Chapter 537
Originally, this stalemate would continue forever, and the blood poison would continue to erode Li Xiuxian's dantian and absorb his little remaining spiritual power.

The medicinal power of Huanyang Zhenshui and Shengsheng Zhuohua Pearl will continue to penetrate in, maintaining Li Xiuxian's life.

It was like a protracted tug-of-war, no one knew whether the blood poison ate Li Xiuxian first or was suppressed by the true water that returned Yang.

But with the infiltration of this trace of thunder, the situation that was originally deadlocked turned around.

Wan Huazhu poured all the absorbed power of Heavenly Tribulation into Li Xiuxian's body. Under normal circumstances, even a cultivator who was struck by so many lightnings would be seriously injured.

However, these terrifying powers of Heavenly Tribulation were absorbed by the Wanhua Pearl and then poured into Li Xiuxian's body. Instead of causing any harm to Li Xiuxian, they tore a hole in Li Xiuxian's dantian wrapped in blood and poison.

It was the addition of this power that completely broke the original balance. With the help of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, the medicinal effect of Huanyang Zhenshui directly soaked into Li Xiuxian's dantian.

Under the effect of Huanyang Zhenshui and other medicines, the Dantian, which was originally in danger, immediately regained its vitality, and a faint spiritual force began to circulate in the Dantian.

Previously, Li Xiuxian's dantian was imprisoned by blood poison, and he couldn't even perform the most basic operation of spiritual power, but now he broke through the prison of blood poison!

But even so, the blood poison is still stubbornly attached to Li Xiuxian's dantian.

"Pfft!" In Li Xiuxian's dantian, a small bluish-white sword is gradually taking shape. This is a ray of innate sword energy condensed by Li Xiuxian. Under the nourishment of spiritual power, this sword energy has recovered. A trace of strength.

Almost subconsciously, this small bluish-white sword attacked the blood poison!
I saw that the small blue sword cut lightly, and the blood poison attached to Li Xiuxian's dantian was weakened a little. Every time the sword was cut out, Li Xiuxian's dantian could shrink once, and the blood poison attached to Li Xiuxian's dantian was weakened by a bit. point.

Due to the intervention of Wanhuazhu, the power of Heavenly Tribulation has been greatly attenuated. He Zudao's cultivation base is enough to deal with this weakened Heavenly Tribulation by more than half.

He Zudao still couldn't help frowning when he smashed the last thunderbolt. He had full confidence in his own strength, but the power of this catastrophe was much weaker than he imagined.

"Kunlun Sword Master, what is the way? He succeeded in crossing the tribulation." Wan Tian looked at the picture of Shanhe Sheji indifferently.

The Xuantian Spirit Treasure is worthy of being a Xuantian Spirit Treasure, even under such a terrifying catastrophe, there is no slightest damage.

"Bang!" After the last ray of thunder power was transformed into Li Xiuxian's body by Wanhuazhu.

The Taoist robe on Li Xiuxian shattered suddenly, and Wanhuazhu turned into a world of flames at this moment. The lava earth core fire, red lotus karma fire, void flame, and heavenly capital purple fire spread mercilessly in Wanhuazhu.

The elixir collected by Li Xiuxian for hundreds of years was mercilessly swallowed by these flames at this moment. Except for Jianmu and others who could be preserved in this ruthless flame, these elixir that had reached ten thousand years were all Burned to ashes in the flames.

Seeing this scene by other monks, even a cultivator of Huashen would feel heartbroken.

Almost at this instant, the overwhelming flames disappeared, replaced by endless thunder.

The endless thunder and lightning made Wanhuazhu seem to be the end of the world!
But in an instant, the thunder disappeared completely, and sharp sword lights criss-crossed, ruthlessly passing by the Wanhua Pearl.

Flame, thunder, and sword light, these three seem to be trapped in an endless cycle, and the Wanhua Pearl is filled with these three things all the time.

And Li Xiuxian seemed to have lost consciousness, his body was sitting cross-legged in the cold pool, the multicolored light at his dantian appeared and disappeared from time to time, and there was a trace of obscure things in the colorful light, which was precisely this darkness. The power of Li Xiuxian's dantian was out of control, and various forces intertwined and resisted each other.

Blood poison, this extremely stubborn blood poison, was gradually defeated by the joint strangulation of many forces in Li Xiuxian's dantian.

With the opening of that gap, the power of Li Xiuxian's dantian continued to increase. The innate sword energy, spiritual fire, and lightning gradually appeared. With the powerful medicinal effects of Huanyang Zhenshui and Shengshenghuazhu, the blood poison was soon at a disadvantage. .

But the situation did not improve because of this. Although the blood poison was broken up and the erosion on Li Xiuxian's dantian disappeared, the remaining blood poison combined with the power in Li Xiuxian's dantian, reaching a kind of "you There is me in me, and you in me".

Although the forces in Li Xiuxian's dantian are mixed, under Li Xiuxian's coordination, they can be safe and sound, and even complement each other.

