Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 385 9-Tailed Demon Fox

Chapter 385 The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox
Tianzhou is in peace, but the rest of the states are not so lucky.

The barbarians, Western French warlocks, Penglai Xianhai, and Million Monster Mountains are not peaceful masters, and they have frequently put pressure on Kyushu in recent years.

The waves of attacks followed one after another, and the most fierce and ruthless attack was the demon clan in the north.

Originally, there was a conflict between humans and monsters. Humans killed monsters to take pills, and used captive monsters as their own spirit beasts.

Monsters feed on people, and the grievances between the two parties have reached the point of irreconcilability.

The monsters from Million Monster Mountain attacked massively, and the first to bear the brunt were Jing and Yang states, with corpses floating thousands of miles away!
The Tianzhou monks also gave the most funding to these two states, and at least one of the top ten forces in Tianzhou sent a big monk to sit in the town!

Ronghua Mountain is the main position for Jingzhou monks to fight against monsters.

No one can tell how many monsters there are in the million monster mountains. Anyway, no matter how the monks in Jingzhou kill them, the number of monsters will not decrease.

Monster beasts live longer than humans, and live longer than humans. Over time, the number of monsters in the million monster mountains is already an astronomical number.

The big monsters in Million Monster Mountain don't care about the life and death of those low-level monsters, but human monks have to care about the life and death of their disciples.

It is not an exaggeration for every disciple with a spiritual root to choose one out of ten thousand. It is not a wise choice to fight these monsters.

In this human-monster battle, the human race has been on the defensive all the way, retreating all the way to the vicinity of Huarong Mountain, relying on the terrain of Huarong Mountain and layers of formations to barely maintain their invincibility!
Outside "Ronghua Mountain", countless monsters are attacking the defense line of "Ronghua Mountain" one after another. Under the resistance of countless formations and some masters around "Ronghua Mountain", there are countless casualties. .

And in the depths of the herd, six monsters with different images are watching the fierce battle in front of them coldly, but they are indifferent to the mass death of monsters.

Seeing a large number of monsters die, but there is not much breakthrough. It seems that some monsters among the six monsters gradually became impatient. Suddenly, a monster with the appearance of a black tiger walked up to the nine-tailed demon fox and roared for two times in a low voice. The sound, which was obviously the roar of a tiger, actually carried great respect.

Obviously, this nine-tailed demon fox has the highest status among all the monsters.

Tens of thousands of beasts came rushing, the earth shook, and the color of the sky and the earth changed. At this moment, the faces of more than a thousand monks on the field all changed drastically, showing a hint of despair.

Could it be that everyone is going to die here before they start to act?
There are only six Nascent Soul monks on Huarong Mountain, and none of the big monks!

Among the monsters, there are dozens of fourth-level monsters. How can the monks of Huarong Mountain resist this?

"What are you panicking about? It's just a few level-[-] monsters. What do they look like!" A man snorted coldly, and a powerful coercion spread out of Huarong Mountain in an instant, vaguely confronting dozens of level-[-] monsters in the distance. .

What is the origin of this person who tried to fight against dozens of monsters comparable to Nascent Soul cultivators by himself?
This is almost a common question for all the monks present!

If Li Xiuxian was here, he would be surprised, because this person turned out to be Jian Chen!

Jian Chen also arrived in Tianzhou, and successfully condensed the Nascent Soul. What is even more surprising is that Jian Chen's cultivation speed is no less than that of Li Xiuxian, and he is also at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Inheriting the inheritance of the ancient sword cultivator, obtaining the No. [-] killing formation in the ancient times, and obtaining the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and then obtaining the thousands of years of Yujianzong's accumulation, Jianchen's cultivation speed can be described as rapid.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian are being hung on Jian Chen's back, which is almost a symbol of Jian Chen's identity!
"It's just a few monsters. Brother Jianchen is interested in fighting with me!" A white-robed man sneered.

"Since Brother Xiao is so interested, I, Jian Chen, will naturally not refuse!" Jian Chen nodded.

Yu Wenxiao!Even Yu Wenxiao is here!

If Li Xiuxian appeared here, then the three people who stole the limelight in the Six Schools of Martial Arts back then would have gathered together!
Yu Wenxiao turned out to be a mid-Yuanying cultivation base, and his cultivation speed did not drop at all.

This Yu Wenxiao's aptitude is against the sky, and he also has the terrifying ultimate move of innate sword energy, which is even better than Li Xiuxian in the way of swordsmanship.

His strength might not be inferior to that of Jian Chen who owns the Zhu Xian Sword Formation!

"I see, these two are the twin swords of Tianzhou Eternal Sword Sect! Sword Immortal Jianchen, Sword Saint Yu Wenxiao!" Someone among the monks suddenly called out.

"Eternal Sword Sect!" The monks present gasped in unison.

The Eternal Sword Sect is one of the top ten forces in Tianzhou, and it is said that there are a large number of inheritors of the ancient sword cultivators gathered in the Eternal Sword Sect.

