Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 479 Advanced Transformation God

Chapter 479 Advanced Transformation God
In an instant, nine beams of light shot up into the sky, and accompanied by the resounding dragon chant, the whole world trembled.

"What is that?" The monks who rushed over after hearing the wind looked at the nine beams of light in the sky in surprise. Under the pressure of these beams of light, they couldn't even get close.

Facing these nine beams of light, even Jieyun's power was suppressed, and these nine beams of light seemed to be the masters of the world.

"It seems that the person who came this time is an acquaintance!" Li Yixuan looked into the distance, and in the direction of his gaze, two figures were rapidly approaching.

"Huangheyu." Li Suixian's eyes flashed a bright light.

Yu has advanced to become a god in just a few decades. Although Huang has not changed much, the terrifying aura emanating from his body makes people dare not underestimate him.

Two soul-transforming monks, this is enough to deal a fatal blow to Li Xiuxian's crossing the catastrophe, especially these two soul-transforming monks have a moderate grudge with Li Xiuxian.

Few people do things that harm others and benefit oneself, but it doesn't mean that no one will do them.

With the means of these two people, if Li Xiuxian is really unhappy, Li Xiuxian may not be able to continue.

"Hua Shen, I don't believe that he can survive the catastrophe under the burial of heaven and earth!" Yu sneered.

"There are two avatars blocking the way ahead!" Huang said calmly, looking at the two people standing in front of them.

"Amitabha, benefactor, you can't do everything." Li Suixiang clasped his hands together.

Yu sneered and rubbed his hands casually, only to see a spider-like thing land on Li Suixian's body!
"Explosive!" Yu pinched a formula.

"Boom!" Suddenly a mushroom cloud rose.

"Amitabha!" Amidst the explosion, a statue of Buddha stood still. This statue protected Li Suixian in the center. The explosion just now did not cause any harm to Li Suixian.

"Boneless Relic King Buddha." Huang frowned.

Although this matter was also mentioned in the information brought back by Huang, it was another matter to actually see it with his own eyes.

It is said that Sakyamuni, the founding patriarch of Mani Temple, is the only one who can condense this boneless relic king Buddha among Buddhist sects.

Li Xiuxian had made the two of them suffer before, and this time he was determined to take revenge.

"One person, one, finish him!" Huang roared.

"Understood!" Yu smiled faintly, he had waited too long for this day.

This time Yu came even more prepared. He had already brought the clay he had carefully prepared, and it was full of weight. Even if he came to the earth and sky burial ten times, it would be enough.

Li Suixian and Li Yixuan attacked Huang and Yu almost at the same time.

"Looking for death!" Huang sneered.

His body has been strengthened a lot, even a cultivator who transforms the spirit may not be able to do anything to him, just a punch to Li Yixuan.

The fierce wind on the fist drove the surrounding airflow, forming a vortex, Li Yixuan's body was stunned, and there was a short delay in his movements.

"Death!" Huang punched Li Yixuan firmly.

It only takes a moment for a master to fight, and Li Yixuan's momentary pause allowed Huang to seize the opportunity.

"Boom!" Huang's fist directly penetrated Li Yixuan's body.

But in an instant, Huang's body was surrounded by a fire of the five elements!
I don't know when this divine fire avatar condensed by the flames of the void appeared in front of Li Yixuan, blocking this fatal punch for Li Yixuan.

"Flame of the Void?" Huang sneered.

His puppet body has been strengthened by him, not to mention the flame of the void, he is not afraid of even the sky fire.

Huang, who was surrounded by the flames of the void, just waved his right hand, and immediately extinguished the flames.

"Bang!" A wave came from behind, Rao Shihuang rushed forward to release this terrifying force.

"Puppet!" When Huang saw that it was a puppet attacking him from behind, his expression was strange.

"Playing a puppet in front of me, you don't know how to live or die!" Huang immediately laughed disdainfully.

Above the puppet, if he takes the second place, no one will dare to take the first place!
"Bang!" The fists and claws intersected.

The tiger king's right paw was dented in an instant, and the frontal collision turned out to be the tiger king's loss.

"Hmph, so what if it's a puppet at the level of a god, how can it compare to my well-trained body!" Huang looked at the Tiger King disdainfully.

Although Tiger King is also a puppet that Li Xiuxian used a lot of materials to refine, but he has a specialization in art, and he is still a bit lacking in comparison with Huang when it comes to puppets, not to mention that Huang spent thousands of years for his own body. effort.

However, under Huang's surprised gaze, Tiger King's dented right paw recovered bit by bit.

"Impossible!" Huang was furious.

Even he couldn't make the damaged puppet recover automatically, how could Li Xiuxian do it!

"Gravity Technique!" Just as Huang rushed towards the Tiger King, Huang's body sank, and his speed slowed countless times.

"Boom!" The Tiger King slapped Huang's back with one claw, and Huang's body fell like a meteorite, smashing a big hole in the ground.

