Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 436 Sky Demon Phoenix

Chapter 436 Sky Demon Phoenix

The appearance of Li Xiuxian turned the whole situation of the battle in a blink of an eye. The human monks who were struggling on Mount Huarong saw Li Xiuxian show off his supernatural power and their morale was greatly boosted.

The nine-tailed demon fox took a look at Li Xiuxian, and she found that she couldn't replicate all the supernatural powers that Li Xiuxian had just displayed!
"Among human monks, when did such a powerful existence exist?" The nine-tailed demon fox frowned.

"Nine-tailed Demon Fox, if you still don't evacuate, then the few monsters behind you are waiting to collect your corpse!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and pointed the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword in his hand at Nine-tailed Demon Fox.

A hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of the nine-tailed demon fox: "I'm so scared, don't you think my demon clan can restrain you without a demon?"

"If there are fifth-level monsters in your monster clan, they may be able to fight me, but just based on your words, it is far from enough!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

Madness!Incomparably arrogant!

A Nascent Soul cultivator dares to speak out to provoke a fifth-level monster, that is equivalent to the peak existence of a cultivator among human beings who transform gods, stomping their feet can make mountains collapse and rivers flow backwards!

"I hope you can remember today's bold words!" The nine-tailed demon fox showed a look of disdain.

"Get out!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The remaining monsters couldn't help shivering under Li Xiuxian's cold snort, and they withdrew from the battle under the leadership of several fourth-level monsters.

When they came, there were tens of thousands of monsters, and when they retreated, there were less than one hundred survivors. This can be said to be the biggest loss the monsters have suffered since the start of the war.

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian, who returned to Huarong Mountain, released the corpses of the four fourth-level monsters from the storage bag.

Two blood jade spiders, one Galewind Beastmaster, one Moonlight Sirius, the corpses of these four monsters almost filled the entire square.

The surrounding cultivators couldn't help showing a look of envy in their eyes. These four monsters are very valuable, and the materials on their bodies are enough to refine several powerful magic weapons.

In this chaotic world, with a powerful magic weapon, the chances of survival are greatly increased.

"Thank you, Elder Li!" Yue Wuxian, the great monk of Xuechan Palace, gave a big gift to Li Xiuxian.

Yue Wuxian's move undoubtedly shocked the monks present. In Huarong Mountain, Yue Wuxian's status is undoubtedly the highest.

But now, the big monk Yue Wuxian actually bowed to Li Xiuxian. Could it be that Li Xiuxian's status is higher than that of Yue Wuxian?

However, all the monks present knew that it was a rule that the cultivators of the God Transformation did not participate in the battle, and Li Xiuxian did not look like a cultivator of the Spirit Transformation.

"These four fourth-level monsters are considered to be the first batch. I believe that there will be a large number of fourth-level monsters from the monster clan soon!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Yue Wuxian nodded. He had received news from the sect a long time ago. The person in front of him was Elder Li, Ke Qing, and he was probably No. 1 under Huashen. Immense!
"What! My monster army is almost wiped out!" In the million monster mountains, a big man with bushy eyebrows and big eyes couldn't help roaring out after hearing the report from the nine-tailed demon fox.

At this time, the nine-tailed demon fox has turned into a human figure, wearing a red gauze, with an indescribable style!
"Sky Demon Phoenix, I can't be blamed for this, it's because the human monk who appeared suddenly was too powerful, he wiped out my monster army with just a cup of tea!" The charming voice of the nine-tailed demon fox resounded in the hall.

Hearing this voice, the hearts of the Yaozu present were all burning, and they couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Fairy!"

This nine-tailed demon fox can copy human supernatural powers and spells in a short period of time, but it seems to be the nature of this coquettish fox. Natural charm.

If the nine-tailed demon fox were to transform into a human form and perform a dance in front of Huarong Mountain, I'm afraid Huarong Mountain would not have to fight at all, and ninety-nine percent of the monks would surrender.

The charm of the nine-tailed fox can't even be resisted by monsters in the metamorphosis stage, and the Nascent Soul monk among the human monks will also suffer under this trick.

But this nine-tailed demon fox would not do this at all. According to these big monsters in shape, to be a bitch has to set up a memorial archway.

"Hmph!" Sky Demon Phoenix snorted coldly, probably he was the only one present who was not affected by the nine-tailed demon fox.

The Sky Demon Phoenix, one of the demon emperors of the demon race, is a peak fourth-level monster, and may take a step closer to becoming the supreme fifth-level monster at any time.

Since the main body of the Sky Demon Emperor is a demon phoenix, with a trace of the blood of the divine beast Phoenix on his body, he is habitually called the Sky Demon Emperor among the monster clan.

Even Sky Yaohuang didn't expect that the army of monsters he sent out would be completely wiped out by a monk, and even four level four monsters were lost.

"This person's cultivation base is extremely strong, and he has the strengths of the Dao and Demon families, and he is proficient in sword formation. His last move was made by his sword formation, and he wiped out thousands of monsters." The nine-tailed demon fox said.

