Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 421 Nine Dragons Banned

Chapter 421 Nine Dragons Banned
Ningxiang glanced at Li Xiuxian: "Maybe you guessed my identity, but believe me, it won't do you any good to know now."

"Having said so much, it seems that you haven't told me what kind of help you want from me?" Li Xiuxian said.

"Let me go home." A look of hope suddenly flashed in Ningxiang's eyes.

"Go home? Let you go back to the Demon Realm?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

The demon world is at the same level as the spirit world, how can she help Ningxiang return to the demon world as a human monk?
You must know that Li Xiuxian can't even take care of himself now, and it will take at least 200 years to ascend to the spirit world.

"I hope you can call it the holy world!" At this time, Ning Xiang was like a little girl, holding on to Li Xiuxian's speech problems.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Ningxiang with a strange expression: "You don't know, I'm only in the late Yuanying stage now, and there is still a long way to go before turning into a god. How can I take you through the void? What's more, I'm still with Ling The Demon Realm that opposes the Realm."

"It's the holy world!" Ning Xiang corrected again.

"Okay, holy world!" Li Xiuxian could only compromise helplessly.

Ningxiang smiled mysteriously: "I have a way, as long as you are willing to help me, master, I can go home."

Li Xiuxian crossed his arms and looked at Ningxiang suspiciously. Although Ningxiang is very strong, she hasn't broken the air yet, right?

Otherwise, this little girl would not be trapped in Yizhou by this small seal.

Although there is not much certainty, Li Xiuxian can conclude that Ningxiang can only display such terrifying strength in Yizhou, because her body is sealed in Yizhou.

"Then what do you need me to do for you?" Li Xiuxian said helplessly.

"It's very simple, help me open the passage back to the holy world. Then help me fix the passage!" Ning Xiang smiled at Li Xiuxian, with a relaxed tone as if she was talking about an insignificant thing.

Li Xiuxian could only smile wryly at this request, how easy is it to open the passage to the demon world (holy world)?

Even with the cultivation of God Transformation, opening this passage is a matter of narrow escape, not to mention that Li Xiuxian has no ability to open the space passage at all.

This is Yizhou, not a blood prison or a elixir garden. The space here is extremely solid, and there is no possibility of accidents at all.

Of course, this does not rule out that it is a means by the power of the spirit world to deliberately strengthen the space of Yizhou to prevent Ningxiang from escaping.

"Master, as long as he is willing to help, I already know where the passage leading to the holy world is." Ning Xiang stroked her hair that was messed up.

"Promise her that this will be good for you. When you ascend to the spirit world in the future, you will know what a great opportunity this is." Ziyue said.

"I thought you were dead?" Li Xiuxian rolled his eyes.

"Hmph, Miss Ben can do whatever she wants, don't you care about me?" Ziyue snorted angrily and then didn't speak again.

With Ziyue's approval, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. To be honest, when facing Ningxiang, he was surrounded by an inexplicable pressure all the time. All this made him have no confidence at all when facing Ningxiang. .

"Method." Li Xiuxian asked.

"It's very simple, break the seal of the passage leading to the holy world with strength." Ning Xiang said.

Li Xiuxian was stunned: "Your strength seems to be stronger than mine, why do you ask me for help? Wouldn't it be better for you to come by yourself?"

"It's useless. The monks in the spirit world have long expected that I will be resurrected through the soul resurrection, so they have taken measures in advance. They have set up a nine-dragon banning array at the entrance to the holy world. In this array, I have nothing to do. Can't use the power of the main body." Ning Xiang shook her head.

"Nine-Dragon Sealing Formation?" It was the first time Li Xiuxian heard of this name.

"At the cost of the nine divine dragons, a world-wide formation was built!" Ning Xiang said lightly.

"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped.

At the price of nine dragons, this spirit world is really a big deal!

The purpose of sacrificing the nine dragons was just to seal the girl in front of him?

"As long as you break through this formation, the body of the nine dragons will be yours. And I will give you something, which will be of great use to you when you ascend." Ningxiang suddenly appeared in her hand A cyan token was issued.

I saw the word "Jieyin" engraved on this token, and the aura was flowing, obviously it was a treasure.

"Promise her, trust me, it won't do you any harm!" Ziyue said excitedly, even trembling slightly.

"This is a spirit world talisman. I got it from a monk in the spirit world. The only function is to ascend to the spirit world. As long as this token is opened, a passage to the spirit world will appear." Ning Ning Xiang smiled.

Li Xiuxian's mind was shocked. The effect of this spirit world talisman is so heaven-defying, it can directly open the passage to the spirit world. Doesn't this mean that anyone can ascend to the spirit world as long as they hold the spirit world talisman?

It has to be said that Li Xiuxian's idea is a bit whimsical. It is already an act against the heavens that this spirit world talisman can open the passage to the spirit world. It would be a joke if everyone could enter the spirit world.

