Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 625 Weak Water Sea Spirit

Chapter 625 Weak Water Sea Spirit
The sixth floor turned out to be an ocean formed by weak water, which surprised even Tian Lingzi.

This is not mentioned in the information that Tian Lingzi knows!
Although the sixth floor is the world of water, the amount of weak water is only as big as a small pond, so it can't pose any threat at all.

But the vicissitudes of life, so many years have passed, the small weak water pool at the beginning has turned into an ocean, and the entire sixth floor is filled with the poison of weak water!
Less than half an hour after Jinlingxian and Jindixian, who were less powerful, entered the sixth floor, their whole bodies were already corroded by the toxin of weak water.

Although Jin Xuanxian and the others can still hold on, they definitely won't last long!
Although there are no floods and beasts on the sixth floor of the Ascending Immortal Secret Realm, the weak water that erodes people's bodies all the time is even more terrifying.

The poison of Ruo Shui is so poisonous that even a strong man like the Wild God of War would not dare to mess with it at will!
Among the monks who entered the sixth floor, the most relaxed ones were not the Tianlingzi and the like in the state of fusion, but Zhan!
With a calamity body, it can be said that she is not afraid of the poison of the weak water, and only Zhan dares to walk directly on the weak water.

Not only did the poison of Weak Water not harm Zhan at all, but it became the source of Zhan's cultivation.

The little fellow Five Poisonous Beasts was also happily rolling in the weak water!
The white, fat, five-poison beasts fed by the toxins in Zhan's body are completely able to resist the strong poison of the weak water, and only these two monsters can ignore the toxicity of the weak water and walk freely in the sea of ​​weak water!

Li Xiuxian doesn't have the calamity body of Zhan, and there is no five poisonous beasts to eliminate the poison of weak water for him. The only thing he can do is to hold the five poison beads in his mouth, sit on Xuanwu's back, and use his kung fu to resist this ubiquitous monster The poison of weak water.

Xuanwu itself can spray weak water, and can move freely even in this sea of ​​weak water.

Although Li Xiuxian, who was sitting on Xuanwu's back, had to use his kung fu to resist the toxins of the weak water, compared to monks like Jin Xuanxian, who relied on their own spiritual power to hold on, he was already relatively relaxed in the sea of ​​weak water.

Just when the monks who entered the sixth floor thought that the sixth floor of Ascending Immortal Secret Realm was just that dangerous, there were already countless pairs of eyes staring at them at the bottom of the weak water.

Scarlet eyes, almost transparent body, looks like a fish, but the size of a calf!
But the most shocking thing is the number of these strange fish, densely packed and endless.

The entire bottom of the weak water is occupied by these strange fish!

These strange fish seemed to smell the smell of people, and they all began to float up, and the speed of rising was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, a strange fish jumped out of the water and bit the right arm of the wild God of War.

The Wild God of War frowned, clenched his right arm into a fist, and the powerful vigor immediately turned the monster into powder!
But the row of white tooth marks on the right arm surprised the Wild God of War a little!

The current defense of the Wild God of War is as solid as a rock. Even the Xuantian Lingbao such as the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword can only do so well under full operation.

But the strange fish that came out of the weak water would have a row of teeth marks after a casual bite. The teeth of these strange fish must be too sharp.

The Wild God of War was lucky, the first strange fish didn't kill him, so he was prepared!
But Jin Xuanxian and the others were not so lucky. When a group of strange fish rushed out of the water, they had no time to react. Jin Tianxian was bitten in the neck by the strange fish, and his whole body rotted instantly, even his soul was corroded , didn't even hold on for a breath, Jin Tianxian, a strong man who turned into a god, melted into the weak water!
Although Jin Xuanxian was also bitten, but because of instinctive dodge, he was only bitten by the left arm by the strange fish!

But seeing Jin Tianxian's tragic death in the mouth of this strange fish, Jin Xuanxian didn't dare to think too much, and cut off his left arm without hesitation, and it was exactly like this that Jin Xuanxian managed to save his life!
However, the attack of these strange fish is just the beginning, no matter how many strange fish these cultivators kill, the number of these strange fish has not decreased at all, on the contrary they are gathering more and more!

Cultivators who entered the sixth floor not only had to face the suction of the weak water and the terrifying toxicity, but also had to beware of the attack of this strange fish.

The teeth of this strange fish are extremely sharp, and it even has the ability to break the spiritual shield of a practitioner!

No matter how many layers of spiritual power shields Jin Xuanxian and the others placed outside their bodies, these strange fish could bite them off in one bite, wasting a lot of spiritual power in vain.

