Chapter 439

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox could run, but the Sky Demon Phoenix was not so lucky, and was overwhelmed by Ziyue's attack.

"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian suddenly appeared on top of the Sky Demon Phoenix, and one of the 36 golden swords condensed from the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword pierced his head!

"Roar!" Sky Demon Phoenix let out a mournful cry, a dragon claw had already penetrated into his head, and took out a three-color demon pill.

Losing the demon core, the Sky Demon Phoenix completely lost its voice, and its huge body slammed to the ground.

"Good stuff!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly, and directly put away the body of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix.

Seeing that the Sky Demon Phoenix was dead, Ziyue simply entered the Zidian Soul Eater Sword.

In the blink of an eye, the mighty Sky Demon Phoenix died in the hands of Li Xiuxian.

"I can't believe it, the mighty Demon Emperor died like this!" the monk on Huarong Mountain said in disbelief.

After a brief silence, there was jubilation. This can be said to be the biggest victory for human monks since the war between humans and monsters.

There are quite a few demon emperors among the demon clan, but there are not many demon emperors at the level of the Sky Demon Phoenix. Being able to kill such a demon emperor is definitely a painful blow to the demon clan.

Perhaps the Kyushu monks can take advantage of this opportunity to counterattack aggressively, take back the territory occupied by the Yaozu, and completely drive the Yaozu out of the scope of Kyushu.

"That fox is not simple!" Li Xiuxian sighed.

If the nine-tailed demon fox hadn't mastered the supernatural power of space, then there would be a magic weapon on his body that could break through the space and hide himself in the space for a short time.

Ordinary monks would not be able to discover it at all. If it wasn't for Li Xiuxian's divine sense comparable to that of a monk who transformed himself into a god, he would have been almost fooled by the nine-tailed fox this time.

But how big is the backstage of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, even the Demon Pill of the Sky Demon Phoenix dares to strike.

One must know that the status of the Demon Emperor among the demon clan is extraordinary, even if the nine-tailed demon fox had the guts, he would not dare to attack the Demon Emperor, would he?
Li Xiuxian looked at the direction in which the nine-tailed demon fox left with apprehension. If he underestimated the nine-tailed demon fox, he might not even know how he died. more terrible!
"What! The Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​dead!" Among the Million Demon Mountains, several demon emperors could hardly believe it when they heard the news that the Sky Demon Phoenix died in battle.

Among them, the Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​a powerful demon emperor, and only the three demon emperors, holy, god, and emperor, can be said to be better than him.

Other than that, the Demon Emperor here is at most no different from the Sky Demon Phoenix.

But judging from the news that came, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix was beheaded by the other party in an extremely neat way. With such a method, I am afraid that no one among the Demon Emperors present is a match for that person.

"Grandma, if the ancestors didn't want us to guard here, we would have attacked Kyushu long ago!" the Hunshi Ape Emperor roared.

He had a good relationship with the Sky Demon Phoenix, but the Sky Demon Phoenix died at the hands of a human monk, which made him extremely angry!

"Don't get excited, the Ape Emperor. This cultivator can kill the Sky Demon Phoenix. If you go now, you will still be skinned by someone." A gloomy man laughed.

"Hmph, which onion are you? When will it be your turn to intervene when I'm talking?"

"Jiuyou Snake Emperor, Hunshi Ape Emperor, you both give me peace. The ancestors said that we must guard in the Million Demon Mountain. If you dare to go out, I will kill you!" Suddenly there was a cold snort.

The demon emperors present all shuddered!
"Emperor Demon Emperor, you are out of customs!" There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the Hunshi Ape Emperor.

"Hmph, with such a big incident, I can't even leave the customs." The Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

"The death of the Sky Demon Phoenix in battle was something we did not expect. There are not many Nascent Soul monks who can kill the Emperor Demon Emperor among the human race. These monks are all focused on breaking through and transforming into gods. How can they go to Jingzhou?" Go against our demon clan!" The demon emperor took the seat without hesitation.

With the strength of the Demon Emperor, he is absolutely qualified to do so. Among the Demon Emperor present, no one dares to have any opinions.

"Yidi Yaohuang means that we don't care about it?" the Hunshi Ape Emperor couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, why don't you care about it? The Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​my monster clan's monster emperor, killing him is to make life difficult for our monster clan." The killing intent in the eyes of the demon emperor was overwhelming.

"However, our ancestors have stipulated that we cannot leave the Million Demon Mountain. If we don't go out, what monsters can kill each other. You must know that even the Sky Demon Phoenix died in his hands." Nine Nether Snake Emperor.

The Emperor Yaohuang glanced at the Jiuyou Snake Emperor, which made the Jiuyou Snake Emperor feel cold in his heart.

"The old ancestor just said that we were not allowed to go out, and did not say that other demon emperors would go out!" The emperor demon emperor snorted coldly.

"You mean the previous generation..." Nine Nether Snake Emperor was startled.

"I don't believe the previous demon emperor, even the previous demon emperor couldn't touch this little human monk!" The demon emperor sneered.

Among the demon clan, there are three major demon emperors who are in the same line, the emperor, the saint, and the god. These three demon emperors are almost the rulers of the entire demon clan.

