Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 392 Immortal Crystal

Chapter 392 Immortal Crystal
Second only to the magical treasure of Xuantian Lingbao, this sapphire gourd is actually a spiritual treasure!

Li Xiuxian looked at this simple green jade gourd that exuded a faint aura, and it was difficult to associate this gourd with the legendary spirit treasure.

"Look at the north side of him, there is a small crack, which was left when my previous master fought against the great power of the demon world. The spirit of the sapphire gourd was also completely destroyed in this battle, even the sapphire gourd was beaten. Broken." Ziyue said.

"Sure enough, there is a crack!" Li Xiuxian looked at the crack that was only as big as a hair and clicked on the picture.

No wonder the aura of this sapphire gourd is so weak, and there is a crack that can persist for ten thousand years. Only from this point can we see the extraordinaryness of this sapphire gourd.

"It's a pity, if it is still intact, it will be a great help to you." Ziyue shook her head regretfully.

"It's the same now!" Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

There is still a small half of the gourd's emperor fluid in this sapphire gourd, which is enough for the little monkey to break through!

"Little guy, why don't you show me what else is good here?" Li Xiuxian released the treasure hunting mouse.

The little guy immediately sniffed in the Shuiyue Lake, his eyes lit up, and his eyes were fixed on the center of the Shuiyue Lake!
"There's something under the water? Is it?"

"Squeak!" Treasure Hunter nodded desperately.

Li Xiuxian gave the treasure hunting mouse a trick to avoid water, and the little guy jumped into the water moon pool.

After waiting for more than half an hour, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and the treasure hunter floated up with a fiery red thing in his mouth.

"This looks like a spirit stone." Li Xiuxian said looking at the fiery red spar in his palm.

"Nonsense, a superb spirit stone!" Ziyue rolled her eyes.

"Excellent..." Li Xiuxian almost cried out.

"Look at your prospects. It's just a top-grade fire-type spirit stone. Although it's rare, it's not a big deal. In the spirit world, you can find two or three pieces in a spirit mine." Ziyue was full of disdain.

Li Xiuxian rolled his eyes helplessly, the vision of Ziyue from the spirit world was terrifyingly high.

The production rate of this top-quality spirit stone in the spirit world is only two or three pieces from one spirit mine, and it is even rarer in the lower realm. I am afraid that one may not be able to find one among the hundreds of spirit mines.

The treasure hunting mouse kept jumping on Li Xiuxian's shoulder. Obviously, there is more than one top-quality spirit stone under the water, and the treasure hunting mouse can only beg Li Xiuxian due to its own strength.

Treasure Hunter also knew from previous experience that if Li Xiuxian got something good, he would definitely not lose his share.

The top-grade spirit stones are rare, so Li Xiuxian will naturally not let go of this opportunity, even if there is only one top-grade spirit stone left under the water, then this trip is worthwhile.

As soon as he entered the Shuiyue Lake, Li Xiuxian felt the terrifying aura in the water.

Sometimes monsters know better than humans how to find a place to practice. At least before entering the Shuiyue Lake, Li Xiuxian didn't notice any difference in the water of the Shuiyue Lake.

If it wasn't for the Treasure Hunter to come out to investigate, he might have missed this opportunity!
"Ziyue, have you noticed it? The aura in this water is very unusual!" Li Xiuxian said.

'Of course I know that. " Ziyue said angrily.

Li Xiuxian only felt that in a blink of an eye, a purple lion had already appeared beside him, and Ziyue actually left the Purple Lightning Soul Eater!

"Why, is there something inside that makes you so excited?" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"I just have this idea, and I don't know if it's true. But I can guarantee that if my guess is true, your harvest this time will be amazing. I'm afraid you can even save the blood of the ancient demon. " Ziyue said.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback, what was it that Ziyue, who had a very high vision, valued so much?
"It's very close, it's almost there!" Ziyue accelerated sharply, completely leaving Li Xiuxian behind.

"Sure enough! No wonder!" Ziyue took a deep breath.

At the bottom of the Shuiyue Lake, that is, in the old nest of the three dragon turtles.

A crystal clear white young egg, next to this young egg is a sparkling spar!

"Extreme Lingshi! So many!" Rao Yi Li Xiuxian's concentration was also taken aback by the sight in front of him.

"You see clearly, these top-quality spirit stones are just decorations, the most valuable is the crystal stone under the young egg!" Ziyue gave Li Xiuxian a white look, and pushed the young egg away, revealing a white spar!

"What a strong aura!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, the aura emanating from this white spar was even stronger than the sum of dozens of top quality pieces around!

"this is..."

"Immortal crystals are also extremely precious in the spirit world." Ziyue said lightly.

"It's also a kind of spirit stone?"

"That's right, but it's much more useful than spirit stones. Compared with fairy crystals, spirit stones are just a bunch of useless stones. This small fairy crystal is enough for you to enter the realm of transforming gods!" Ziyue took a deep breath, Li Xiuxian's good luck made her envious.

