Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 434 Reunion of old friends

Chapter 434 Reunion of old friends

For a level five monster, Li Xiuxian's head grew dizzy when he thought of the terrifying price.

The fifth-level monsters are not harmless little white rabbits, they can be killed if they say so.

Among the monsters, there are fewer monsters who can become level five monsters than humans who have advanced to become gods.

The young woman frowned when she saw Li Xiuxian looking at her strangely: "What are you looking at?"

"Where is the fifth-level monster?" Li Xiuxian asked suddenly.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" The young woman was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what kind of nerve Li Xiuxian was getting.

"Kill the monster!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

The young woman rolled her eyes: "Million Monster Mountain, if you want to kill, go and kill as much as you want."

Originally, the young woman thought it was just Li Xiuxian's joke, but Li Xiuxian thought about it seriously.

Kyushu is in troubled times, even Tianzhou is a big sect who can't stay out of the matter, dispatching masters from the sect to Kyushu to resist the enemies from all directions.

Million Monster Mountain, Manhuang, Fran people, Penglai Xianhai, these four places seem to have been agreed, and they have started war with Kyushu one after another.

Due to the great disparity in strength in the early stage, the middle-earth monks were defeated, but with the intervention of the Tianzhou monks, the situation stabilized.

But it's just a stalemate. If you want to repel the monks from all directions, unless Tianzhou makes an all-out attack, it is almost impossible to end this chaos in a short time.

Even Xuechan Palace sent dozens of Nascent Soul monks, as for the alchemy monks, there were more, almost two or three hundred, and as for the foundation-building monks, no monks were sent. It may not have any effect.

Moreover, there are many monks in the rest of the states, so the Tianzhou sect doesn't have to do anything extra.

"Million Monster Mountain, there should be level five monsters there." Li Xiuxian thought to himself.

The Million Monster Mountain is the gathering place of the monster clan. It is said that there are countless monsters in the transformation stage in the Million Monster Mountain, and their comprehensive strength is far above any sect in Tianzhou.

It was a more terrifying place than the Mani Temple. Once Li Xiuxian fell into it, even if he had the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Shackle, he might not be able to save his life.

However, Li Xiuxian made up his mind that he must get the Five Elements Demon Pill.

As for the ice attribute demon pill, Li Xiuxian already has one in his hand, it is the demon pill of the ice phoenix, it is the most suitable as the core demon pill.

Although the Ice Phoenix's demon pill is precious, compared to Leng Ruling's safety, it seems a bit insignificant.

"Teleport me to the teleportation point closest to Million Demon Mountain!" Li Xiuxian said suddenly.

The young woman was startled: "You're not serious, are you?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Li Xiuxian said very solemnly.

"Maybe I know a way to save Ruling!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

The young woman's eyes lit up: "What way!"

It's no wonder this young woman is so excited, Leng Ruling is a rare ice spirit body, if it is lost like this, it will be a huge blow to Xuechan Palace.

"Five heads, the demon pill of a fifth-level monster!" Li Xiuxian said.

"Are you kidding me!" the young woman couldn't help but yelled out.

This news was so shocking that even the middle stage of Huashen's face changed drastically after hearing this method.

What kind of concept is the demon core of five fifth-level monsters.

Even if you kill a fifth-level monster, countless monsters in the million monster mountains will fight you desperately. If you kill five fifth-level monsters in a row, even the Kunlun Holy Land, the first sect in Tianzhou, will not be able to protect you .

The reason why the war between Kyushu and Sifang has been stalemate for so long is that the cultivator of Huashen will not interfere with the war.

For these high-ranking figures, it doesn't matter how the people below fight, as long as the foundation of Kyushu is not shaken, they will ignore it.

There are bound to be winners and losers in wars. If you rob me a little today, I will rob me back twice as much tomorrow.

At the same time, war is also the best place to hone disciples. Which one of these cultivators who have transformed themselves into gods has not come out of countless fights?

However, the two warring parties also adhered to a bottom line, that is, they cannot dispatch monks of the level of Huashen. Once the monks of Huashen go to battle, it will be an all-out war, and it will be a situation of endless death. This is obviously not what these high-level officials want.

It is almost a default rule that cultivators who transform themselves into gods do not participate in the battle.

But the young woman gave Li Xiuxian a weird look. The person in front of her was a freak. He was obviously not a cultivator of Huashen, but he possessed the ability to rival or even kill him.

It can be foreseen that if Li Xiuxian joins the battlefield, it will definitely have an extremely huge impact on the war. Among the Nascent Soul cultivators, there are absolutely very few who can stop this person. Li Xiuxian.

"Are you sure you want to kill five fifth-level monsters?" asked the young woman.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "This is the only way to cure Ru Ling."

