Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 623 Kaido

Chapter 623 Kaido
The four giant lava beasts that caused the barbaric god of war Aguru such a headache were like a child's play in the hands of Tian Lingzi. He defeated the four giant lava beasts with a single gesture, and took the four lava hearts into his pocket.

"Tianlingzi is a good trick this day. He even knows the weakness of the giant lava monster so clearly!" Ziyue, who had seen Tianlingzi's tricks, had to admire this mortal monk.

Giant lava beasts are not uncommon in the spirit world, but few people can defeat them so easily!

And these four giant lava beasts are equivalent to the powerhouses of the combined state, and it is even more difficult to kill them.

But Tian Lingzi skillfully took advantage of the weakness of the giant lava beast and killed it easily, which is not something anyone can do.

Although this giant lava beast has the cultivation base of the state of integration, it does not have a trace of wisdom, and it acts entirely on instinct.

And ice and fire are incompatible. After the body of ice-type monsters such as ice-dry snakes appeared on the fourth floor, these lava monsters rushed up desperately.

And this just gave Tian Lingzi an opportunity to take advantage of!
But in the end Tianlingzi's "Unrestricted Mahamudra" still shocked everyone.

Li Xiuxian, who has practiced "Unrestricted Mahamudra", naturally knows that this "Unrestricted Mahamudra" can restrain everything.

He himself also had a feeling that this "Mahamudra of Unrestricted" is not as tasteless as it is recorded, but unfortunately Li Xiuxian only learned it in the cave, and even Li Xiuxian himself didn't know if it was incomplete.

Today, after seeing Tian Lingzi perform "Unconstrained Mahamudra" to capture four lava hearts one after another, Li Xiuxian finally realized why this spiritual practice is so useless!
It must be Tian Lingzi who erased the subsequent records about the use of the attack. I am afraid that even the monks in the Kunlun Holy Land did not notice this.

The four hearts of lava, which are invaluable in the spirit world, are now all belonged to Tian Lingzi, and the wild god of war and the king of Wusheng don't even get a single hair.

When Tian Lingzi collected the lava heart, the Wild God of War could also feel the pure fire aura emanating from the lava heart. Such a treasure is very beneficial whether it is used for refining weapons, refining or even alchemy. Even the strong in the fit state are greedy.

It's a pity that the Wild God of War had already boasted before, and all these gains have nothing to do with him, and he can't repent now, and snatched it from Tian Lingzi, so he can only snort and enter the fifth floor.

Tian Lingzi smiled lightly, four lava hearts are enough for him to gain a firm foothold in the spirit world!

Others are still worried about ascension to the spirit world, but Tian Lingzi is already making plans for himself after entering the spirit world.

In Tian Lingzi's heart, although this trip to the secret realm of ascension to immortality is full of dangers, he has enough confidence to complete the task assigned by the boss of the spirit world. Not only that, he can also find a future for himself!

After everyone had entered the fifth floor, Li Xiuxian emerged from the molten lava.

This lava has the function of isolating the consciousness so that Tianlingzi and the others won't find out!
Looking at the corpses of the four lava giants whose lava hearts were taken away, there is still quite a strong flame breath left on their bodies!
With a flick of Li Xiuxian's cuff, he sucked all these stones into the Wanhua Pearl. , "Crack!" The fire-eating insects, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, swarmed up and bit these flaming stones.

The sharp teeth immediately devoured the bodies of the four giant lava beasts.

These fire-eating insects were already extremely excited when they smelled the lava monster before. If Li Xiuxian hadn't turned off the Wanhua Pearl, these hundreds of fire-eating insects might have rushed out directly.

The corpses of these lava giant beasts are a great supplement to the fire-eating insects. The only regret is that the most essence of the lava heart was taken away by Tian Lingzi, otherwise it is very likely that these fire-eating insects will die again. evolution.

Li Xiuxian is not planning to enter the fifth floor right away. With his current cultivation, it can be said that he is the weakest one among those who have entered the Ascending Immortal Secret Realm, and this fourth floor is also an extremely rare treasure land suitable for his cultivation. More importantly, No one came back to bother.

Whether it is Tianlingzi or Wushengwang, their goal is to move forward, and unless they find what they want, they will never return.

So Li Xiuxian is going to seize this opportunity and strive to advance to the middle stage of transformation of gods, so that the chances of saving his life will be greatly increased.

This practice lasts for five years. Although it is normal for a cultivator of Huashen to practice for 80 or [-] years at a time, for Li Xiuxian, these five years are a bit beyond his expectations.

I thought that with the help of inanimate power, I could advance to the middle stage of transformation in about a year, but it took a full five years.

However, Li Xiuxian knew that the five years he had spent were worthwhile. This "Red Spirit Holy Fire Art" is indeed the top skill in the devil world. It is only in the middle stage of advanced transformation, and the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body has fully doubled .

What's more, after advancing to the mid-stage of Huashen, the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art can already reach Nine-Turn, and with full power, it is comparable to the peak monk of Huashen!