Fairy crystals, this is an extremely extravagant item in the spirit world, even her family only has one or two dollars, and they are all offered as treasures, so how can they be used for cultivation?
In the lower realm, this piece of fairy crystal should be the only one.

"The Realm of Transforming God?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a hint of longing in his eyes.

"The realm of transforming gods is the use of the spirit energy. It depends on one's chances. If you can't absorb the energy of spirits, you will never be able to step into the stage of transforming spirits." Ziyue explained.

Of course, Ziyue still didn't say a word, there was already a trace of fairy spirit in Li Xiuxian's body, although it was rare, it really existed.

Only with this trace of fairy spirit as a guide, when Li Xiuxian's cultivation reached the Yuanying Great Perfection, he could absorb the fairy spirit.

This also means that as long as Li Xiuxian can become a great monk, then it is a certainty for him to become a monk of Huashen.

However, this time was too long for Ziyue. With Li Xiuxian's qualifications, it might take 1000 years before it was possible. That's why Li Xiuxian took the risk and entered the Forbidden Demon Valley to collect those few drops of ancient demon blood essence.

But now they have a better substitute. With this fairy crystal, Li Xiuxian is sure to advance to God Transformation within 200 years, so he is not far away from ascending to the spirit world.

"The top-grade spirit stones here must have been influenced by this fairy crystal, otherwise it would be impossible for so many top-grade spirit stones to appear." Ziyue said.

No matter how good the best spirit stone is, what it contains is nothing more than spiritual energy, which is completely two levels compared to the fairy spirit energy contained in the fairy crystal!
The harvest this time has simply exceeded Ziyue's expectations. If the cultivator of Huashen knew about it, he would probably chase and kill Li Xiuxian desperately.

"Where's Li Daoyou? Why don't you see Li Daoyou?" Qu Hun asked.

At this time, the four of Fan Huang had already entered Shuiyuetan, and what they saw were the corpses of three dragon turtles.

The turtle shell and three demon pills on the dragon turtle were all taken away. What does this mean?
Li Xiuxian killed the three dragon turtles by himself!
This had a great impact on them, and what made Qu Hun even more angry was that he actually saw fragments of the dragon turtle shell on the ground!
"Damn it, he beat them all." Qu Hun roared angrily in his heart.

The four people also heard the sound of fierce fighting in the formation outside the Jiuqu chain formation, but the fighting sound suddenly disappeared, and they dared to enter the Jiuqu chain formation after waiting for more than half an hour, and they saw What was found was the corpse of the three-headed dragon turtle, but Li Xiuxian was nowhere to be found.

In fact, there was only a thin line between the time when they entered the Nine-Twist Chain Formation and Li Xiuxian entered Shuiyuetan. If they had entered earlier, Li Xiuxian's treasure hunt would not have been so smooth.

"Wow!" A splash of water suddenly appeared in the Shuiyuetan.

Li Xiuxian who came out was also taken aback when he saw the four of Fanhuang, he didn't expect that these four would go and come back.

"Li Daoyou, you are really hiding everything. Even the three-headed dragon tortoise was killed by you. The ancient sword cultivator is indeed extremely powerful." Fan Huang laughed, immediately blowing away the embarrassing atmosphere a lot.

Li Xiuxian smiled: "Where, I managed to kill him after a lot of trouble!"

"By the way, fellow Daoist Li went into the water and found something good?" Qu Hun asked.

Among these few people, it can be said that he is the most unwilling. This Li Xiuxian clearly has the ability to kill the dragon turtle, but he hides it so that the turtle shell he gets flies away.

"This thing!" Li Xiuxian took out the young egg of the dragon turtle.

Greed, envy, and jealousy echoed in the hearts of these four people!

A young egg of a dragon turtle, such a good thing is enough to make Nascent Soul monks crazy about it!
"Why, why, why did all the good things fall into his hands!" Qu Hun roared frantically in his heart, which was almost also the voice of the other three.

Not to mention them, even Ziyue would be jealous of Li Xiuxian's good luck, and none of the things on his body would be something that even monks in the spirit world would want to snatch their heads from.

"Fellow Daoist, that dragon turtle's shell." Qu Hun asked cautiously.

Li Xiuxian frowned, and it was this small movement that surprised Qu Hun!
"Fellow Daoist, don't get me wrong. I didn't take it for nothing. I just want to buy a piece. Feel free to ask for a price!" Qu Hun was sweating coldly behind his back.

Li Xiuxian was able to kill the three-headed dragon turtle with his own power, so naturally he could easily kill him too!

Regarding Qu Hun's proposal to buy, Li Xiuxian nodded: "I can buy it, but I don't need Lingshi. It depends on whether you can come up with something that satisfies me."

Qu Hun felt as if he had been granted an amnesty, and hurriedly rummaged through his storage bag, taking out some precious materials and elixir. "Oh, dragon blood stone, you even have this kind of thing." Li Xiuxian saw the dragon blood stone among the many materials at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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