Chapter 394

The cost of nine deaths and one injury by the great power in the spirit world barely sealed this skeleton demon?So how strong is this skeleton demon?
"In the spiritual world, what kind of cultivation can be called great power?" Li Xiuxian suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The monks in the Composite state can be called powerful." Ziyue said.

Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile, above the Transformation God is the Composite Realm, now it seems that this Skeleton Demon Lord is really a peerless monster!

"Crack!" In the northern part of the Skeleton Mountain, a thunderbolt directly smashed all the nearby skeletons into powder.

"That Li Xiuxian, I will kill him sooner or later!" Lei Ting roared angrily.

After entering this Valley of Forbidden Demons, he can be said to be restrained everywhere, which is almost unacceptable to the arrogant Lei Ting.

What made Lei Ting jealous even more was that Li Xiuxian actually had a magic weapon that even he would be greedy for!

"Damn it!" Lei Ting struck out a bolt of lightning!
"Crack!" A tiny crack was split out of the huge mountain of bones by him!

A wisp of black energy unexpectedly emerged from the mountain of bones, and submerged into his dantian without Lei Ting not noticing!

"Haha, this deity has finally seen the light of day again!" A burst of arrogant laughter came from Lei Ting's dantian.

"You. Who are you and why are you in my body!" Thunder was shocked!
"Hey, boy of the human race, I am the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, and it is a blessing you have cultivated in your previous life to be my slave!" The Skeleton Demon Lord sneered.

Immediately, Lei Ting's body was out of his control, and his talisman crashed into the bone mountain!

"No!" Lei Ting was shocked and angry!
"Boom!" Thunder's talisman, the Tianluo Umbrella, blew itself up!

"Crack!" The crack on the bone mountain couldn't help but get bigger.

"Hey, it's still close, I'll use you to make up for it!" Skeleton Demon Venerable sneered.

Lei Ting's body actually began to approach this crack, and a strange force in his dantian was piercing around, the spiritual power in his body fell into chaos, and he might explode and die at any time!
"You... you actually want me to blow myself up!"

"Boom!" The huge explosion almost resounded throughout the Skeleton Mountain. The self-destruct power of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul even the monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul would have to avoid it!
"Hahaha! This Demon Lord finally came out!" The crack continued to expand, and a man in black appeared on the bone mountain!
The two explosions just now attracted the attention of the other four people!
"No, it's the Skeleton Demon Lord who broke the seal, and someone helped him break the seal!" Ziyue was shocked!
Although she encouraged Li Xiuxian to take the blood essence of the ancient demon, it was definitely not a peerless monster like the Skeleton Demon Lord.

Even the great powers of the spirit world have to pay a huge price to seal it. Even if it is sealed for tens of thousands of years, it is not something that Li Xiuxian, a small Nascent Soul cultivator, can resist!
"Go, if you don't go, it will be too late." Ziyue urged!

"Don't even think about leaving!" The Skeleton Demon Lord's voice resounded throughout the Skeleton Mountain!
"Boom!" Seemingly attracted by the sound, a skeleton with a huge ax came over.

"It's the Skeleton King!" Fan Huang was shocked!
A smile appeared on the face of the Skeleton Demon Venerable: "I will take you as a sacrifice for my exit."

"Let's go, don't worry about that old monster, let's go!" Ziyue became more and more anxious!

"I'm afraid we won't be able to leave. This mountain of bones seems to have been sealed by a kind of restriction." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

"Impossible. This is a seal arranged by monks in the spirit world. How could this skeleton demon..."

"Bang!" The Skeleton King struck down with an axe.

"Clang!" Li Xiuxian flashed the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in his hand, and fought hard with the Skeleton King.

"Thump, thump, thump!" Li Xiuxian took three steps back. The Skeleton King's strength is so strong that even with Li Xiuxian's strength, he may not be able to stop it.

"Little monkey, smash him!" Li Xiuxian roared angrily.

Although the Skeleton King has the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, he doesn't know supernatural powers and relies on his own strength.

But in terms of strength, the little monkey will never lose to this Skeleton King!

"Boom!" The little monkey was not polite, the real body of the blue-eyed amethyst ape appeared instantly, and the body with a height of hundreds of feet was almost comparable to that of the Skeleton King!
There was no trick in the confrontation, and there was almost no room for turning. The little monkey's hands had turned into amethyst shapes, and every punch could make a gap in the Skeleton King's giant axe!
"Don't love to fight, break this layer of restriction quickly, the Skeleton Demon Lord is not something you can resist, damn it, how could this Skeleton Demon Lord break the seal, how could the seal of the power of the spirit world be broken so easily!" Ziyue roared.

It was the first time that Li Xiuxian would be so scared when he saw Ziyue, knowing that the matter had developed to an extremely serious point.

"Break it for me!" Thirty-six Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords slammed into this layer of restriction!
"Crack!" Countless skeletons formed a shield, which blocked Li Xiuxian's sword!
"Damn it, damn it, this Skeleton Demon Lord actually has such a strong power!" Ziyue was shocked and angry.

"Don't hold back, use the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword and hit with all your strength. With the power of Xuantian Lingbao, you can definitely break this layer of seal, and I will lend you my power!" Ziyue roared, in order to survive. , Ziyue has already spared no expense!