Although the spirit world talisman can also open the passage to the spirit world, compared with the already existing passage to the spirit world, there are still many shortcomings.

First of all, the channel opened by the spirit world talisman is much less stable in terms of stability, and the channel will not last for a long time. If you do not go to the spirit world smoothly during this period, once the space channel collapses, the monks in the channel will undoubtedly die.

Furthermore, the channel opened by the spirit world talisman is random without any rules. Someone even used the spirit world talisman and sent it directly to the battlefield of spirit demons. Countless supernatural powers were reduced to ashes.

But even though the spirit world talisman has so many shortcomings, as long as it has the function of going to the spirit world, it is enough to make countless god-turning cultivators crazy about it.

"What should I do?" Li Xiuxian's question meant that he had agreed to Ningxiang's request.

"I knew the master would definitely help me!" Ning Xiang directly threw the spirit world talisman to Li Xiuxian, without any worry that Li Xiuxian would go back on his word.

"The Nine Dragons Seal is a unique seal in the spirit world. The seal is so strong that even a monk in the Composite Realm can only wait for death obediently if he gets caught in it," Ning Xiang said.

"In addition, the one who sealed my body was also banned by Jiulong." Ning Xiang sighed.

"Since this Nine Dragons ban is so strong? How can I break this Nine Dragons ban?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple, use formations to break formations!" Ning Xiang smiled mysteriously, pointed at Li Xiuxian's eyebrows, and a formation diagram suddenly appeared in Li Xiuxian's mind!
"Myriad Demons Exterminating Immortals!" Li Xiuxian's expression changed.

"With this formation, it is enough for me to compete with the Nine Dragons Banning Formation, even if it only needs to open a crack in the passage leading to the holy world." Ning Xiang said.

Li Xiuxian drew the formation in his mind on the ground. The mystery of the formation is definitely more than any formation he has seen before. It is worthy of being a large formation that can compete with the banning of Nine Dragons.

However, it is definitely not an easy task to arrange this formation. The Nine Dragons Ban can only be used at the cost of nine dragons.

To set up the formation requires the corpses of thousands of monks from the demon world as a base, and it is almost impossible to gather these things in the mortal world.

"Isn't it too difficult to set up this formation?" Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"I can get some!" Ning Xiang smiled slightly, and saw her jade finger pointing, and the whole land of Yizhou began to shake in an instant.

Huge bodies emerge from the ground, some from the demon world and some from the spirit world. These corpses can remain incorruptible after ten thousand years. They must have been earth-shattering figures during their lifetime, at least not under the evil emperor.

"No more, no less, exactly five hundred corpses." Ning Xiang looked at Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly, if it weren't for the golden spirit child demon on me, maybe I really couldn't arrange it!
Although these corpses were surrounded by earth-shattering figures, they could only be manipulated by Li Xiuxian now that they were dead.

After placing these [-] corpses in the [-] most important positions of Wanmo Miexian, Li Xiuxian took out the extremely fast and top-grade spirit stone from the Wanhua Pearl, and embedded it in the ground!
"Om!" The moment the spirit stone entered the ground, a black aura instantly filled the entire sky!
"The prototype of the formation has come out!" A trace of excitement flashed across Ning Xiang's face, after all, this was her hope to go home!
"Golden Lingzi Demon! Come out!" I saw that the Golden Lingzi Demon who had been imprisoned in the Wanhua Orb by Li Xiuxian had also thrown himself into the formation!
"Split light from the sword shadow!" Hundreds of swords were slashed out from the Zidian Soul Eater Sword, and these hundreds of sword lights split into tens of thousands of sword lights in the air. shards!
However, given the immortality of the Golden Spirit Demon, these chopped pieces of meat unexpectedly re-condensed into a Golden Spirit Demon!

As soon as these revived Jin Lingzi demons appeared, they were swallowed by the Myriad Demon Extinguishing Immortal Formation!
"Golden Lingzi Demon, where did you get it?" Ning Xiang had a look of joy on her face.

Although the Golden Lingzi Demon is not a remarkable existence in the holy world, its rebirth characteristic also makes the monks in the demon world extremely annoying.

But at this moment, his ability to regenerate has been put to good use.

Under the infusion of thousands of golden spirit child demons, the power of the myriad ghosts and immortals formation has reached its peak!
"The first stage is complete!" Ning Xiang exclaimed excitedly!

"Roar!" There were bursts of roars from the Great Demon Extinguishing Immortal Formation!

The previous [-] corpses actually started killing each other at this moment, and those golden spirit child demons became the targets of slaughter.

Among the five hundred corpses, none of them could be resisted by these golden spirit child demons.

With just one claw, dozens of Golden Spirit Demons were swallowed by a horned corpse!In an instant, the black energy on the body of the horned corpse became much stronger. How could these corpses strengthen their own strength while devouring each other!
(End of this chapter)

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