Chapter 396

"Damn it!" The Skeleton Demon Venerable was furious, the majestic Demon Venerable at the stage of becoming a god was forced to this point by a person who was neither human nor ghost.

"If it wasn't for the Asura Demon Knife, if it wasn't for the Asura Demon Knife, I would have smashed your corpses into thousands of pieces!" the Skeleton Demon Venerable roared.

"Unfortunately, this Asura Demon Saber is in our hands!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

In terms of strength, even if Shura is ten times stronger, he may not necessarily be the opponent of the Skeleton Demon Lord, but because he has a Shura Demon Saber and a Xuantian Lingbao in his hand, which can plunder all life, the Xuantian Lingbao has always let the skeleton The Mozun was afraid of his hands and feet, and did not dare to attack with all his strength!

"Damn it, you are all going to die!" The Skeleton Demon Venerable was furious!
The body of the Skeleton Demon Lord was suddenly covered by a burst of black mist, and the painful wailing of the Skeleton Demon Lord continued to be heard in the black mist. When the black mist cleared, Li Xiuxian's face became extremely ugly.

The Skeleton Demon Lord that appeared in front of him has completely become a monster with two heads and four arms.There are two hideous heads on the neck, one big and one small.On the front and back of the shoulders, there are four magical arms that are as long as knees.
Pieces of white scales appeared on the face of the previous head; a white horn several inches long grew on the forehead.But judging from the eyebrows, nose, eyes and size; it is still the original head.

But the other, smaller head squeezed out from behind the neck of this head is completely like a ghost.
Although there are also horns on the forehead, there are blue-faced fangs in the middle of the scaly face on the cheeks.

As the black lips opened and closed, a long black, red, purple, and bony spur-covered tongue stretched out for about a foot, and then shrank in a flash.Like a poisonous snake.
What is even more chilling is that the pupils in the eyes of this head are narrow like slits, shining with a silvery white cold light; there is no trace of emotion between the eyeballs, which is definitely not something that humans can have.

Not only the head, but the body from the neck down and the four long arms are also covered with white scales; it is densely packed and impenetrable, and the tips of the ten fingers directly grow nails that resemble bone spurs.

Between one sheet and the other, there was a silver-white light shining, looking extremely sharp.

"No, this Skeleton Demon Venerable is really angry, showing his real body!" Ziyue was shocked!
"The main body?" Li Xiuxian's brows were a little sad.

The Skeleton Demon Lord was so powerful when he was in human form, and his strength will be even stronger if he shows his true body. It is still unknown whether the Shura Demon Saber can suppress the Skeleton Demon Lord.

"Stop fighting, it doesn't matter if you abandon this corpse, you are no match for this Demon Lord now!" Ziyue roared.

Li Xiuxian shook his head, and rejected Zi Ling's proposal. Now he can get temporary safety by leaving, but this also means that the Shura Demon Saber will also fall into the hands of the Skeleton Demon Venerable.

The Skeleton Demon Lord without a magic weapon in his hand is already so terrifying. If the Skeleton Demon Lord obtains the terrifying Xuantian Lingbao, the Shura Demon Knife, then what awaits Li Xiuxian is probably the endless pursuit.

In the hands of Li Xiuxian, the Shura Demon Knife might only be a weapon to restrain the Skeleton Demon Lord, but in the hands of the Skeleton Demon Lord, it was a sharp weapon to slaughter countless people.

With this Shura Demon Saber in hand, even a cultivator who transformed himself into a god might not be able to deal with this lawless skeleton demon.

If Li Xiuxian didn't leave, he could even find a chance to severely injure the Skeleton Demon Lord!

"I don't believe I can't do anything to you!" A ruthless look flashed across Li Xiuxian's face, and he played several spells one after another!

"Fellow Taoist, how is your "Supreme Heart Sword" supernatural power training?" Li Xiuxian actually contacted Li Suixian who was in the Bodhi Secret Realm!

Li Suixiang nodded his head: "It's already [-]% of the fire, and if it's used with the cultivation base of a fellow daoist, the power will naturally be stronger!"

Li Xiuxian nodded. The strength of the incarnation outside the body of Yiqi Hua Sanqing is that the supernatural powers cultivated by the three can be used interchangeably. Although the power of supernatural powers may be weakened, they are also extremely limited.

The method of attacking with spiritual sense in "Supreme Heart Sword" is a bit more powerful than the "Spiritual Soul Art" that Li Xiuxian obtained before.

After all, "Cry of Souls" is just an incomplete divine sense attack supernatural power, no matter how powerful it is, it is extremely limited.

If Li Suixian hadn't shown an extremely astonishing talent, the Mani Temple would not have taught Li Suixian the divine sense attack supernatural power of "Supreme Heart Sword".

The supernatural powers of the Buddhist sect need the corresponding Buddhist teachings to cooperate with it, but this point does not have much restriction for Li Xiuxian. If Li Suixian masters it, he masters it!

""Supreme Heart Sword"!" Li Xiuxian opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a golden sword that only Li Xiuxian could see pierced towards the Skeleton Demon Lord, but the Skeleton Demon Lord did not respond!

