Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 407 The Land of Five Lines

Chapter 407 Land of the Five Elements
Shi Wanshan did not have the luck of Li Xiuxian, he was able to reach the current situation, all of which was accumulated bit by bit by himself.

For this former suzerain, it is not easy to achieve this step.

"What about you? I think you're doing well outside." Shi Wanshan looked at Li Xiuxian.

"Well, it's just luck." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"Back then we desperately left Yizhou, and now the only people left are you and me." Shi Wanshan sighed.

"That's not necessarily the case, I met Jian Chen when I was in Qingzhou." Li Xiuxian said.

"Jian Chen?" Shi Wanshan's heart fluttered.

"Is he okay?" Shi Wanshan asked.

"It should be pretty good, it should be no problem to condense the Nascent Soul with his aptitude." Li Xiuxian laughed.

In fact, even he himself hasn't seen Jian Chen for hundreds of years, and he doesn't know much about Jian Chen's situation.

Seeing that there are only more than a hundred disciples among the Hunyuan Qizong, Li Xiuxian also showed a trace of bitterness in his eyes.

Once upon a time, Hunyuanyi Qizong was also the largest sect in Yizhou, but when it went outside, it was difficult to even barely maintain it.

These disciples were all selected by Shi Wanshan from ordinary people, and their qualifications were not very good.

After all, those with good aptitude were taken away by powerful sects, so where would it be Shi Wanshan's turn?

The probability of trying to dig out a grain of gold from a pile of sand is really too small.

Li Xiuxian sighed slightly, shook his right hand, and hundreds of magical artifacts appeared on the ground.

"These are magic weapons left by me beheading the monks. They are of little use to me now. Let them be distributed to your disciples."

Shi Wanshan nodded: "Thank you very much."

The reunion with Shi Wanshan was just an accident. From Shi Wanshan's mouth, I learned that there are very few monks who left Yizhou back then, and those who can survive until now are basically successful in conceiving babies.

But for monks, childbirth is a hurdle, even some monks with excellent aptitude are stuck on this hurdle.

For monks from Yizhou, the outside world is not so beautiful.

The faces of those characters kept sliding in front of Li Xiuxian back then, and I'm afraid these people will never be able to see them again.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly, took out a jade slip, and rubbed "Shenhuo Shangdao" in his mind on the jade slip.

"Sect Master, I got this "Shenhuo Shangdao" from the Pill Spirit Sect, and its power is not bad. If you don't dislike it, then accept it."

Shi Wanshan was taken aback, the relationship between him and Li Xiuxian was not friendly at all, but Li Xiuxian repeatedly helped.

"You are looking at Uncle Ling Daozi's face." Shi Wanshan sighed.

"After all, I am a disciple of Hunyuan Qizong, and I also want to see this Hunyuan Qizong make a difference in Tianzhou." Li Xiuxian handed the jade slip to Shi Wanshan.

From Li Xiuxian's current perspective, this "Shenhuo Shangdao" can no longer satisfy him, but after all, it is also a precious formula treasured by the Pill Spirit Sect, and it is also rare for ordinary Nascent Soul monks.

"Yizhou, maybe we can go back." Li Xiuxian thought to himself.

Whether it's Burning Heaven Thunder Dragon Bamboo, Moyou Cailian, or even the ancient battle armor technique and ancient puppet technique, these things can be regarded as cherished things in Tianzhou, but they were all obtained by him in Yizhou.

Is this Yizhou really an abandoned place?

After a brief chat with Shi Wanshan, Li Xiuxian left Hunyuanyi Qizong and went straight to the nearest Fangshi.

Back to Yizhou, once this idea appeared, it could not be erased from Li Xiuxian's mind.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to break that layer of seal and enter Yizhou. Under Hunyuan Qizong, there is still a hairless peacock, and the five-color divine light has made Li Xiuxian coveted for a long time.

At that time, he couldn't resist the guards around the hairless peacock, but now he doesn't need to be afraid at all!

Li Xiuxian directly threw a high-grade spirit stone, and in a flash, he appeared in the Qingzhou boundary the next moment.

A mountain surrounded by unjust souls, this is Pill Spirit Sect!
This soul banner is much stronger than when he left, and it accommodates a lot of wronged souls. Presumably, there are some people who don't open their eyes and want to attack the attention of the Pill Spirit Sect, and finally become the nourishment of this soul banner Bar.

After arriving in Qingzhou, the light under Li Xiuxian's feet didn't stop, and he flew directly towards Yizhou.

There is a saying that being closer to the hometown makes you more timid. Even if you become a Nascent Soul cultivator, when you think of going back to your hometown, Li Xiuxian can't control the excitement in his heart.

"What did you say, you want to go back to Yizhou? That abandoned place?" Ziyue was shocked when she heard Li Xiuxian say that!
What does Yizhou mean, Ziyue is very clear.

