Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 485 Breaking In

Chapter 485 Breaking In
From the beginning of its establishment, Penglai Fairy Palace was dominated by the Sima family. It can be said that this Penglai Fairy Palace is the world of the Sima family.

In Kyushu, the rights of the sects are changed very frequently. Up to now, the rights of most sects are no longer in the hands of the original person.

But this is simply impossible for Penglai Immortal Palace. From the beginning of its establishment, the Sima clan has firmly held the power of the Immortal Palace, and the people in charge of the Immortal Palace can only be members of the Sima clan.

After tens of thousands of years of pondering, the Sima clan has tied the entire fairy palace to the Sima clan, and the blood of the Sima clan has been continuously fused into the core of the fairy palace.

Up to now, unless it is the blood of the Sima clan, it is impossible to even refine the core of the Immortal Palace.

Such a domineering behavior of the Sima clan naturally aroused the opposition of the monks in the Penglai Immortal Palace, and some monks even wanted to take away the members of the Sima clan.

But what they can think of, how can the people of the Sima clan not think of it?

People of the Sima clan will plant restrictions in their bodies from birth. Once they are taken away, their entire bodies will naturally burst at the moment of taking the home.

Such a bloody method, in the eyes of outsiders, there must be people in the Sima clan who oppose it.

But what was unexpected was that none of the Sima clan objected, and even when they were facing the seizure, they blew themselves up before the restraint in their bodies was activated.

This is an extremely crazy behavior in the eyes of outsiders, but it is the most normal thing among the Sima clan.

The Sima clan knew that their clan had been firmly tied to the Immortal Palace, that they were all prosperous, and that they were all in danger. Instead of dying to benefit others, it would be better to kill themselves and maintain the glory of the Sima clan.

The Sima clan has survived this kind of struggle for generations, and has always occupied these three fairy palaces that have made countless monks jealous.

The Sima Liancheng in front of him is the strongest of the Sima clan today, and only the strongest of the Sima clan can rule the Immortal Palace. This is the iron law of the Sima clan, established since the first generation of Immortal Palace masters. law.

Now that Penglai Xianhai is fighting with Kyushu, it is really not to be underestimated that this Penglai Immortal Palace can show so much combat power, and they will definitely have a backup. Such a powerful Sima family will certainly not only have Five deity cultivators.

To some extent, this Penglai Immortal Palace is a super family, a super family controlled by the Sima family.

These monks who joined the Penglai Immortal Palace are at best vassals of this family.

But even so, the terrifying increase of Asgard has attracted countless monks.

Sima Liancheng smiled faintly: "I didn't expect that I, Penglai Xianhai, would have such a big face. Three Kyushu monks came to visit together."

This Sima Liancheng didn't put Li Xiuxian and the others in his eyes at all. Although Jin Aoxian had the name of Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals, he couldn't scare Sima Liancheng.

He has dealt with Penglai Immortal Palace and Kunlun Holy Land not once or twice, and he knows how powerful this Kunlun Holy Land is.

Although there are only Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals in the Kunlun Holy Land, these Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals are the titles that can only be possessed by the twelve strongest monks in the Kunlun Holy Land. There are definitely more than twelve cultivators in the environment.

For a long time, Kyushu has been able to persuade the Quartet to rely on Tianzhou's support to the other eight states.

Although the monks of Tianzhou think highly of themselves, this does not prevent them from fighting against the Quartet.

And Tianzhou relies on the Kunlun Holy Land, which has been backed by the spirit world for thousands of years.

Although the monks in the Kunlun Holy Land do not come out all year round, but with this terrifying behemoth sitting in Tianzhou, the Quartet has to be afraid.

For example, this time, the Quartet teamed up to press down on Tianzhou. Kyushu was on the defensive when the Kunlun Holy Land was not out, but when the Kunlun Holy Land came out, the entire battle situation was rewritten in an instant. But it has also changed from passive defense to active attack.

But Sima Liancheng didn't pay attention to these things. No matter how powerful the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun, they couldn't all appear here, and the only one among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun that Sima Liancheng was afraid of was the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun. The leader, Jin Haoxian!

A Jin Aoxian in the middle stage of transformation can't afford to turn up any big storms!

Sima Liancheng looked at the soon-to-be-born Huoxian Palace and couldn't help showing a complex look in his eyes. The previous birth of Huoxian Palace caused them a lot of losses, and even the owner of the palace died in this Huoxian Palace.

Now these monks who want to take advantage of the chaos to enter the Fire Immortal Palace and fish in troubled waters are too lazy to drive away. This Fire Immortal Palace is not a paradise, it can even be said to be frightening at every step. If you walk around in it, you don’t even know how to die of.

In terms of familiarity with the Fire Fairy Palace, no one in the world knows better than the Sima clan. After many attempts, they have figured out the context of the Fire Fairy Palace, and this time they must get the Fire Fairy Palace. .

"Boom!" In an instant, the sky and the earth were separated, and the sea water below was evaporated in a blink of an eye!

