Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 474 Incarnation Appears

Chapter 474 Incarnation Appears

Xuan coldly glanced at Jiu Jianxian: "The frog at the bottom of the well!"

"You." Nine Swords Immortal was furious!
"Pfft!" A flash of sword light pierced Nine Sword Immortal's shoulder in an instant, nailing Nine Sword Immortal to the ice layer.

Nine Swords Immortal snorted, and the sword light was shattered as soon as the spiritual power in his body turned, but the bloody hole on his shoulder would not disappear so easily.

"Eternal Sword Sect, that's all. Hahaha!" After speaking, he laughed loudly, as if to vent his frustration.

"If you don't want us to die, just shut up!" Bing Xin snorted coldly.

Everyone can see that Xuan's strength is far higher than that of Nine Sword Immortals, even Bing Xin cannot defeat Nine Sword Immortals so easily.

This Xuan's strength is even higher than Bing Xin's. Although the Pearl of Creation is precious, it would be too worthless to spend his life for these few things. Although the things are good, one must have one's life to enjoy them.

"Put her down!" A weakened voice came from behind Xuan.

Xuan's right foot tightened, and a bloody hand grabbed onto his right foot.

"Boom!" Xuan Leng snorted, and the terrifying sword energy on his body instantly drowned out this hand.

"Huh?" A trace of anger flashed in Xuan's eyes, and this hand did not relax in the slightest under the terrifying sword aura.

"Oh? Under the threat of death, have you regained a trace of clarity?" Huang looked at his right hand that had been scraped to the bone.

The owner of this hand turned out to be Li Xiuxian. Although Li Xiuxian was still full of evil spirits at this time, his eyes were bloodshot, but there was a flash of clarity in his eyes.

"You dare to come here just like you are half dead?" Xuan Leng snorted, and saw a dark long sword in the sword box behind him soaring into the sky, piercing Li Xiuxian's back with a sword, and stabbing Li Xiuxian His body was firmly nailed to the ice.

"Xiuxian!" A terrifying icy spiritual power condensed in Leng Ruling's hand.

"You don't want to die!" Bing Xin snorted, and typed out a spell, and the condensed ice spiritual power instantly dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"Master, I must save him!"

With a "Plop", Leng Ruling knelt down in front of Bing Xin.

Bing Xin snorted coldly: "These two people in front of me don't dare to compete with them even if they are teachers, what ability do you have?"

"Even so, I can't watch Xiuxian tortured to death at their hands!" A gleam of determination flashed in Leng Ruling's eyes.

"Nonsense! Do you know that perhaps because of your actions, what kind of disaster will be caused to our Xuechan Palace? The tens of thousands of years of my Xuechan Palace's foundation may be destroyed today!" Bing Xin roared.

"I know!" Leng Ruling nodded.

"Now that you know, just watch over here, maybe you can help collect his body!" Bing Xin snorted.

Leng Ruling shook his head: "Ru Ling is here to thank Master for his teachings for many years, and the Palace Mistress will return it to Master today!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Ruling took off her skirt and robe and handed it to Bing Xin.

Bing Xin was shocked: "You are crazy, this Xue Nu robe is a token of the palace master of our sect, and the ice spiritual power in your body is also suppressed by this Xue Nu robe, now you take it off, the ice spiritual power in your body..."

Leng Ruling smiled faintly: "These disciples know it well, but to disciples, he is far more important than a Xuechan Palace!"

"Boom!" Without the suppression of the snow girl's robe, the ice spiritual power in Leng Ruling's body instantly ran away, and the monk who was ten feet away from Leng Ruling was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Nine Swords Immortal and Bing Xin were also shocked back two steps by this terrifying ice spirit power.

"You are crazy, because of a man!" Bing Xin was shocked and angry.

This is no longer a pure ice spiritual power backlash, Leng Ruling not only did not suppress it, but fueled the flames, making the ice spiritual power in his body even more violent.

"For me, all of this is worth it!" A ice sword suddenly appeared in Leng Ruling's hand.

"Ding!" Bingjian cut down on Xuan.

Xuan just sneered, and a sword light suddenly condensed in his hand, blocking it.

"Calla!" The two swords intersected, what Xuan couldn't believe was that the sword light in his hand was frozen by the cold air emanating from the ice sword in Leng Ruling's hand, and spread to his right hand along the sword light.

Xuan frowned, the spiritual power in his body trembled, and the ice layer exploded.

"The body of the ice spirit!" Xuan sighed as he looked at the terrifying coldness on Leng Ruling's body.

After hitting Leng Ru Ling Jue, I saw thousands of ice swords condensing around her at this moment!

"What a fast cohesion speed!" Bing Xin was also shocked by Leng Ruling's hand, even if it were her, she might not be able to do better than Leng Ruling.

"However, this is the only way to be interesting!" Xuan laughed loudly, and a fiery red sword shot up into the sky from behind, turning one into two in the air, and turning into two into four in the air. Tens of thousands of fire swords.

"Bang!" In an instant, the sword rained across the sky, and flames and ice continued to intertwine in the air.

"Pfft!" Leng Ruling's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Xuan sneered: "Forcibly pushing the spiritual power in the body, even if you don't hesitate to backfire, you can only do this!"

"Ding!" Just as the fiery sword in Xuan's hand was about to fall, a purple long sword shook, and even shook Xuan's fiery red long sword away.