It wasn't until the golden sword was only one step away from the Skeleton Demon that the Skeleton Demon became vigilant and looked around nervously, but it was too late!
"Ah!" The Skeleton Demon Venerable only felt that his head was about to be exploded!
"Damn it! It turned out to be divine sense attacking supernatural powers!" Skeleton Demon Venerable was shocked, divine sense attacking supernatural powers is extremely rare, even he, the demon master, had never possessed it!
"Spiritual consciousness attacking supernatural powers, you even have this?" Ziyue was startled.

"Shura, don't stand still, come on!" Li Xiuxian roared.

Although this "Supreme Heart Sword" is domineering, but his cultivation base is too low. Although it can make the Skeleton Demon Lord lose his mind for a moment, it is difficult to cause any fundamental damage to him!

At the same time, a purple electric current flashed on the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword in Li Xiuxian's hand, and Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a smile. This Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword is also a supernatural power to attack the soul!
"Crack!" When this sword was slashed out, the spirit of the Skeleton Demon Lord seemed to be struck by a bolt of lightning!
"Damn it, damn it! You are all going to die!" The spirit was wounded one after another, and the Skeleton Demon Venerable was desperate, only to see bone spurs popping out of his body, and then shot out.

"Ding, ding, ding!" A series of bone spurs hit the defense formed by the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, and even shook the Tiangang Sword Formation for a while, and the Tiangang Sword Formation showed a tendency to collapse!

"Isn't that enough?" Li Xiuxian murmured.

Hearing what Li Xiuxian said, Ziyue couldn't help being anxious: "I'll use all the other means, don't you have to wait until you're dead!"

Ziyue is angry and impatient, she pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, isn't she like that, she has to hide something at the moment of life and death!

In fact, Ziyue also blamed Li Xiuxian wrongly. He said this not because he had any hole cards, but because he lamented the strength of this skeleton demon!

This Skeleton Demon Lord can be said to be the strongest enemy he has encountered since his cultivation. Even if he tries his best, he can still save his life. Once his blood and spiritual power are exhausted, his strength will drop greatly, but he is very likely to be invincible !

"Red lotus karma fire, lava earth core fire, three yin ghost fire! Come out!" Li Xiuxian played out the magic formula in his hand, and saw a pillar of fire in the gray sky of the Forbidden Demon Valley soaring into the sky.

"Fire-eating insects, go in!" Li Xiuxian opened the Wanhua Pearl, and saw a fire-eating insect the size of a washbasin leading thousands of fire-eating insects into the three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires .

"What are you doing?" Ziyue didn't know why Li Xiuxian was going crazy.

"Boom!" A flaming rock giant stood up from the ground and stood in front of Li Xiuxian, blocking the bone spurs.

Although these bone spurs are powerful, they are nothing more than painless to this rock giant.

The rock giant threw a punch casually, and the fist mixed with three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fire instantly landed on the body of the Skeleton Demon Lord!
That layer of bone armor was scorched black by the spiritual fire!

"Where did you get this treasure?" Ziyue asked.

"I found it in the magma." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

This fire-eating insect is not simple, it seems to be the only spirit insect that can ignore the spiritual fire of heaven and earth and use it.

The strength of a single fire-eating insect may not be strong, and the leader is equivalent to the level of a third-level monster, but if it is combined with three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires, and then combined by thousands of fire-eating insects, even these few Insects can display extremely amazing combat power.

Back then, if Li Xiuxian didn't have the spiritual fire of Bingling Lenghuo that could restrain the fire-eating insects, he might have fallen on this group of spirit insects. In the environment of that day, even a monk of alchemy might not be able to take advantage of it.

"Damn it, damn it, where did this kid get so many weird things!" The Skeleton Demon Venerable was furious, he didn't even know the origin of these things with his knowledge!
No matter how many pieces he breaks the lava giant, these damn bugs will combine with the soil as soon as they hit the ground, and reintegrate into the lava giant, which is similar to the Skeleton King on the mountain of bones.

Unless he can kill these damn bugs, he won't be able to kill them all in his lifetime.

But every time he was about to hurt the killer, a ray of light from Shura's magic knife stood over him, forcing him to retreat.

After going back and forth, the Skeleton Demon Venerable fell into a passive situation, and the majestic cultivator was beaten so passive by a group of things that were only in the Nascent Soul stage at best.

The performance of these fire-eating insects also surprised Li Xiuxian, and he never thought that these little guys would display such a powerful force.

Among the thousands of fire-eating insects, only one has reached the realm of third-level monsters, and the rest are only second-level low-grade monsters, and more are first-level monsters.

If these fire-eating insects were allowed to advance to the third and even fourth-level monsters, and combined with three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires, then the power exerted by these thousands of fire-eating insects would probably be no less than that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

Moreover, the number of these fire-eating insects is increasing, which means that the strength of this lava giant will only become stronger and stronger!

Thinking of this, Li Xiuxian's heart became hot, until now he realized how powerful the power contained in these humble little bugs is!
"Supreme Heart Sword!" It was another divine attack!
The Skeleton Demon Lord lost his mind for a while, and it was at this moment that several people attacked the Skeleton Demon Lord one after another, and a crack appeared on the layer of bone armor! "As expected of the Demon Lord!" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly, the skeleton Demon Lord was still unscathed after being besieged by them in such a way, and he might have lost half of his life if he was an ordinary cultivator!
(End of this chapter)

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