The young woman took a deep breath: "Okay, I will use the teleportation array in the sect to teleport you to the monster battlefield, but as a condition, you must participate in the battle as a monk of my Xuechan Palace, as long as you can kill a hundred Head Transformation Stage, that is, a level four monster, I, Xuechan Palace, will do my best to support you!"

Li Xiuxian took a look at this young woman. Although this woman was as beautiful as a fairy, she was also a ruthless person. One hundred fourth-level monsters were equivalent to one hundred Nascent Soul cultivators.

Killing so many level four monsters, I'm afraid even Million Monster Mountain can't sit still, and it's very likely that level five monsters will take action.

"Okay, I promise you!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

One hundred fourth-level monsters sounds like a lot, but with Li Xiuxian's current strength, even the fifth-level monsters can be killed, how many of the fourth-level monsters can survive under his hands?
Among the ten major forces in Tianzhou, each has its own teleportation array, but every time the teleportation array is opened, it is a great consumption for the sect, even with the background of the top ten sects, they will not open the sect casually The transmission array inside.

"Now, the war between humans and demons has reached near Huarong Mountain, which is the last line of defense for us human monks. Once this barrier is lost, the monsters from Million Monster Mountain will drive straight in!" said the young woman.

"You mean, let me take care of the monks over there as much as possible?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

The young woman nodded her head: "For those who are not of my race, if those monsters are allowed to drive straight in, it will be a catastrophe for human beings."

"Don't worry, I will help if I can!" Li Xiuxian nodded, turned and entered the teleportation array.

Seeing Li Xiuxian's disappearing back, the young woman couldn't help showing a smile on her face: "Very interesting young man!"

I saw a pair of ice feathers suddenly appearing behind the young woman, and with a flick of the ice feathers, the whole person disappeared between heaven and earth.

This young woman is not a pure human being!

Or in other words, humans with the bloodlines of monsters!

The combination of humans and monsters is a big taboo in the cultivation world, and if this happens, they will inevitably be hunted down by the two sides.

This is different from those in the beast family who have the blood of the true spirit of the beasts. They are the real descendants of the combination of humans and monsters.

The founding patriarch of Xuechan Palace is always accompanied by an ice phoenix...

At the same moment, a ray of light flashed across the teleportation array on Huarong Mountain in Jingzhou, and a young man in a blue Confucian shirt stepped out of the teleportation array.

Hearing the deafening shouts outside, he couldn't help frowning.

Not only the explosion of spells, but also the roar of humans and even monsters.

This person is naturally Li Xiuxian!
"See Elder Li!" Several monks from Xuechan Palace stood guard in front of the teleportation formation early on.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "How is the battle going?"

The faces of several Xuechan Palace monks darkened: "The monster clan's attack is too fierce, we can only defend Huarong Mountain to the death, although the twin swords of the Eternal Sword Sect are leading to resist, but the pressure we are under is getting bigger and bigger."

"Eternal Sword Sect." Li Xiuxian nodded. This Eternal Sword Sect is also one of the top ten sects in Tianzhou. The cultivation of the two swords of this Eternal Sword Sect must be extraordinary.

"Zhuxian sword formation, open!" At this moment, a roar came from outside the Huarongshan formation.

The huge sword light instantly emptied the monsters in the sky!

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation! Jian Chen!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, and unexpectedly met Jian Chen here!
"Good job, I can't lag behind, innate sword energy, the sword of heaven's punishment!" In an instant, the sky and the earth were covered by lightning bolts, and the monsters hit by the lightning didn't even have time to cry out before being violently Killed by lightning.

"Innate sword energy, Yu Wenxiao!" Even Li Xiuxian couldn't believe what he saw, the most talented people in the way of swords that he met, unexpectedly appeared here!
"Who are these two people?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"The twin swords of the Eternal Sword Sect, Sword Immortal Jianchen, and Sword Saint Yu Wenxiao!" said the cultivator of Xuechan Palace.

These two can be said to be the most prestigious people in Huarong Mountain, and there are no monks guarding Huarong Mountain who do not know the eternal double swords.

"Sword Master, Sword Immortal, He Zudao of the Kunlun Holy Realm may not look good if he knows that Yu Wenxiao has robbed him of his title." Yu Wenxiao secretly smiled.

It was a surprise to meet these two people here.

There was a flash of lightning on Li Xiuxian's body, and the next moment he appeared outside the formation of Huarong Mountain.

Li Xiuxian took a glance, and there were eleven fourth-level monsters in this battle.

"Eleven heads? Then leave them all to me!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

With a flick of the honored soul flag in his hand, thousands of souls, led by a few Nascent Soul-level souls, rushed towards the team of monsters.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

After seeing Li Xiuxian, Jian Chen and Yu Wenxiao couldn't help crying out.Not seen for more than a hundred years, this Li Xiuxian has reached such a point, even the two of them are left behind by him, they can't see through Li Xiuxian's cultivation!
(End of this chapter)

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