No one would underestimate this sect that gathered a large number of ancient sword cultivators!


As agreed in advance, the two rushed out of the guardian formation together!

"Zhuxian Sword Formation! Open!" The four ancient swords spread out in an instant!

The ancient number one killing formation showed its fangs at this time, and countless sword lights fell from the sky like raindrops, and wherever the sword lights went, they were invincible, no matter what kind of monster you are or how strong your defense is, you cannot Catch this sword glow!
"Kill!" Yu Wenxiao was not to be outdone, his innate body-shattering invisible sword energy was like an invisible killer, and some monsters didn't even know how they died.

"This... is this still a human?" The monk in Huarong Mountain couldn't help cursing.

The two of them, relying on their strength alone, beat tens of thousands of monsters until they couldn't lift their heads!

"Roar!" Some big monsters finally couldn't stand it anymore, and a golden-crowned snake eagle came roaring in the sky!


"Pfft!" Without hindrance, this fourth-level monster couldn't hold out for even one round under the Zhuxian sword formation, and immediately decapitated under the sword!
A stern light flashed in the eyes of the nine celestial foxes who were at the back of the demonic beasts. These two had such strong combat power in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. If they were allowed to develop freely, they would also be a big threat to the demon clan!
The spirit fox is one of the most common monsters in the world of cultivating immortals. It has red fur and a small body. It is naturally good at controlling fire aura, but it is not very powerful. Compared with monsters, they have no advantage, and it can even be said that they are weak among low-level monsters.

But the real strength of a monster like the Linghu lies in its terrifying growth potential.

According to legend, although the spirit fox is only a low-level monster, it has a life span of thousands of years. Neidan can evolve into a two-tailed spirit fox, and its lifespan can be increased to 2000 years.And if the inner alchemy of five first-level middle-grade monsters belonging to the five elements is swallowed again before the longevity is exhausted, the lifespan will be increased to 3000 years, and it will become a first-level top-grade monster.

In this way, the spirit fox can evolve almost unlimitedly until it becomes a nine-tailed monster.

If calculated according to the number of tails, the nine tails are only equivalent to the existence of the late alchemy among human monks.

But if this is the case, the Nine-Tailed Fox will not scare many human monks!
As I said before, the most frightening thing about Linghu is his infinite evolution ability. When the number of tails reaches nine, they can still evolve, but this time what changes is not the number of tails, but the color of the tails!
The tail of the third-level nine-tailed fox is light red. When the nine-tailed fox is promoted to the fourth level, the tail will turn dark purple. If you find that the nine tails of the nine-tailed fox turn black, congratulations, this nine-tailed fox The tail fox is already a fifth-level monster comparable to a cultivator who transforms himself into a god.

However, the time left for the spirit fox to evolve each time is only 1000 years, and the monster inner pills that need to be killed and devoured are becoming more and more rare and rare, and the masters of those inner pills are also getting more and more powerful, and other monsters After becoming the fourth level, I already have the spiritual wisdom comparable to that of human beings. I know that the evolutionary premise of spirit foxes is to devour their inner alchemy, so seeing such monsters as spirit foxes is an endless pursuit. So the existence of the nine-tailed demon fox is only theoretical. In fact, the most powerful spirit fox in the world of cultivating immortals so far is only the seven-tailed fox, which has just reached the third level.

And the seven demon foxes did not die from the exhaustion of their lifespan, nor did they die from the encirclement and suppression of human immortal cultivators, but because they were killed by seven or eight fourth-level monsters.

After all, no monster would let such a terrifying monster grow up!

All of the above shows how difficult and dangerous it is for the spirit fox to grow.

Before facing this nine-tailed demon fox, everyone would think that the existence of the nine-tailed demon fox is just a legend. How could the nine-tailed demon fox really exist?Even if it exists, how can other heavenly monsters coexist with this monster.

So when they really saw the legendary monster like the nine-tailed demon fox, everyone was left with inconceivable feelings for a moment.

I saw that after the nine-tailed demon fox evolved to the limit, it was completely different from the small body of ordinary foxes. It was tens of feet tall, standing there from a distance, like a red hill, with twinkling eyes It seems that only human beings have sophistication and depth.

"The nine-tailed demon fox really exists!" Yu Wenxiao took a deep breath.

"Three of his tails have turned dark purple. This nine-tailed demon fox is already an existence equivalent to the early Yuanying stage." Jian Chen snorted coldly.

Although there are a lot of rumors about the nine-tailed demon fox, even juxtaposing the nine-tailed demon fox with the legendary beast, no one knows how powerful the nine-tailed demon fox is.

"The two little dolls are white and tender. If you are willing to surrender, my sister doesn't mind taking you to make noodles." The nine-tailed demon fox said surprisingly!
This nine-tailed demon fox turned out to be a female fox, and she is also a coquettish fox who loves the faces of humans!

Level [-] monsters can already take human form, and it is not uncommon to be able to speak the language of the human race.However, monsters can only exert their strongest power when they are in their own bodies, so most of the time monsters use their bodies to fight against the enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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