"Boneless Relic King Buddha, let me see how long you can last!" The clay in Yu's hand instantly turned into a giant python. This giant python penetrated into the soil and instantly gathered the soil within a radius of ten miles. himself.

A gigantic python nearly a thousand feet wide opened its bloody mouth, and a beam of light sprayed out from its mouth!
"Boom!" Li Suixiang's Boneless Relic Zunwang Buddha clasped his hands together, and a Buddha's light appeared in front of him.

"Boom!" The beam of light collided fiercely with the Buddha's light.

"What a terrifying destructive power!" Li Suixian looked at the mountain behind him that had been blown into powder with lingering fear.

It will bounce back against its own attack.

Originally, this move was enough to make the beam of light bounce back, but the power of this beam of light is really too strong, just deflecting him has exhausted its strength.

"I think you can still take the second move?" Yu sneered.

I saw that earth python twisted its body again, and the terrifying power condensed in its body again.

Li Suixiang couldn't help revealing a dignified look.

As long as Yu's ability is in a place with sand and soil, he is invincible. What's more, Yu came prepared this time. The clay in his hand is enough for him to destroy dozens of Tang dynasties. More than enough.

"Roar!" I saw Li Suixiang's hand, and a big golden seal slammed into the giant python.

"Bodhi Seal, Mani Sandu and those three old immortals are willing to give up!" Yu sneered.

I saw that the Bodhi seal was covered by a large amount of Buddha's light, and it hit the giant python's head fiercely.

The power accumulated in the body has not yet exploded, and it exploded instantly after being hit by the Bodhi Seal, and the whole giant python was blown into powder.

Yu Zhishi, who was in the center of the explosion, frowned slightly, and in an instant, countless sand and soil surrounded him, blocking the explosion for him.

"Boom!" Nine divine dragons appeared from among the nine beams of light, rushing straight into the sky.

Li Xiuxian knows that it is very difficult to stop Huang and Yu with the strength of Li Yixuan and Li Suixian, and he will never have much time left, so Li Xiuxian simply bombarded Jieyun with the Nine Dragons banning formation, and directly killed Jieyun. scattered.

Nine dragons soared into the sky, each of which was equivalent to a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, and the nine dragons jointly exerted their strength and even reached the mighty power of the Fusion Realm.

The robbery clouds rolled in the sky, as if they were angered by Li Xiuxian's provocative behavior. The sky thunders in the robbery clouds fell one after another, but in front of the nine dragons blocking the formation formed by nine dragons, these thunders were blocked, even Kowloon was not hurt.

"Kowloon ban!" Nine-headed dragons go hand in hand!
"Nine Dragons Sealing Formation!" A pale cultivator suddenly raised his head and looked at the nine dragons in the sky in disbelief.

"Obtained by someone?" After a black mist shook around the pale young man, he disappeared into the sky.

"It really is the Nine Dragons ban!" In the blink of an eye, the pale young man traveled millions of miles and appeared in the sky, looking at the nine divine dragons with surprise in his eyes.

If Li Xiuxian could see this young man's face, he would definitely exclaim!

"Wan Tian!"

Li Xiuxian knew Wan Tian, ​​the descendant of the ghost way. The black mist just now was the secret method of the ghost way.

The nine dragons roared, facing the Jieyun, they could not retreat, only to see that the body of the nine dragons shook, and spewed out a breath of energy, the energy gathered in the air, and a colorful dragon got into the Jieyun.

"Buzz!" Jieyun rolled even more violently, and the terrifying power in Jieyun seemed to have lost control.

Just when everyone thought that the robbery cloud was about to get out of control, the robbery cloud quietly dissipated, as if the robbery cloud itself did not exist.

Suddenly, a five-color light fell from the sky.

Li Xiuxian smiled slightly. During the stage of becoming a god, he could clearly feel that he had advanced to become a god, and the vague space seemed to be torn apart with a single blow.

This is the ability to tear apart the space that only cultivators possessed. No matter how powerful the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body was before, it was still impossible to tear apart the space. Now he can clearly feel the space. turmoil.

At the same time, a five-color light fell on Li Yixuan and Li Suixiang!
"Shenhua stage!" Yu was shocked!
Then he looked into the distance in disbelief. At this time, the robbery cloud had dissipated, but the two incarnations did not disappear. Perhaps even a fool would be clear about what this meant.

"Advanced successfully? How could it be so fast?" Huang also stared at the dissipated Jieyun in a daze.

They are also monks who have survived the calamity of transforming gods, and they are well aware of the horror of this calamity of transforming gods.

No matter how they thought about it, they would never have imagined that Li Xiuxian would take the initiative to attack Jieyun, causing the God Transformation Tribulation to disappear between heaven and earth before it was over.

But this doesn't mean that Li Xiuxian played tricks, that colorful little dragon almost condensed most of the power of the Nine Dragons ban, and barely broke up the robbery cloud.There are not many monks who can achieve this level, even the monks who transform themselves into gods!

(End of this chapter)

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