Although he is not yet the opponent of the monks in the body state, he has more means to save his life. At least he will not be helpless in the face of the coercion of the monks in the body state as in the early stage of the transformation of the gods.

When Li Xiuxian stepped into the hole leading to the fifth floor, a strong sense of crisis immediately surrounded him!

"Bang!" An extremely sharp sword glow hit his chest!
Li Xiuxian's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

"It really is you!" He Zudao looked at Li Xiuxian who walked into the fifth floor and snorted coldly.

"What a golden sword fairy!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly as he wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Compared with the first time they met, He Zudao has undergone earth-shaking changes both in breath and in strength.

When that ray of sword light hit Li Xiuxian just now, Li Xiuxian had no way to dodge it!

He Zudao's sword is just a quick word!
It's too fast to resist!

A deep bone wound on Li Xiuxian's chest is slowly healing!

Relying on his physique several times stronger than ordinary monks and the defense of dragon scales, Li Xiuxian barely received the sword light.

"I wonder if you can take my second sword!" He Zudao smiled coldly.

What Kuaijian pays attention to is one-hit kill, either you kill me, or I kill you, there is no trick at all.

"Do you want to fight the way of the sword?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

Although he cultivated innate sword qi, he couldn't compete with geniuses like Jianchen Yuwenxiao in the way of the sword.

And He Zudao's kendo is a slanted sword, a sword that kills with one blow, and if there is a slight mistake, he will fall.

Li Xiuxian didn't have confidence, he didn't have the confidence to be able to follow up with this one-kill sword.

But He Zudao didn't give Li Xiuxian time to think about it, he had already firmly locked on Li Xiuxian.

If Li Xiuxian turned around and ran away at this time, he would definitely not be able to escape that sure-kill sword!
"Fight it!" Li Xiuxian frowned, holding the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword tightly in his hand.

Today's Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is already different from the past. Li Xiuxian has condensed one hundred and eight handles of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword. Li Xiuxian has completely mastered the technique of condensing the sword. Twice as much as the Disha Sword Formation.

At this time, all the power of the one hundred and eight swords was concentrated in this one, and golden arcs continued to emerge, and Li Xiuxian's body was surrounded by these golden arcs, matching the unique flames on his body Formed a golden thunder flame!

But Li Xiuxian still felt that it was not enough, a purple blue sword energy rushed out from the dantian and attached to the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

This purple-blue sword energy is exactly the innate sword energy recondensed after Li Xiuxian's rebirth!
This is the innate qi that has been condensed from the mother's womb. Not long after Li Xiuxian was born, this innate sword qi was already refined, and it was condensed by the innate qi in Li Xiuxian's body for three years, and its power was even stronger than before.

Now that Li Xiuxian has also used this innate energy, it can be said that he has tried his best!

A white light flashed in front of Li Xiuxian's eyes, and He Zudao's sword had pierced into his body!
quick!An unstoppable sword!
"Death!" The long sword in He Zudao's hand burst into a terrifying temperature!

Xuantian Spirit Treasure, Explosive Flame Breaking Heaven Sword!

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian's chest was instantly burnt to ashes by the terrifying temperature of the Blasting Flame Breaking Sword, half of his body below his shoulders and above his waist was reduced to ashes!

"This is the Explosive Flame Breaking Heaven Sword!" Ziyue was shocked!
"Hey, long time no see!" A flaming lion appeared in front of Ziyue!

"Kaido!" Ziyue's face froze, and the hands supporting Li Xiuxian began to tremble!
Although a little half of his body was burned away by the Explosive Flame Poking Sword, Li Xiuxian was still able to maintain his vitality under the vigorous maintenance of blood and spiritual power.

But if he was attacked again at this time, no matter how miraculous the blood spirit power was, he would definitely not be able to sustain it, and then Li Xiuxian would be dead!
The Flaming Lion looked at the concerned look on Ziyue's face, and when he looked at Li Xiuxian, there was a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, Miss Ziyue would succumb to an unknown person in the mortal world now!" Kaido sneered.

"Are you qualified to say that about me?" Ziyue snorted coldly.

"Why so much nonsense, give him the last blow!" He Zudao snorted coldly.

Although he was the first to stab Li Xiuxian, the thunder flames accumulated on Li Xiuxian's body are not easy!

Fortunately, He Zudao was not careless, he used the Explosive Flame Breaking Sword to cast this sure-kill sword, and the flame-attributed Explosive Yan Breaking Sword weakened most of Lei Yan's power.

But even so, his body was also paralyzed by lightning, and now he can't even move a finger!

"Smelly snake, come out and deal with him together!" Ziyue snorted.

"The Explosive Flame Breaking Sword, which ranks more than 9000, is not difficult to deal with. Why do we have to fight together?" Black Water Xuan Snake looked at Kaido lazily.

"You two are only ranked around [-], how dare you speak so brazenly!" Kaido snorted angrily, slapped his front paw, and a fiery red sharp claw slammed down. "Pfft!" A purple lightning bolt collided with this fiery red sharp claw, thunder and fire raged in an instant, and the black water snake took the opportunity to pull Li Xiuxian away!

(End of this chapter)

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