After Li Xiuxian stepped into the world of comprehension, he used endless methods, no matter what kind of power he had, he could get the best use of it.

But now this balance has been broken because of the blood poison.

This blood poison seems to be disliked by all forces, whether it is innate sword energy or spiritual fire, it must be eliminated quickly.

But this blood poison has been mixed with all the powers, and the several powers that were originally peaceful began to kill each other, and this is how the current scene came about.

In this situation, no one can help Li Xiuxian at all, only Li Xiuxian himself can suppress this turmoil.

And blood poison as a black sheep must not be left behind, how to get rid of blood poison is the key.

"Those disgusting guys from the Blood Race, how could the Mirror Clan get involved with these people?" Ziyue showed disgust when she thought of those guys from the Blood Race.

Even the black water snake showed a trace of disgust!
"The remnants of the Mirror Clan are showing evil everywhere, and their bodies have been transformed into outrageous." Blackwater Xuan Snake snorted coldly, and he didn't even take Huang down with his own hands, which made him feel a little nervous when he mentioned Huang. An indescribable resentment.

Ziyue frowned and shook her head. What she was most worried about now was Li Xiuxian. If this continued, even if he didn't die under the blood poison, Li Xiuxian would die due to the collision of several forces in his body.

"Roar!" Just when these kinds of forces were entangled with each other, the power of the blood dragon that had been hiding in Li Xiuxian's body seemed unwilling to be lonely. A sharp dragon roar came from Li Xiuxian's mouth, and a layer of blood-colored scales immediately rolled away. Li Xiuxian wrapped it up.

The power of the blood dragon, which had been suppressed by the blood poison before, also emerged at this moment.

The scuffle of power in the dantian already made Li Xiuxian complain endlessly, but now even the power of the blood dragon, which has always been docile, came to join in the fun, and Li Xiuxian didn't even have the intention to complain.

When the blood poison was dispersed, Li Xiuxian had already regained consciousness. If he hadn't tried his best to suppress the several forces in his body, his body would have been shattered into pieces.

But suppressing the three forces was already his limit, and with the addition of a blood dragon's power, Li Xiuxian really couldn't hold on.

"Roar!" Li Xiuxian's arms trembled slightly.

The house leak happened to be raining continuously, and the power of Qinglong obtained by Li Xiuxian by comprehending "The Nine Styles of Qinglong" unexpectedly exploded at this moment.

The power of the blood dragon and the power of the green dragon pierced into Li Xiuxian's dantian like two sharp swords, making the already chaotic battlefield even more chaotic!
Just when these forces were about to collide, when even Li Xiuxian thought that he was bound to die, a purple light in the Wanhua Pearl immediately enveloped Li Xiuxian.

Several kinds of power became extremely docile in the purple light, and even the blood poison was stabilized.

Li Xiuxian's mind moved, and he tried his best to use his spiritual power. Under the joint refining of several forces, he actually refined this trace of blood poison.

It's not dispelling, but refining. Li Xiuxian actually refined the remaining blood poison into a part of his body.

Li Xiuxian's approach is really daring. He has personally experienced the horror of blood poison. Once the refining fails, the blood poison will bite back, that is the inevitable end.

But Li Xiuxian took advantage of the moment when all the power was stabilized by this purple light, and refined the blood poison with lightning speed.

Looking at his own blood that has been fused with blood poison, Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a wry smile.

This time he was really a poisonous person through and through. After merging the blood poison, Li Xiuxian's blood all over his body was highly poisonous, even if it got a little bit of it, it would be extremely terrifying.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly, all the toxins in the blood were gathered into his dantian, and these blood poisons actually condensed into a dark red bead in Li Xiuxian's dantian.

"Pill formation?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help laughing bitterly, the blood poison actually formed a different kind of golden pill in the dantian.

"I don't know if it will turn into a baby." Li Xiuxian thought strangely in his heart.

If this dark red round bead is really something like a golden elixir, then it will be a matter of time to transform into a baby, but it is unheard of in the history of the cultivation world that a person can condense a Nascent Soul twice.

After stabilizing the power in his body, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The situation just now was extremely dangerous. If it weren't for the help of Wanhuazhu, even if he had nine lives, it wouldn't be enough.

Looking at the devastated Wanhuazhu, Li Xiuxian could only give a wry smile helplessly.

Although with the magic of Wanhuazhu, these destroyed elixirs can be restored to their original state within a month, but seeing such a depressed scene, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, Li Xiuxian's body froze, and he looked ahead in disbelief.

"One, two!" Li Xiuxian looked at the building in front of him and counted back and forth several times before making sure that he was not dazzled.

Ten miles away from the alchemy room, a hundred-foot-tall building stood on the black soil.

What surprised Li Xiuxian was that there were actually two bronze statues in front of this tall building. One bronze statue was holding double whips, and the other was holding double swords. behind.

It was obviously just two lifeless bronze statues, but Li Xiuxian felt a breath that made him a little afraid. "Door God? Don't want anyone to enter?" Li Xiuxian murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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