Li Xiuxian nodded, and the purple lightning soul-eating sword on his back was unsheathed all the time!
"Drink! Purple Lightning Soul Devourer!" Li Xiuxian and Ziyue shouted almost simultaneously!
A purple sword light cut on this layer of bones!
"Ka!" The power of Xuantian Lingbao is not easy, this skeleton was only resisted for a while before being cut open by the sword light!

"Little monkey, let's go!" Li Xiuxian pulled the little monkey over with a wave of his hand.

At this moment, Li Xiuxian also knew why the Skeleton King was called an undead existence.

No matter how the little monkey attacks, even if the Skeleton King's head is blasted into powder, there will be a steady stream of skeletons coming in. As long as he is on this mountain of bones, the Skeleton King is invincible.

"Crack!" The bone armor on Qu Hun's body was shattered inch by inch, his head was cut off by an inexplicable weapon, and his whole body turned into a pool of blood, which was then swallowed by the Skeleton Demon Lord.

This ancient demon actually feeds on humans to enhance its own strength!

"Cut, it's just two Nascent Soul cultivators, not enough to fit between my teeth!" The Skeleton Demon Venerable smiled disdainfully.

In just a moment, Shuiyue Fairy and Quhun were dealt with by the Skeleton Demon Lord!

"Oh? Someone else broke my restriction?" A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Skeleton Demon Venerable.

Although his strength has been greatly reduced, the restrictions imposed by him cannot be broken by anyone, at least among the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, it is impossible for anyone to break them!
The Skeleton Demon Lord actually abandoned Emperor Fan and came straight to Li Xiuxian!

"Swallowing Yuanshen, Yuanying, this skeleton demon is so ruthless!" Li Xiuxian swept away his consciousness.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you even dare to spy on my Skeleton Demon Lord!" A black shadow flashed, and the speed of this Skeleton Demon Lord was actually faster than Li Xiuxian's Purple Thunder Fire Escape.

Li Xiuxian's eyelids twitched, he didn't expect to meet this peerless monster so soon!
"God Transformation Stage!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, the Skeleton Demon Venerable has been sealed for so long and still has the strength of the early stage of Transformation God, coupled with many strange supernatural powers, it is really hard to guard against!
"Chop!" The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword cut down instantly!

Since this is the situation, it is useless to say more, just start fighting!
"Little Nascent Soul cultivator dares to be so bold, even if my strength drops, it is not something you and other mortal cultivators can resist!" Skeleton Demon Venerable sneered!
"Use the Evil God Thunder, quickly use the Evil God Thunder!" Ziyue on her back was in a hurry!
"Evil God Thunder? What is that, I don't remember that I have these things?" Li Xiuxian's feet flashed a purple light, avoiding the bone claws of the Skeleton Demon Lord.

"It's the supernatural power of your sword itself. The Evil God Thunder is very effective against monks in the demon world. Don't use your Destruction Thunder, that thing can't deal with the Skeleton Demon Lord!" Ziyue was in a hurry!
"Destroy me!" Among the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords, a golden thunder ball seemed to hit the Skeleton Demon Venerable.

The devilish energy adhering to the surface of the Skeleton Demon Venerable was unexpectedly wiped out a lot!

"Evil God Thunder! There is something about you that makes me afraid, but your cultivation base is too low to display the true power of this supernatural power, so die!" A huge bone claw wanted to slap Li Xiuxian to death!

"Clang!" Li Xiuxian and the Skeleton Demon Lord each took two steps back, and a crack appeared on the bone claws of the Skeleton Demon Lord!
"Xuantian Spirit Treasure!" The Skeleton Demon Lord's face became incomparably gloomy, there was actually a Xuantian Lingbao left in the mortal world, and it was a intact Xuantian Spirit Treasure!

"You die!" There was a dark white flame on the body of the skeleton demon, and the evil god thunder that hit the skeleton demon was swallowed by the flame!
"This is the cold bone inflammation of the Skeleton Demon Lord, don't force it!" Ziyue reminded.

Lightning flashed under Li Xiuxian's feet, and the next moment he appeared on the other side, dodging the cold bone flames.

"I know a lot about the art of thunder escape!" The Skeleton Demon Venerable sneered.

"Don't hold back, let's activate the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword together, even if we can't kill this demon, we can still seriously injure this demon!" Ziyue said.

Since you can't keep your hands, then Li Xiuxian simply won't hold your hands!

Xuan Gong's sixth rank, blood and spiritual power, these two kung fu skills were used together by Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian's cultivation also skyrocketed at this moment. At the late stage of Yuanying, when Yuanying was perfect, Li Xiuxian's strength was infinitely close to that of the stage of transformation!
But this is not enough to deal with the Skeleton Demon Lord, the body of the dragon!
Li Xiuxian turned into a half-human half-dragon posture, and the purple light shining on the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword in his hand!
"Purple Lightning Soul Devourer!"

"Huh!" The Skeleton Demon Lord snorted coldly, and Sen Bai Guyan lay in front of him like a shield!

The purple sword glow collided with the bone flames, causing the space to distort for a while.

The cultivator of Huashen already had the power to break through the space. Li Xiuxian's full blow and the Skeleton Demon Venerable was originally a cultivator of Huashen. The confrontation between the two caused the space to be turbulent!
"Go!" Zi Ling shouted.

Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood mist flashed on his body, and his whole body turned into a bloody light and disappeared into the sky.The blood escape technique of the Demonic Dao is very expensive to use, but Li Xiuxian has no choice now!

(End of this chapter)

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