Hearing this, there was a look of shock on the faces of the transformed monsters present here. Sword arrays are not uncommon among human monks, but most of them can only be arranged by a combination of multiple people. A powerful sword array .

It is not uncommon for monks to set up a sword formation by one person, but the power is limited.

In the previous battle, they also knew that among the human monks, there was a monk who had received the inheritance of the ancient sword cultivator and could arrange a powerful sword array by himself, but that person only used four swords to form an array. .

But according to the nine-tailed demon fox, the man who appeared suddenly used 36 swords to easily arrange a sword array, and then made a big move to wipe out the remaining thousands of monsters. Among the monks, they have not heard of it.

"This person seems to have appeared out of nowhere. We don't have this person in the information we have about human masters." A monster said.

"Among the human monks who are proficient in sword formation, there is absolutely no such person!" A monster shook his head.

Tian Yaohuang frowned, the Yaozu's plan to counterattack Kyushu must not be blocked by this little Nascent Soul cultivator.

So far, those stupid human beings just thought that the monster clan's attack was just the same as usual, and they would retreat after looting.

No matter what, the human monks would never have imagined how terrifying power gathered in the Million Monster Mountain at this time!

"Tomorrow, when I go to battle, I will definitely kill this Nascent Soul cultivator!" Sky Demon Phoenix snorted coldly.

Which of the demon emperors who can become the demon emperor is not an earth-shattering existence, and this day the demon phoenix is ​​still the most powerful among many demon emperors. Except for the previous generation of demon emperors who have been retreating in the million demon mountains, this generation Among the demon emperors, only the three demon emperors, holy, god, and emperor, can beat the sky demon phoenix!

"It would be the best if the Demon Emperor takes action!" The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox smiled at the Sky Demon Phoenix.

Rao Yitian Yaohuang's concentration was also shaken, and he was even more jealous of the nine-tailed fox. If it wasn't for the higher-ups' instructions to support the nine-tailed fox as much as possible, it would be based on her poaching the demon pills of the same clan. The Sky Demon Phoenix would absolutely not tolerate this fox.

If it wasn't for the fact that the nine-tailed demon fox just dug up the demon pills of monsters that died on the battlefield, even if the Sky Demon Phoenix could accommodate this fox, these monsters in the metamorphosis stage would not be able to accommodate him.

On Mount Huarong, thanks to Li Xiuxian's performance, the danger was turned into safety.

Li Xiuxian, Jian Chen, and Yu Wenxiao were toasting and having a drink.

"How did you two enter the Eternal Sword Sect?" Li Xiuxian asked after taking a sip of the spirit wine.

"Is there any other reason, isn't it that the barbarians invaded Qingzhou?" Jian Chen drank the spiritual wine in his glass in one gulp, and then poured another glass.

Li Xiuxian nodded. In the early days of the barbarian invasion, Qingzhou's strength was indeed irresistible. It was reasonable for Jianchen and Yu Wenxiao to leave Qingzhou.

With the qualifications of the two of them, even in Tianzhou, they can still shine.

"What about you, I haven't seen you for a hundred years, but you have become a great monk!" Jian Chen asked.

He knew Li Xiuxian's aptitude, even in Yizhou, he was not outstanding, but with such aptitude, he even surpassed him and Yu Wenxiao.

Jian Chen always thought that Yu Wenxiao was his only opponent, no matter in terms of kendo or aptitude, the two of them were very similar.

Even if they entered the Eternal Sword Sect, these two were still the favored children of heaven, and they were directly accepted as inner disciples and received the best guidance.

But even so, the two of them will still be compared by Li Xiuxian!
This point made Jian Chen very depressed. Being surpassed by a monk whose aptitude is not as good as yours would make anyone feel uncomfortable.

"It's close to death. I've been hovering on the edge of life and death. If I don't work hard, I'm afraid I'll really become a corpse." Li Xiuxian sighed.

Although his cultivation base is high now, he has experienced a lot of things, whether it is the Blood Prison or the Forbidden Valley, it is a narrow escape.

"Where's your innate sword qi? I remember that you also mastered a trace of innate sword qi in the six sects of martial arts!" Yu Wenxiao, who had been silent all this time, asked suddenly.

Although Li Xiuxian was in the limelight today, he didn't use the innate sword energy. Yu Wenxiao had a deep understanding of the power of the innate sword energy. Li Xiuxian's failure to use it was obviously hidden.

Li Xiuxian smiled: "My innate sword energy is not as endless as yours. I won't use it until the critical moment."

At this point, Li Xiuxian is a little envious of Yu Wenxiao, and Yu Wenxiao is probably the only one who can use the innate sword energy to this extent.

"By the way, I saw Shi Wanshan in Tianzhou!" Li Xiuxian said suddenly.

The wine glass in Jian Chen's hand suddenly shook, and the wine in the glass spilled a few drops.

"Where is he?" Jian Chen sighed.

Li Xiuxian threw a jade slip to Jianchen: "The coordinates are inside." Li Xiuxian didn't say much after that, if Jianchen didn't want to go, he wouldn't force it!

(End of this chapter)

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