Zhan and the others also encountered this kind of strange fish attack, but Zhan doesn't need to deliberately defend, just release a little bit of the toxin hidden in her body, and anything that gets closer to her body will turn into a puddle of blood!
There are no other creatures on this floor except for these strange fish, and the distance between the practitioners who entered the sixth floor together is very far, so Zhan doesn't have to worry about the toxins in his body harming the rest of the world. Cultivator!
Although these strange fish live in weak water, and their bodies also contain the toxicity of weak water, they are still nothing compared to poisonous people like Zhan!
But Li Xiuxian didn't have such troubles. Instead of being attacked by a strange fish, he was looking for these strange fish all over the world!

Xuanwu under him seemed to be attracted by this strange fish after eating a strange fish, and started hunting around!
Xuanwu's way of hunting monster fish couldn't be simpler. With one bite of the tail, one throw, and then one swallow, a monster fish was dealt with by him.

But Li Xiuxian didn't know where these strange fish came from, and he had never heard of fish in weak water before!

Even Ziyue didn't know what these fish were!
Millions of years are enough to cause some changes in this weak water, and these strange fish may be a brand new creature produced in this weak water!

These strange fish do not have any power in their bodies, not even monsters, but they are invincible in this weak water. Even the strong in the fit state should keep a respectful distance from these seemingly "weak" fish !
After Xuanwu devoured a large number of strange fishes, he was on the verge of breaking through, and passed the tribulation directly in this secret realm of Ascension to Immortals!

Xuanwu also became the first among several divine beasts to break through and become a fourth-level monster. After the breakthrough, Xuanwu was even more powerful in this weak water. The giant of water.

None of these divine beasts are fuel-efficient lamps. Although this Xuanwu is only level four, with its strong talent, even the Wild God of War may not dare to fight Xuanwu in this weak water!

In the deepest part of this weak-water ocean, where the strange fish are most densely populated, a water-blue giant suddenly opened his eyes!
"After waiting for so many years, some outside creatures finally came!" A deep voice came from the body of the water-blue giant!
When the blue giant opened its eyes, all the strange fish scattered!

Although there are no words, these strange fish are all expressing the same meaning - fear!
In the face of a strong man in the combined state like Tian Lingzi, these strange fish didn't even feel the slightest fear, but now they behaved so unbearably in front of this water-blue giant!
"The creatures from the outside world will swallow you today!" The water-blue giant stepped forward!
In an instant, there was a slight tremor in the silent sea of ​​weak water!
Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​weak water unexpectedly set off huge waves, and the huge waves as high as a thousand feet overwhelmingly crushed the sky!
The silence on the sixth floor was instantly broken!
Li Xiuxian didn't even have the time to think, he pulled Xuanwu and hid directly in the Wanhua Pearl!

Weak water is highly poisonous, but it is extremely calm. Even in violent explosions and violent winds, there is no way to stir up a wave of wind and waves on weak water!
But now this weak water is like ordinary sea water, forming huge waves, which are enough to beat any monk to death alive!
"It's too scary, it's really scary, this weak water will be like this!" Ziyue was afraid when she thought of the huge wave just now.

Countless strange fishes came one after another behind this huge wave. Wan Tian, ​​a ghost master, couldn't even resist at the very least, so he was bitten by countless strange fishes, and his whole body fell into weak water. Among them, there are no bones left!

"Hero dominates the world!" Facing this terrifying wave of weak water, Jin Xuanxian used the three domineering swords without hesitation, and the huge sword light instantly cut the wave of weak water into two pieces. Flow around!

Huang is the unique supernatural power of the family of Shizhanjing. He uses the mirror as a medium to hide himself in the mirror world. No matter how big the outside storm is, it can't cause him any harm!

The rest of the people also showed their magical powers. Although they were extremely embarrassed to resist, they survived the huge waves!
"Weak Water Sea Spirit!" Tian Lingzi frowned as he looked at the water-blue giant in front of him.

"External creatures, offer your body!" The blue giant's low voice sounded again!
Tian Lingzi sneered: "It's just a pile of weak water, you think you are invincible?"

"I am the master of this world, and your lives are in my hands!" the water-blue giant snorted.

The endless weak water seems to soar into the sky and form countless water bombs. As long as the blue giant has a thought, all these weak water will fall on Tian Lingzi's body!

Facing the water-blue giant, Tian Lingzi's face could not help but become serious.

This water-blue giant is entirely made up of weak water, and it would undoubtedly be a disadvantage to fight him in this sea of ​​weak water.

But this layer is full of weak water, unless they can leave this layer, otherwise there is no way to avoid this water-blue giant!
"Since the battlefield is not good for me, then I will create a battlefield!" Tian Lingzi sneered.

Tian Lingzi played a series of mysterious formulas in his hands, and immediately, the surrounding temperature soared!

In this weak sea of ​​water, flames were born!

Ordinary monks naturally couldn't do it, but Tian Lingzi could do it by relying on the "Wanxiang Jue"!

The flames on the sea of ​​weak water are burning more and more vigorously, and it looks like a barrier from a distance! "External creatures, you dare to defy me here, die!" The weak water in the sky suddenly fell.

(End of this chapter)

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