"Fellow Daoist, why kill them all!" A blue Confucian shirt monk blocked Leng Ruling behind him.

"You? Impossible!" Xuan was shocked, the monk in blue Confucian shirt was exactly the same as Li Xiuxian.

But at this moment, Li Xiuxian only had his right hand that was bone-boned and was still holding on to his right foot. How did the monk in front of him appear?

"Incarnation!" After all, Xuan is also a cultivator of transforming spirits, he has seen a lot, and he immediately reacted.

The incarnation outside the body, looking at the Kyushu, is a first-class supernatural power. Even in the Heaven and Earth League, it seems that no one has this kind of supernatural power.

"Friend Daoist, you have gone too far!" Li Yixuan sighed bitterly, and with a wave of his palm, Xuan felt his right foot loosen, and Li Xiuxian disappeared in an instant.

"So what about an incarnation? I don't believe you can turn the world upside down!" Xuan sneered.

Even the deity was half-dead by them, let alone an incarnation?
No matter how strong the avatar is, it is impossible to surpass the deity. This is the law of the cultivation world!
"Amitabha, the donor kills too much, you can't do it, you can't do it!" The Buddha's light suddenly flourished in the sky, and almost the entire sky was covered by the terrifying Buddha's light.

"Who is here among Mani's three crossings?" Nine Sword Immortals were taken aback.

Not only Jiujianxian thinks so, but even Bingxin and Xuan think so. Looking at Kyushu, only those three bald donkeys have such terrifying Buddha's light.

The corner of Li Yixuan's mouth couldn't help revealing a smile: "Fellow Daoist, please keep me waiting!"

In the Buddha's light, a monk wearing Jialan Buddhist robes landed beside Li Yixuan: "Fellow Daoist, you should know that even using the teleportation array to come from Mani Temple is not an easy matter."

The corner of Huang's mouth twitched. Apart from having no hair, this monk also looks exactly like Li Xiuxian!
"External avatar? One person has two external avatars at the same time?" Huang couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that his toys were not as bad as he imagined.

I saw the Buddha's light on Li Suixiang's body flourishing, and a huge Buddha statue began to condense in this Buddha's light!
"Boneless Relic King Buddha!" ​​Bing Xin and Jiu Jianxian couldn't help but shouted out.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful!" Li Suixian chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and the boneless relic king Buddha behind him was completely formed, and the huge Buddha statue almost penetrated the entire bottom.

"So what about the Buddha? Today I met a god and killed a god, and I met a Buddha and killed a Buddha!" ​​Xuan Leng snorted.

"Bang!" Li Suixiang threw a punch casually, and the Buddha statue behind him was also punched out.

Xuan's face changed, and the red, blue, and blue swords came out from the sword box behind him, forming the simplest three-talented sword formation, and blasted at the fist of the boneless relic Zunwangfo.

"Earth Fiend Sword Array, Nine Heavens Thunder!" Suddenly the sky was darkened, and thousands of thunder and lightning crashed down.

Li Yixuan's incarnation was originally refined from the burning sky thunder dragon wood. Under the control of the thunder attribute magic weapon, it is even a bit stronger than Li Xiuxian's real body. Even the cultivators of Huashen should be afraid of three points.

"Heaven's Punishment, Thunder of Destruction!" Immediately after the thousands of thunder and lightning, black thunder beads fell down one after another.

"Delusion!" Xuan Leng snorted, and four swords of gold, yellow, purple, and green flew out from behind.

"Seven Star Sword Formation, guard!" I saw the seven swords guarding Xuan's body, and the seven-colored light was shining brightly.

"Boom!" All the bones of the Boneless King Buddha smashed fiercely on the colorful light, and then countless thunder and lightning wrapped around the arm of the Boneless King Buddha, and another punch, this punch unexpectedly Let the colorful light tremble a little.

"Crack!" Immediately after countless black thunder beads landed on the colorful rays of light, they exploded in an instant, terrifying black thunder raged in the air, and the entire colorful rays of light were covered by the destructive thunder.

"This is still a Nascent Soul cultivator!" No matter whether it was a monster or a human being, after seeing the attack of Li Yixuan and Li Suixian, they couldn't help crying in their hearts.

Li Yixuan's body shook, and he saw a flash of lightning flashing across his body. Zi Lei Huo Dun used all his strength, and instantly absorbed the unconscious Xiu Yuan and Leng Ruling into the Wanhua Pearl.

Li Suixian also shot out a beam of Buddha's light, bringing Li Shuiyao into the Wanhua Pearl.

In the Mani Temple, Mani Sandu could only smile wryly when he looked at this Buddhist monk whom he had praised as the most outstanding Buddhist monk for thousands of years.

Who would have thought that Li Suixiang was actually an incarnation of Li Xiuxian?

"It's up to you!" A roar came from the black thunder, and a terrifying sword light cut through the black thunder, and Xuan soared into the sky!

"Seven Star Sword Formation, cut!"

The seven-colored light turned from defense to offense, and a seven-colored sword glow cut down.

"Earth Fiend Sword Formation!"

"Do not move Ming Wang!"

Li Yixuan and Li Suixiang both shouted loudly, and played a formula in their hands.The 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords were instantly protected around the two of them, and the Boneless Relic King Buddha behind Li Suixian also folded his hands together to protect the two of them in the center!

(End of this chapter)

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