Chapter 462
There was a scar about one foot on the sole of the gibbon monkey's foot. Compared with the huge body of the gibbon monkey, this scar seemed so insignificant.

But the gibbon monkey was inexplicably terrified at this time, a strange force of thunder and lightning was eroding his body, as if a storm had set off inside his body.

If the demon power is still there, he can easily expel the thunder and lightning, but the demon power in the body is imprisoned by the Moyou lock, and the arm-armed ape can only watch the thunder and lightning raging in his body.

The fifth-level monsters are powerful, but once the power invades their bodies and they have no way to resist, then they are no different from ordinary people, at most they are stronger than ordinary people.

Li Xiuxian looked at the twitching gibbon monkey and sneered, and the iron piece caught in his finger was put away without anyone noticing.

This piece of iron is obviously the Kunlun Atlas, since Li Xiuxian just held this piece of iron between his fingers, no one noticed at all.

Although this Kunlun Atlas is not a magic weapon, it is made of a special material, even Ziyue can't be said to be what it is, and it is extremely sharp.

Li Xiuxian looked at the scar on his right hand and smiled wryly.

This blow can be said to hurt both sides. The arm-armed monkey only cut a small hole, but Li Xiuxian, who was holding the Kunlun catalog, was cut open by the Kunlun catalog, and even the bones of his right hand were severely injured.

The strength of the gibbon monkey's kick is not just for fun. If Li Xiuxian hadn't bounced off in time, the Kunlun Atlas might have cut him in half.

However, Li Xiuxian was not a fuel-efficient waiter, and at the moment of flying, he sent the remaining hundreds of purple thunderbolt beads in the storage bag to the wound of the arm-branched monkey.

Hundreds of purple thunderbolt beads exploded in the body of the arm-armed ape at the same time. With the demon power imprisoned, even a fifth-level monster could not resist the damage caused by the thunder and lightning!

"Damn human beings!" the gibbon monkey roared angrily.

At this time, the gibbon monkey felt that his body was as stiff as a stone, and he couldn't even lift his fingers.

The whole body has been paralyzed under the stimulation of lightning!

"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian was waiting for this moment, the Purple Lightning Soul Eater sword in his hand was aimed at the eyeball of the arm-armed ape.

Not everyone can kill even a fifth-level monster with paralyzed limbs.

What's more, the arm-armed ape monkey is an earth-type monster. Even if he doesn't use his own innate supernatural powers, his defense is extremely rare among fifth-level monsters.

But no matter how strong the armoped monkey's defense is, the eyeballs are still his weakness, as long as it pierces in, the armband monkey will definitely die!

The arm-armed monkey naturally also saw Li Xiuxian's plan, and while horrified, it desperately closed its eyes, but this seemingly extremely simple movement is more difficult than lifting a mountain for the arm-armed monkey now .

"Ding!" Under the pressure of death, the arm-armed ape closed its eyes when Li Xiuxian's sword stabbed out.

Li Xiuxian pierced the monkey's eyelid with his sword, and sparks shot out, as if he had cut on a piece of metal, leaving only a scar on the monkey's eyelid, which did not penetrate.

"This monkey has such a strong defense!" Some monks couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although these monks didn't know why the fifth-level monsters behaved like this, the powerful defense displayed by the arm-armed ape was enough to shock them.

If you can get the fur of this fifth-level monster and make it into a pair of soft armor, then you will be really invincible!

There are not a few monks who have this idea, but they seem to have forgotten that killing the fifth-level monsters is not something they can do. It was about to disappear, and once the arm-armed ape was released from paralysis, it would be extremely troublesome even without the demonic power.

"This monkey must be killed as soon as possible!" Li Xiuxian's heart froze, and the purple lightning soul-devouring sword in his hand shone brightly.

"Ziyue, lend me your strength!" Li Xiuxian roared.

"Tch, the strength that this lady has accumulated so hard, will be consumed again this time!" Ziyue curled her lips.

Although she said so, Ziyue's figure flashed, and a purple lion appeared beside Li Xiuxian.

"Spiritual weapon! That purple sword is actually a spiritual treasure!" A monk couldn't help but screamed.


"It turned out to be a Lingbao!"

The eyes of some monks looking at Li Xiuxian also began to change, a spirit treasure is hard to find!

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly: "A bunch of lifeless things."

But at this moment, he didn't bother to take care of these wastes. He saw Ziyue's figure flashed and merged into the Zidian Soul Eater. At this moment, the Zidian Soul Eater seemed to be alive. The purple lion is looming.