The previous generation of demon emperors was the pinnacle of the demon clan, and there was no demon emperor comparable to him at the same time.

"The previous Emperor Demon Emperor, is he willing to sell it for a Sky Demon Phoenix?" The Hunshi Ape Emperor looked at the Emperor Demon Emperor suspiciously.

In their cognition, the previous demon emperor was an extremely lonely monster clan, and almost no demon emperor would make friends with the previous emperor.

Even if they were beaten to death, they would not believe that the Demon Emperor of the previous generation would fight for a Sky Demon Phoenix!

"Of course the Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​not worthy, but if it is the Ice Phoenix Demon Pill, it is enough!" The Emperor Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

As one of the demon emperors who are in charge of the demon clan, he naturally got much more information than these demon emperors, even Li Xiuxian knew that he had an Ice Phoenix demon pill in his hand.

At least on this point, none of the demon emperors present can compare with the god demon emperor.

"The previous demon emperor has already set off." The demon emperor said lightly.

Ice Phoenix demon pill, a demon pill of ice phoenix, for human beings, this demon pill may just be a little more precious material, used for alchemy or weapon refining.

But for the Yaozu, this Ice Phoenix Yaodan is a priceless treasure.

Once the Demon Emperor refines the Ice Phoenix Demon Pill, it is not a dream to advance to the fifth level, and more importantly, he can extract the Phoenix blood from the Ice Phoenix Demon Pill to strengthen himself.

Once it is fused with one's own bloodline, then it is the incomparably noble bloodline of the beast, and its own strength will also increase exponentially.

Among the monster clan, no one dares to underestimate the power of the bloodline. The bloodline is as important to the monster clan as the spiritual root is to the monks.

A superb bloodline is enough to make a monster become the overlord of a party, and the bloodline of a divine beast is a truly powerful bloodline!
Among the Demon Emperors, their eyes are also envious of this Ice Phoenix Demon Pill.

The Sky Demon Phoenix was originally just a thunder eagle, but because of the awakening of the thin Phoenix blood in his body, in just a thousand years, he became a powerful demon emperor who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor demon emperor, if he can survive for a thousand years If so, then maybe the Three Great Demon Emperors in the Million Demon Mountain will become the Four Great Demon Emperors!

The power of blood can be seen in general!
Moreover, the demon emperor of the previous generation has already made a move, so they just choose to think, and there is no chance.

The demon emperor of the previous generation took action, which was already a death sentence for that human cultivator!
If there is another fifth-level ancestor from the lineage of the Emperor Demon Emperor, it will undoubtedly strengthen the voice of the Emperor Demon Emperor's lineage in the Million Monster Mountain.

Although the monster clan is united, there are factional disputes, but the way of fighting is relatively obscure.

The demon emperor of the previous generation was also a legendary existence among the demon clan. With such a big demon making a move, even Li Xiuxian would be a big threat.

"And that fox, the death of the Sky Demon Phoenix this time has a lot to do with her!" The Emperor Demon Emperor kept tapping the table with his fingers.

"If it weren't for the words of the ancestors, I would have torn this coquettish fox to pieces!" The Hunshi Ape Emperor snorted coldly.

Even he didn't understand why the ancestors gave such an order. Once the nine-tailed demon fox appeared, all the demon clans would unite and kill it. The nine-tailed demon foxes that appeared before were all strangled and killed by the demon clans before they grew up. .

But now he let the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox ignore it, not only ignoring it, but also helping the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox to evolve.

At first, the nine-tailed demon fox was just a third-level and middle-rank monster, but now it has advanced to the fourth-level top-rank, almost on an equal footing with them!
There was also a trace of deep worry in the eyes of the Emperor Demon Emperor. Such a monster that strengthens itself by slaughtering the monster clan is indeed very worrying, especially the strength of the nine-tailed demon fox is still growing at an extremely fast speed with.

This nine-tailed demon fox also has a terrifying ability, that is, there is no bottleneck at all, as long as the conditions for evolution are met, it can be advanced.

The Emperor Demon Emperor can understand that those ancestors are eager to strengthen the high-end combat power of the Yaozu, but there is no need to cultivate this dangerous fox. For the Yaozu, this fox is definitely a scourge.

Under the premise that the demon emperor of the previous generation took action, these powerful demon emperors had nothing to say, and went back to their respective homes to practice on their own.

Anyway, it's not their turn to take action in the current war, and it's better to hurry up and practice if they have this thought to avenge the Sky Demon Phoenix.

Li Xiuxian looked into the distance, the storm was about to come, and that Ice Phoenix demon pill was enough to make countless demon clans follow.

"You seem to be very concerned about the upcoming war!" Ziyue said lightly.

"We seem to have underestimated the monster clan, maybe there are some masters who can't hide among the monster clan!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

"There is almost no suspense. Unless the fifth-level monsters make a move, you will never have any opponents." Ziyue laughed.Li Xiuxian looked at the Nine Nether Dragon Binding Lock that was integrated with his right hand. This Xuantian Lingbao is the most powerful magic weapon he has so far. Before facing the fifth-level monster, he did not want to use this A card is revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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