Li Xiuxian's expression changed, and he hurriedly took two steps back, a chill from Leng Ruling's body enveloped the two of them.

"Hum!" The ice cube formed by the cold air shook violently and began to melt.

"This flame is extraordinary, this is not an ordinary Xuanji Pavilion!" Ziyue was shocked. In Ziyue's impression, Xuanji Pavilion was just a moving palace, and it didn't have the ability to attack at all.

But this terrifying flame can almost directly burn the Yihua God cultivator to ashes!

"This is Zihuo in Tiandu!" Ziyue exclaimed.

It was at this very moment that the ice layer under the Lengruling Cloth was also melted by the Tiandu Zihuo.

"Eye of Destruction! Open!" Li Xiuxian snorted, and a flame of three colors formed a hurricane of flames at the center of his eyebrows, resisting the fire of the sky and the earth.

"Invincible, this is the fire of the spirit world, and the spirit fire of the Feifan world can resist it!" Ziyue persuaded.

"Not necessarily!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, seeing this whirlpool of three-color flames whirling crazily, which was even comparable to the purple fire in the sky today.

Although the flames are only three colors, there is also an invisible fire joining in. The four kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires against this sky purple fire, they only ended up undefeated!And this is just the flames around the Fire Immortal Palace.

"Fire-eating worms!" The Wanhua Pearl in Li Xiuxian's body opened wide, and thousands of fire-eating worms flew out and plunged into the flame vortex.

The fire-eating insect was born to devour flames, but part of it was removed by the flames of the Skeleton Demon Lord, and what remained was the essence. Now Li Xiuxian wanted to take a gamble to see if the fire-eating insect really knew everything!
After so many years of reproduction, the number of these fire-eating insects has reached nine thousand, and each of them has been calcined by the four kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires, otherwise there would be more fire-eating insects surviving.

But as soon as these fire-eating insects entered the range of the purple fire of the sky, they were burned to ashes by the purple fire of the sky without even having time to devour them.

"What a domineering flame!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

But not all fire-eating insects are like this. Among the nine thousand fire-eating insects, more than 20 fire-eating insects have withstood the calcination of the purple fire in the sky and are devouring the fire of the spiritual world, including the one The original fire-eating insects were covered by a layer of bone armor, and they regarded the purple fire of the sky as nothing, and devoured the purple fire of the sky.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth. Every time these fire-eating insects devoured a kind of flame, their bodies would undergo tremendous changes. After devouring the flames of the Skeleton Demon Lord, they grew a layer of bone armor. Now they have devoured this extremely powerful The Heavenly Capital Zihuo, this fire-eating insect will definitely become stronger.

Li Xiuxian also knew that he would accept it when it was good, and took back more than 20 fire-eating insects. After all, except for that insect, the rest of the fire-eating insects were struggling to support them. The same fate as other fire-eating insects.

Except for Leng Ruling who was beside Li Xiuxian who noticed this little move, the rest of the monks didn't notice it at all.

Although Li Xiuxian resisted the purple fire of the sky, it didn't mean that the rest of the monks could also resist. A cultivator who transformed himself into a god in Penglai Xianhai was burned to ashes by the purple fire of the sky, and even the primordial spirit didn't escape.

Although the other one escaped the catastrophe, he was also extremely embarrassed.

In front of Jin Aoxian, a simple mirror appeared. These days, when Zihuo touched this mirror, he would automatically avoid it. It was really miraculous.

But in front of Sima Liancheng was a thin layer of water curtain, which blocked the sky's purple fire.

Seeing Sima Liancheng's relaxed expression, he obviously knew that there would be such a flame when the Fire Immortal Palace was born, but there was no reminder.

Even the cultivators of Transforming God died under the flames, and the cultivators behind them who wanted to fish in troubled waters suffered heavy casualties. This burst of purple flames almost wiped out half of the cultivators.

"A group of idiots!" The members of Penglai Immortal Palace took two steps back.

Li Xiuxian became alert, and hurriedly pulled up Leng Ruling, and the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords were unsheathed, and the Tiangang Sword Formation immediately protected the two of them.

"Bang!" The space burst suddenly, and a flame channel appeared in front of everyone like a winding dragon.

"It's all Zihuo in Tiandu!" Ziyue's expression changed.

The expressions of the monks on the periphery also changed drastically. This flame passage is the only way to enter the Fire Immortal Palace, but everyone has seen the power of the purple fire in the sky before. Such a domineering flame can kill them even if they come across it. Not to mention walking on this flame passage.

"Purple Fire Passage, the first pass to enter the Fire Immortal Palace." Sima Liancheng sneered, and the water curtain in front of him was a little thicker, leading the other four people into the Fire Immortal Palace.

Seeing Sima Liancheng walk into it, Jin Aoxian will naturally not lag behind!Jin Aoxian snorted coldly, and saw a blue light flashing on the mirror in front of him, Tiandu Zihuo was immediately suppressed, and strode into the flame passage.

(End of this chapter)

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