"Purple Lightning Soul Devourer!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

With a flick of the sword, a purple lion soared into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the lion had already bit off the throat of the brachial ape.

All this happened so fast that even Li Xiuxian didn't see it clearly.

"I'm dying, my strength is exhausted!" Ziyue's voice seemed extremely weak, and it turned into a purple light and penetrated into the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword.

Li Xiuxian was also out of breath, the sword just now drained his spiritual energy!

Cooperating with Ziyue requires such a huge amount of spiritual power, and this Xuantian Lingbao is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Li Xiuxian looked better after taking a drop of Zhong Lingshi milk, and put away the corpse of the arm-branched ape.

"Crack!" The little monkey limped, walked to Li Xiuxian's side with a limp, and cried out weakly.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. The little monkey was worthy of being an ancient alien species. It only had dozens of fractures all over its body after being photographed by a level five monster. It looked serious, but it wasn't life-threatening.

"You. You keep that fifth-level monster!" I don't know where those monks got such courage, they even surrounded Li Xiuxian and the little monkey, intending to kill you if you don't hand it over.

"Hand it over? You deserve it too?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"Don't try to swallow it all by yourself, we killed this fifth-level monster together!" said the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Ten Thousand Ancient Sword Sect righteously.

His words were also recognized by all the monks present. After all, there are so many of them, as long as they speak with one voice, even if the trouble goes to the suzerain, they are justified.

"Thick-skinned enough!" The weak Ziyue snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian also nodded. These monks hid away when he was fighting with the gibbon monkey. Now they saw the benefits, like a dog seeing fresh meat, they all rushed up.

"Crunch!" The little monkey grinned at the monks.

From the little monkey's point of view, the arm-armed ape was his and Li Xiuxian's prey, and these people dared to snatch his prey, they simply did not know how to live or die.

"Don't test my patience, get out!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Hand over the corpse of the fifth-level monster, or you won't be able to leave here today!" Several Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eternal Sword Sect stood together, obviously intending to force Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian is indeed powerful, but the sword just now consumed too much of Li Xiuxian's spiritual power, and all the monks present saw the scene of Li Xiuxian's collapse.

Even if Li Xiuxian took the elixir to restore his spiritual power, it would definitely not be so fast. They had to get the benefits before Li Xiuxian's strength recovered.

"It's up to you?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

With a flick of his right hand, 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords instantly surrounded nearly a thousand monks in the center, and the Tiangang Sword Formation could be activated at any time!
"You. How dare you!" The expression of the monk of the Wangu Sword Sect changed drastically.

He never thought that Li Xiuxian would dare to do this. You must know that the monks here are not only the Eternal Sword Sect, but also Xuechan Palace, and many other monks. If Li Xiuxian dares to kill, then he will offend the entire Tianzhou!
"I don't dare to kill you all, but I still dare to kill a few of you from the Eternal Sword Sect!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

As soon as the words fell, a few sword beams pierced through the four monks of the Eternal Sword Sect without hindrance!

"You are doomed, the Eternal Sword Sect will never let you go!" Sidao Yuanying rushed out of the range of the sword array at an extremely fast speed.

"Leave them all to me!" Li Xiuxian's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the thunder light flashed on the golden wings of the Three Treasures behind him, and he surpassed the four Nascent Souls in an instant.

I saw Li Xiuxian wave the honored soul banner in his hand, and the four nascent souls had almost no ability to resist, so they were refined by the honored soul banner and became a part of the honored soul banner.

"It's so fast, it's even faster than Yuan Ying's Escape Light!" Several monks from Xuechan Palace gave Li Xiuxian a rather apprehensive look.

The Nascent Soul's escaping light was so fast that it was impossible for ordinary monks to catch up, but Li Xiuxian killed the four Nascent Souls effortlessly. This method made all the monks present shudder.

Especially the Nascent Soul cultivators in Xuechan Palace were already sweating profusely.

"For the sake of Palace Master Xuechan, I will let you go this time!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and with a slap of the golden wings of the Three Treasures on his back, he disappeared in front of these monks.

A five-level demon pill with an earth attribute. In this way, Li Xiuxian already has four five-level demon pills in his hand, fire, earth, gold, and ice. There is still one water-attribute demon pill and one Wood attribute demon pill.

However, Li Xiuxian, the demon pill of the wood attribute, has also found a substitute, that is Jianmu's Shengshenghuazhu.

Jianmu can be said to have the most powerful wood attribute in the world, and the Life Orb he condenses is definitely stronger than the Yaodan of the fifth-level monster, and it is the best substitute.In this way, all Li Xiuxian needs is a level five demon pill of water attribute!
(End of this chapter)

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