When the demon world invaded back then, Yizhou was the first to log in, so the ancient monks and spirit world powers used seals to seal the land of this state.

"You can't go, it's an abandoned place, you might not be able to get out once you go in!" Ziyue was shocked.

"That's where I came from!" Li Xiuxian smiled lightly, and a terrifying sword light on the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer directly pierced the seal.

Li Xiuxian's foot slipped, and he quickly broke into the seal.

The moment Li Xiuxian broke in, the seal instantly healed!
"Automatic repair? The monks in the spiritual world are really extraordinary!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Immediately, a purple light flashed under his feet, and all the familiar scenes in the past appeared in front of him.

"This is Daoling Immortal Mansion." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

"Yu, someone has broken into Yizhou." The monk in black frowned.

"How is it possible, besides us, who else would think of coming to this abandoned place?" Huang was taken aback.

"I don't know, the person here is very strong, at least in the Nascent Soul stage." Yu shook his head.

"Leave him alone, we just need to complete our mission." Huang shrugged his shoulders.

"The elders of heaven and earth said that there is still the blood of Kong Xuan, the great sage of the ancient demon clan, in Yizhou. I don't know if this is true or not." Yu asked.

"God knows, Kong Xuan, the great sage of the ancient monster clan, is the only person in this world with five-color divine light. Even the upper realms may not possess such terrifying supernatural powers." Huang walked in this Yizhou relaxedly and freely.

In his view, this Yizhou is just an abandoned place. After so many years, not even a single alchemy cultivator has appeared, and there is nothing that can threaten him.

Li Xiuxian who entered Yizhou had no idea that someone entered Yizhou with the same purpose as him.

At this time, Li Xiuxian had already stood in front of the former Hunyuanyi Qizong.

It used to be the largest sect in Yizhou, but now even the mountain gate has become extremely dilapidated.

That day, Hunyuan Qizong sent out all the elites, but none of them returned. It can be said that their vitality was seriously injured, and they couldn't even keep the mountain gate.

Li Xiuxian sighed, and with a wave of his hand, a hurricane swept past, and the dusty mountain gate of Hunyuan Qizong instantly returned to its original appearance.

When Li Xiuxian landed at the bottom of Wuming Peak, he once again felt the astonishing aura of the Five Elements.

Even from his current perspective, the spiritual energy of the five elements is extremely majestic. Even in Tianzhou, there may not be any place that can compare with this place. It is really the best place to condense the five-color divine light.

Back then, he escaped from here like a bereaved dog, but now he came back again.

"Boom!" Just as Li Xiuxian was stunned, a black shadow rushed towards him!
"Old friend, I didn't expect you to be alive!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly, clapping his palms continuously, one by one golden palms beat the black shadow into hiding.

"Old friend, it seems that today's situation is the opposite of what it was then?" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly, and continued to shoot with his palms. A giant golden palm directly slapped the black shadow on the ground.

"It turned out to be a praying mantis!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

Being able to serve as the guard of the peacock in the land of the five elements and live for hundreds of years is not an ordinary thing.

Li Xiuxian didn't intend to kill the praying mantis, so he threw out a restraint, and the praying mantis was imprisoned by him, unable to move, and thrown into the Wanhua Pearl.

"I remember that there were four heads at that time, but now only one came out to welcome me?" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

The coercion of the Nascent Soul Stage instantly enveloped the entire Land of the Five Elements!




The roar of monsters came from the Land of the Five Elements.

But it's not an angry roar, this roar is full of anxiety and fear!

Li Xiuxian's strength is much higher than theirs, even if these monsters can take out any one of them, they can run across Yizhou, but for them, Li Xiuxian is too strong, so strong that they don't even have the intention to resist, "It's over there! Over there, there is a Nascent Soul cultivator appearing!"

"I seem to have heard the roar of a monster, and that peacock seems to be inside!"

"No, if that peacock gets caught first!" Huang couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the consequences.

"Let's go, let's go!" After finishing speaking, the two of them turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Hunyuan Qizong.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a strange smile on the face of the four monsters lying in front of him, even he himself didn't expect that he would come here again in this posture.

But the hair-loss peacock on the opposite side didn't think so. When he saw Li Xiuxian's face, the hair-loss peacock's eyes were full of angry flames.

It also remembered that it was the person in front of him who plucked its feathers, making it take a hundred years to grow back the lost tail hairs.

"Oh? Your tail has grown, which means that you have five colors again?" Li Xiuxian's smile looked extremely terrifying in the eyes of the hair-shedding peacock.

But Li Xiuxian's strength was already much higher than him, he didn't even have the ability to resist, the coercion of the Nascent Soul stage was not something these monsters with only a second level could resist.Even though these monsters have a trace of the blood of the divine beast, this huge level gap cannot be reversed by relying on a trace of the blood of the divine beast.

(End of this chapter)

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