowls of thick silver light flashed and hit the shield.

The silver light and water curtains were intertwined, and as a result, the shield only supported it for a moment, and then it was pierced through seven holes like spring sun melting snow.

The seven silver lights continued unabated and hit the fire cloud.

As soon as Fang made contact, the fire cloud rolled endlessly.Showed a state of indebtedness.

Seeing this situation, Li Xiuxian gasped, his face changed slightly.

The two shields he set up were broken so easily, and one of the shields was an ancient treasure exchanged by Tong Zhan and him, so it was pierced so easily.

Looking at the seven holes on the shield, the aura is gone, and this shield is useless.

What kind of attack are these beams of light? They are so powerful!
"Ding ding ding!" Although these two protections did not block the seven nailed dragon stakes, they also bought a precious time for the arrangement of the Tiangang sword array.

When the sword formation was completed, hundreds of sword lights blocked the seven to silver lights as if they were alive. At the same time, golden thunder sword threads surrounded the seven nail dragon stakes like spider webs.

"Hmph, you rubbish sword lights? Although it's surprising that you refine so many flying swords as magic weapons at the same time. But you don't know that the magic weapon of life depends on one's own spiritual cultivation to exert its great power. It is an extremely stupid idea for you to refine so many flying swords. As for the illusion of so many sword lights, it is even more flashy and ridiculous. What use is this kind of supernatural power in fighting with monks of the same level. I am Standing still, none of your sword lights can hurt a single hair of my hair." Hentian Corpse Emperor glanced at the densely packed sword lights that suddenly appeared around him, and said disdainfully.

"You'll know if it works or not!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

If the sword light in the Tiangang sword array is regarded as the idle sword light, then it will be too late to cry.

Although Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor's Nail Dragon Stake is formidable, the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword that Li Xiuxian painstakingly sacrificed is not bad, otherwise the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword would not have been recorded by the Nine Turns Mysterious Art!

"Explosive!" Li Xiuxian pinched a formula with both hands.

These hundreds of sword lights exploded suddenly, and violent thunder broke out from the body. There is actually a thunder of destruction hidden in these sword lights!
Every sword light hides a piece of destruction. The hundreds of lightning bolts of destruction are a quarter of the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords.

He is the body of the corpse emperor, and he is afraid of the masculine and strong power of thunder and lightning, but the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword has absorbed a part of the terrifying spiritual power of the spirit of destruction, and the thunder of destruction contained in it is not to be underestimated. Look.

Hundreds of thunderbolts of destruction exploded at such a short distance, and Hate the Heavenly Corpse Emperor was caught off guard.

The frantic destruction and the like rushed into his body, even if he tried his best to block it, how could the destruction thunder be so easy to deal with?

"Destroy!" Hundreds of golden thunder sword threads took advantage of the momentum to entangle the Emperor Hentian Corpse.

The golden thunder sword thread, which was powerful enough to cut magic weapons, could not leave even a single trace on the body of the Heavenly Corpse Emperor. If ordinary monks were entangled by the golden thunder sword thread, they would have been cut into pieces long ago.

"You're courting death!" Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor was furious. Now that most of his power was used to suppress the Thunder of Destruction in his body, he didn't have much power to deal with Li Xiuxian.

Now he only hoped that his corpse emperor's body could hold on. Once the thunder of destruction in his body was expelled, then it would be Li Xiuxian's death.

With the knowledge of hating the Heavenly Corpse Emperor, it is natural to see that the Thunder of Destruction is the supernatural power that comes with the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords. There must not be a second time for such a powerful supernatural power. As long as Li Xiuxian survives this round, he will die undoubtedly.

Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not give Hate the Heavenly Corpse Emperor this chance, he bent the four fingers of his right hand, and a five-color divine light brushed towards the seven nailed dragon stakes.

This nailed dragon stake is so powerful, even on his Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, taking this nailed dragon stake is tantamount to pulling out the teeth of the fierce tiger that hates the Heavenly Corpse Emperor.

Although the tiger without fangs was still terrifying, the threat to him was greatly reduced.

Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor was startled, he found that the connection between himself and Nail Dragon Zhuang was slowly weakening!
"Boy, you are courting death!" Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor was furious, regardless of the violent destruction in his body, he forcibly drove seven nailed dragon stakes and smashed them at Li Xiuxian.

"Bang!" The nailed dragon stake was so powerful that the Tiangang sword array was about to collapse due to the impact.

The sword array shook, and the strength of Jin Lei's sword silk was greatly reduced, and the Heaven-hating Corpse Emperor broke free.

"Death!" Seven silver lights hit Li Xiuxian like a meteor chasing the moon.

"The body of the dragon!" Li Xiuxian roared.

A dragon's chant pierced through the sky, and a blood-red tail was directly facing the seven nailed dragon stakes. Li Xiuxian actually used his body to meet the seven nailed dragon stakes head-on.

Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor sneered, although he was very curious about Li Xiuxian's ability to transform into a flood dragon, but in the world of cultivation, he fell out of strange skills, he even heard that there is a kind of talisman in Tianzhou that can make people become half-human With the appearance of a half-demon, although Li Xiuxian's dragon body is miraculous, it won't make the Heaven-hating Corpse Emperor lose his sense of proportion.

He has sufficient confidence in his nailed dragon stake to hate the corpse emperor. This is an unrivaled magic weapon that he has spent endless efforts on beheading seven fourth-level monsters. Death will disappear.

Li Xiuxian dared to use his own body to hard-fix the nailed dragon stake, it can only be said that he did not know how to live or die.

But is that really the case?

Li Xiuxian's dragon body did not come from the power of a spell. At this time, Li Xiuxian was the real dragon.

Shenlong, this name is an extremely mysterious word even in ancient times. Flood dragons are common in the cultivation world, but they are just monsters with a trace of the blood of the dragon. Few people know how powerful the real power of the dragon is. .

Whether this nailed dragon stake can really nail the dragon to death depends on this blow!

"Roar!" The roar of the dragon also came from the seven nailed dragon stakes.

Seven silver lights hit Li Xiuxian's tail fiercely!
"Boom!" In an instant, blood splashed everywhere, and the scales on Li Xiuxian's tail splashed in all directions, and the seven nailed dragon stakes pierced into Li Xiuxian's tail in unison!

"Hmph, the winner has been decided!" Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor sneered.

"Indeed, the winner has already been decided!" Li Xiuxian said lightly, with such a flat tone, as if the pierced tail was not his!
"Crack!" Cracks appeared in four of the seven nail dragon stakes.

Although the nailed dragon stake exploded Li Xiuxian's scales and penetrated his flesh and blood, it did not penetrate the bones inside. Instead, it was shattered by the huge counter-shock force!
"Impossible! You." Hentian Corpse Emperor suddenly remembered something, and looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

"Impossible, you can't be from that ethnic group, impossible, absolutely impossible!" Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.He would be so surprised with the strength of Hate the Heavenly Corpse Emperor, it can be seen how terrifying what he thought of!

(End of this chapter)

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